GU - Azumino

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact GU

住所 :

1770 Hotaka, Azumino, Nagano 399-8303, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 399-8303
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 11AM–7PM
Tuesday 11AM–7PM
Wednesday 11AM–7PM
Thursday 11AM–7PM
Friday 11AM–7PM

1770 Hotaka, Azumino, Nagano 399-8303, Japan
OK. Rock on Google

小さい店舗です。品揃えは良くはありませんが、強いこだわりを持っていなければ着られる服は十分見つかると思います。 試着スペースはあります。
It's a small store. The assortment is not good, but if you don't have a strong commitment, you will find enough clothes to wear. There is a fitting space.
ななしななし on Google

ネットでサイズの在庫確認ができる時代なんですね!びっくり‪w お値段的にしょうがないですが、ニット類はネットに入れて洗ってもすぐ毛玉ができてしまうので残念。
It is an era where you can check the size of stock on the net! Surprised Although it is inexpensive, knits are a shame because even if you put them in the net and wash them, pills are formed immediately.
さつき on Google

従業員同士での私用の話が多い。 従業員の横を通らないと挨拶してもらえない。
There are many private stories between employees. You can't say hello unless you pass by the employee.
はだかの大将 on Google

「若い人向き」なんて言葉は使いたくないですが、やっぱり若い人向きですよね。定番、流行るもの、流行りそうなものは殆ど揃いますよね。しかも安価で。その分生地や縫製はそれなりですが。 定番品には若い人でなくてもよさそうなものも沢山あるのですが、残念ながらぽっちゃりのおじさんに着られるサイズはありませんでした。
I don't want to use the word “for young people”, but it is for young people as well. The standard, the trendy ones, and the ones that seem to be popular are almost ready. And cheap. That's how much the fabric and sewing are. There are a lot of things that seem to be good even if you are not a young person in the standard goods, but unfortunately there was no size that could be worn by a chubby uncle.
memew sasano on Google

混雑する道路沿いにあるので、渋滞にハマる可能性が高い。 店内は広めで一通りのアイテムが売っています。 商品は値段相応な事が多く、洗濯をして生地がすぐボロボロになったり、肌に繊維がくっついたりと、あまりオススメできません。 どうしても欲しいデザインの物でない限り、もう少し金額を足してユニクロで買った方がいいかも。
Since it is located along a busy road, there is a high possibility that you will be addicted to traffic jams. The store is wide and sells a wide range of items. Many of the products are price-appropriate, and we do not recommend them because the fabric will soon become worn out after washing and the fibers will stick to the skin. Unless it's a design you really want, you might want to add a little more and buy it at UNIQLO.
NergalMartian on Google

It was less crowded than I expected, and it was convenient because there were plenty of payment methods such as electronic money and credit cards.
Cardenas Renzo on Google

いらない服???捨てないでください。 リサイクル♻️しましょう!! 使いたい子どもたちいっぱいあります。 めんどいなら俺に連絡ください❗️
Don't throw away clothes you don't need. Let's recycle! ! There are many children who want to use. Please contact me if you are troubled.
amazing on Google

It was cheap and nice clothes, so it's very good!

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