Gulliver Outlet Iwaki Onahama - Iwaki

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Gulliver Outlet Iwaki Onahama

住所 :

Funahikiba-43-8 Onahama, Iwaki, Fukushima 971-8101, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88777
Postal code : 971-8101
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM

Funahikiba-43-8 Onahama, Iwaki, Fukushima 971-8101, Japan
ああ on Google

ガリバーさんは良いところです! スタッフの皆さん対応が良かったです! 周りにも買取や購入はこちらの店舗に紹介したいと思いました!
Gulliver is a good place! The correspondence of all the staff was good! I wanted to introduce the purchases and purchases to this store as well!
オーラ力 on Google

To be honest, I will not buy anything that is not in the store. It costs a lot to order. Even though there is a car inspection, it is expensive and I will go to buy it. If you find it on the internet and find it in a nearby store or prefecture, you can go buy it yourself. I think that it will proceed with good things, so I made this evaluation in response.
安彦祐太郎 on Google

I am grateful to Mr. Ishikawa for finding a car that suits my wishes and for being in charge of customer service in an easy-to-understand and polite manner.
E O on Google

むむ on Google

We had you respond in the shortest delivery time than used cars of other stores. The correspondence was also polite and very good.
Yukie Yoshida on Google

車の買い替えで伺いました。 丁寧な対応をしていただき感謝です。 お陰様で気に入った1台が見つかりました。 納車が待ち遠しいです!
I asked you to buy a new car. Thank you for your polite response. Thanks to you, I found one that I liked. I can't wait for the car to be delivered!
K O on Google

The explanation of the car was easy to understand, and the customer service was good, so I bought it ^ _ ^ I have high expectations for after-sales service ^ _ ^
遠藤政洋 on Google

埼玉在住なのですが、実家で乗る車を探しに正月2日から行ってみました。初売りをしてるとの事でいい車でお手頃価格がになるかなと。 現在乗ってる車もこちらで買いまして、メンテナンスとか車検も親切なので、また伺いました。立地も分かりやすいし、結構いろんな車が台数多く置いてありますしね。 実は年末に店舗Webで在庫を確認して候補車を2台ほどピックアップしていました。2日に行ったのですが、1日に1台は売れてしまったとの事。えー、元日から来る人いる人いたんだなーと感心しました。売れちゃったのはちょっと残念でしたけど。もう一台はあったので見せてもらいました。おもったより程度よかった。 その他おススメを聞いたら、数台紹介してくれて状態などもしっかり教えてくれました。若い担当さんでしたけどご自分で車を移動したり、状態チェックしているとの事で把握しているようです。 で、どれがいいのよ、と聞くと、私が考えていた車がおススメだったので、納得して購入しました。 変にあれこれ勧めたり、高い車を勧めたりなどなく、私の用途に合わせて紹介してくれたことに感謝します。初売りでお得だったしね!
I live in Saitama, but I went there from New Year 2 to find a car to ride at my parents' house. I wonder if it will be affordable with a good car because it is on sale for the first time. I bought the car I'm currently riding here, and the maintenance and vehicle inspections are kind, so I visited again. The location is easy to understand, and there are quite a lot of different cars. Actually, at the end of the year, I checked the inventory on the store Web and picked up about two candidate cars. I went there on the 2nd, but one of them sold a day. Well, I was impressed that some people came from New Year's Day. It was a little disappointing that it sold. There was another one, so I asked him to show it. It was better than I expected. When I heard other recommendations, he introduced me to several cars and told me the condition. Although he was a young person in charge, he seems to know that he is moving the car and checking the condition by himself. When I asked which one was better, I recommended the car I was thinking of, so I was convinced that I bought it. I am grateful that he introduced me to my purpose without recommending anything strange or expensive cars. It was a great deal at the first sale!

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