GU Kamishin Plaza - Osaka

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

About GU Kamishin Plaza


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    0120 856 452


    • 品質向上のために通話を録音しております。
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    • お客様からのご意見をもとに、GUの商品・サービスの改善を行ってまいります。
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    Contact GU Kamishin Plaza

    住所 :

    かみしんプラザ 1f 1 Chome-6-12 Osumi, Higashiyodogawa Ward, Osaka, 533-0015, Japan

    電話 : 📞 +89977
    Postal code : 533-0015
    Webサイト :

    かみしんプラザ 1f 1 Chome-6-12 Osumi, Higashiyodogawa Ward, Osaka, 533-0015, Japan
    エースバーン on Google

    The display inside the store is beautiful and easy to see ?
    どんどちあき on Google

    There are lots of cheap and cute clothes, and many ladies' items such as pajamas, socks, innerwear, and boots. Of course, there are many men's clothing. There is a store on the left back on the 1st floor of Kamishin Plaza. It's good because you can put it in a wheelchair, it's convenient for shopping, and there is a fitting room.
    林檎39 on Google

    入店前に検温とアルコール消毒必須 鬼滅の刃のコラボ商品一人2点しか買えず、しかも商品は、オンラインばりにすぐ無くなる。発売日に行っても朝イチで行かなきゃダメなんだと痛感。
    Temperature measurement and alcohol disinfection are required before entering the store You can only buy two collaboration products of Kimetsu no Yaiba, and the products will soon disappear online. Even if I went to the release date, I realized that I had to go in the morning.
    Y once on Google

    I was scared to see a suspicious male clerk insanely cancer ^ ^;
    カカノヒトミ on Google

    Do you feel that the product lineup is small in a small store? But it may be easy to buy. If anything, I think it is an area with many children, so I hope there are kids.
    ジェシカφジェシカφ on Google

    It is a small store as a GU, but it is appreciated. Do popular products sell immediately? Are the things you talk about, such as buyers who can not meet easily or store managers? I want you to receive a little more (popular) products! The real thing
    やや弥生 on Google

    店員は作業最優先で、客に気を使わせてでも商品の整理。指導をする上のスタッフすら客の前でも偉そうに指導し、客など見えていない。 低価格化と機械化が進み、サービスなどもう求めてもいないけど、せめて不快な気持ちにならずにゆっくり買い物させて欲しい。
    The clerk gives top priority to work, and organizes products even if the customer is careful. Even the staff members who give guidance give great guidance even in front of customers, and no customers are visible. Prices are getting lower and mechanization is progressing, and I'm no longer asking for services, but at least I want you to shop slowly without feeling uncomfortable.
    らいちゃんママ on Google

    I thought that the number of items and the size were too small. I think it's a shop with a good number of revolutions. I had the impression that it was difficult to find because there was no clerk nearby.

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