Green City - Toyota

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Green City

住所 :

1 Chome-5-1 Higashiyamacho, Toyota, Aichi 471-0014, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 471-0014
Webサイト :

1 Chome-5-1 Higashiyamacho, Toyota, Aichi 471-0014, Japan
ぽろりんひろし on Google

1階は、火曜市の日と感謝デー以外は、ガランとしています。 2階は、30分間のタイムセールが昼間時々催されているようです。 感謝デー以外は閑古鳥が鳴いています。 家賃が高いので空き店舗がどんどん増えてます。 豊田は、余り収入の多い人が少なくケチなので賑わっているのは、百均くらいのものです。 イオンは、衣類のセンスと品揃えがじじばば向けでクソ悪すぎます。 パーソンズとかフィラなら未だしも大昔に流行った高い高いクロコダイル?とか今どき着る人居ないと思います。
The ground floor is empty except Tuesday Market Day and Thanksgiving Day. On the second floor, a 30-minute time sale seems to be held from time to time during the day. Cuckoos are singing except on Thanksgiving Day. Since the rent is high, the number of vacant stores is increasing steadily. Toyota has few people with a lot of income and is stingy, so it is only about 100-yen. Aeon is too bad for the taste and assortment of clothing. For Parsons and Fira, I don't think there are any people who wear the expensive crocodile ? that was popular long ago.
哲学者 on Google

ジャスコ時代からある典型的な田舎のイオン。地元民は未だに「高ジャス」などと呼ぶ! お洒落なモールとは縁遠く天井も低く規模も狭い。ただそこがいいのです!イオンなので生活必需品はほぼ揃うしセリアもパン屋も安価なお肉屋も薬屋もゲーセンも有。食料品売り場は歩き回るにはちょうどいい面積。ちゃらちゃらした店がなく見るものが多過ぎて無駄に広く歩き疲れることがない。地元の方に支えられ頼られているに地域密着した渋いイオンです!
A typical countryside ion from the Jusco era. Locals still call it "high jas"! The ceiling is low and the scale is small, far from the fashionable mall. Just that is good! Since it is Aeon, it has almost all the necessities of life, and there are ceria, bakery, cheap butcher, drug store, and arcade. The grocery store is just the right area to walk around. There are no messy shops and there are too many things to see, so you don't get tired of walking unnecessarily. It is a bitter AEON that is closely related to the community and is supported and depended on by the locals!
クロモノ on Google

[Caution] The high-priced gacha here says that the key will come out, but the key is not included. (It is written as a very small key or one of the products. Very small) Never turn it.
山田太郎 on Google

よくある趣のあるショッピングモール 立体駐車場に囲まれ入り口が分かりにくい セリア、マック、イオンと最低限のお店は有るので近所に住んでる人には便利と思われる
Common quaint shopping mall Surrounded by a multi-storey car park, the entrance is difficult to understand Celia, Mac, Aeon and the minimum shops are available, so it seems convenient for people living in the neighborhood.
中西達哉 on Google

Shop for groceries here. There is also a bank ATM, and most of the work is done here. Shop at AEON GARD. We are aiming for a 5% discount on the 20th and 30th.
猫のダヤン on Google

コロナの影響なのか3階からメダルゲームが全部消えたのが寂しいところ… とは言え買う・食べる・遊ぶ・学ぶが1つの場所で済ませられるのは小さい子供がいる身としては有り難いです 2階の100円ショップはなかなかの規模で品揃え豊富 1階のフードコートで買えるみたらし団子が子供のお気に入りです(笑)
Perhaps because of the influence of Corona, it is lonely that all the medal games have disappeared from the 3rd floor ... However, buying, eating, playing, and learning can be done in one place, which is great for a small child. The 100-yen shop on the 2nd floor is quite large and has a wide selection of items. Mitarashi dumplings that you can buy at the food court on the first floor are children's favorites (laughs)
こげお on Google

一台分の駐車スペースが広めなので、運転に自信の無い方にオススメです。 最近のイオンって、なかなか良くなった気がしますね。相変わらず、牛肉や魚は買いませんが?
The parking space for one car is large, so it is recommended for those who are not confident in driving. I feel that the recent Aeon has improved considerably. As usual, I don't buy beef or fish, but ?
wataru uribou on Google

品揃えが豊富で、とても買い物がしやすいお店です。海鮮や野菜、果物が買いやすい値段でした。 高橋地区にあり、バイパス沿いのお店よりも、価格は安いと思います。 今まで遠くに見えてなかなか行く機会がなかったのですが、近くまで散歩に来たのでお店の中を見て回りました。 たまたまかもしれませんが、ワタリガニが安かったのと?がお値打ち価格で出ていました。 買い物客はお年寄りが多く、小分けにしたパックの商品が多いと思います。 車で来るときは、入口がわかりずらいかもしれません。
It is a very easy-to-shop shop with a wide selection of items. The prices were easy to buy seafood, vegetables and fruits. It's in the Takahashi area, and I think it's cheaper than the shops along the bypass. Until now, I couldn't see it in the distance and hadn't had a chance to go there, but since I came for a walk nearby, I took a look around the shop. It may happen that the blue crab was cheap and ? was available at a reasonable price. Many shoppers are elderly, and I think that there are many products in small packs. When you come by car, it may be difficult to find the entrance.

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