Gulliver Outlet Toyokawa Inter - Toyokawa

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Gulliver Outlet Toyokawa Inter

住所 :

5 Chome-26 Higashiyutakamachi, Toyokawa, Aichi 442-0025, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88998897
Postal code : 442-0025
Webサイト :

5 Chome-26 Higashiyutakamachi, Toyokawa, Aichi 442-0025, Japan
N.めぐみ on Google

I asked you to buy a used car. Although it was a sudden visit, I was able to make a purchase decision with peace of mind after responding politely and explaining. Thank you very much. I am looking forward to delivery.
nao Yama on Google

車の買いかえのため 買取のみ利用させてもらいました。 親切に対応していただき、 先月から新しい買取方法を初めたそうで その場でのオークション状況を見ながら 商談でき 予定していた金額より 大きく買い取ってもらう事ができました ありがとうございました。
To buy a new car I used it only for purchase. Thank you for your kindness It seems that he started a new purchase method from last month. While watching the auction situation on the spot Can negotiate From the planned amount I was able to get a big purchase Thank you very much.
T. Nozawa on Google

予約なしで下取査定のみに行きましたが、対応はとても感じよく迎えてもらえました。 査定についても、通常査定のあとガリバーグルーブ内の買い取り新システムを紹介いただき、さらに高額での査定となり、大満足の結果となりました。
I went only to the trade-in assessment without making a reservation, but the response was very pleasant. Regarding the assessment, after the regular assessment, we were introduced to the new purchase system in Gulliver Groove, and the assessment was even more expensive, which was a very satisfying result.
Iekazoo Kitamu on Google

急遽、車が必要になり安く車を購入するために来店しました。 前のお店から場所が移転していて、昔のガリバーアウトレットに移転していました。 店の雰囲気は明るくて清潔なイメージ、店員さんも気さくで話しやすく、こちらの要望を熱心に聞いてくださり、とても安い提案をしていただき、購入を決めました。 次に売却や購入の際もお世話になりたいと思います♪ ありがとうございました。
I hurriedly needed a car and came to the store to buy a cheap car. The location was relocated from the previous store and was relocated to the old Gulliver Outlet. The atmosphere of the store is bright and clean, the clerk is friendly and easy to talk to, he listened enthusiastically to this request, made a very cheap proposal, and decided to purchase. Next, I would like to take care of you when selling or purchasing ♪ Thank you very much.
加藤佳央 on Google

大変頑張って査定していただき満足いく事が出来て良かった。 購入の方も頑張ってくださるとの事なので楽しみです。 ところが… 売却まではそれなりでしたが、販売の方がウソまみれで騙される所でした。良く書類を確認して詰めて話しをしないと、お店の良いようにやられてしまいます。気をつけてください。
I am glad that I was able to be satisfied with my hard work and assessment. I'm looking forward to the purchase as they will do their best. However… It was as it was until the sale, but the sale was covered with lies and was deceived. If you don't check the documents carefully, pack them up, and talk, you'll be treated like a good shop. Please be careful.
みどり鈴木 on Google

令和4年3月16日、初めての来店でしたが担当していただいた永尾さんとても説明も丁寧で親切でした。当初は、その他の買取店も回るつもりでいたんですが、詳しく話を聞くうちにここならと思い手放すことにしました。 初めての来店でしたけど、高評価です。
It was my first visit to the store on March 16, 4th year of Reiwa, but Mr. Nagao, who was in charge of it, was very polite and kind. At first, I was planning to go to other shops, but after listening to the details, I decided to give up. It was my first visit to the store, but it is highly evaluated.
M K on Google

I had to dispose of the car in a hurry, and I was planning to take a closer look using the three consecutive holidays. I brought it to the Gulliver Toyokawa store first, but the person in charge was very responsive and the price was reasonable, so I decided not to do it immediately. I'm satisfied.
はる on Google

今回ガリバーオークションという査定方法で車を売却しました。 他にも2店回ったのですが、もうすぐ10年10万キロという事もあり最低額しか提示いただけませんでした。 最近導入されたというガリバーオークションのシステムを聴き、30分間出品しました。 全国各地のガリバーの仕入れ担当の方が入札するとの事でリアルタイムで額が見れるので納得ができる売却でした。 その提示額で納得がいかなければ取り止めも出来るとの事なので別の車もお願いしようか検討します。
This time, I sold the car by an assessment method called Gulliver Auction. I went to two other stores, but I was only able to offer the minimum amount because it was 100,000 km for 10 years. I listened to the recently introduced Gulliver auction system and put it up for 30 minutes. It was a convincing sale because the person in charge of purchasing Gulliver from all over the country bids and the amount can be seen in real time. If you are not satisfied with the amount offered, you can cancel it, so I will consider whether to ask for another car.

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