Shigo Smart Town - Toyota

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shigo Smart Town

住所 :

Toyota, 〒470-0373 Aichi,Japan

Postal code : 470-0373
Webサイト :
街 : Aichi

Toyota, 〒470-0373 Aichi,Japan
たろぅ柳 on Google

食料品スーパー、ホームセンター、ドラッグストア、100均がまとまってあるので便利。 利便性は良いが、休日は駐車場が足りてない感じがあり、少し残念。
It is convenient because it has a grocery store, a home improvement store, a drug store, and 100 averages. It's convenient, but it's a little disappointing because there isn't enough parking on holidays.
美春榊原 on Google

エントランスが広くて好きです! 裏の駐車場側、Seria入り口にもカート置き場を作って欲しい!子連れだと狭い駐車場怖いから遠くに停めます。 おもつ替えも出来るのでSeria側からよく入るのですが、カートを取りに行くまでか大変。。 店内や商品などはとてもいいのでよく利用しますが、あとちょっと。。と、いつも思ってしまいます。
I like the wide entrance! I want you to make a cart storage place at the back parking lot side, Seria entrance! If you are traveling with children, the parking lot is small and scary, so you can park far away. I often enter from the Seria side because I can change my clothes, but it is difficult to get the cart. .. The inside of the store and the products are very nice, so I often use them, but a little more. .. I always think.
Historian Prometheus on Google

カインズやマックスバリュなど入っている建物ながら、少し残念だなぁと思うことが。 トイレの場所が非常に悪く、夜9時の閉店時間以降使えるのがマックスバリュ側の障害者兼用しかなく、利用者からクレームも多く、マックスバリュのお客さまの声のボックスにとばっちりが入ってくるなど、そこに働く店員側に多少同情することも。 少なくとも動線の配置が悪く、デベロッパーの計画ミスだと思う。今更セリアの配置変更は無理だから北側に増設するほかないのでは、と勘繰る。
Although it is a building that contains Cainz and Maxvalu, I think it's a little disappointing. The location of the toilet is very bad, and the only thing that can be used after the closing time of 9 pm is for people with disabilities on the Maxvalu side, there are many complaints from users, and Maxvalu's customer's voice box is perfect. I also have some sympathy for the clerk who works there. At least the flow lines are badly arranged, and I think it's a developer's planning mistake. Since it is impossible to change the arrangement of ceria now, I think that there is no choice but to add it to the north side.
Akiha Miyose on Google

開けていて全体的に開放感のあるところです。 トイレが店内端の方にあり若干遠いところはありますが各テナントも清潔感あり居心地良しです。 ペットショップから百均、スーパーマーケットまで利用しましたが何れの店舗でも対応良く満足して利用できました。
It is open and has a feeling of openness as a whole. There is a toilet near the end of the store and it is a little far away, but each tenant is clean and comfortable. I used it from pet stores to 100-yen shops and supermarkets, but I was satisfied and satisfied with all the stores.
d doara on Google

駐車場では、車の逆走車のマナー違反が多いです。 マックスバリュの店舗は、すごい小さめですが24時間営業です。また隣接する、ホームセンター(カインズ)があります。 週末には、何かしらキッチンカーがきています。 敷地が余っている四郷町だから、大きめに作って欲しかったです。
In the parking lot, there are many violations of the manners of reverse-way cars. The Maxvalu store is very small but open 24 hours a day. There is also an adjacent home improvement store (Cainz). On weekends, some kind of kitchen car is coming. Since there is a surplus site in Shigo-cho, I wanted it to be made larger.
奥田敏博 on Google

It is located near Shigo Station in Aikan, where there is a bus service to Korankei. There is nothing in the station / front of the station itself, but depending on the scale of the map, only Cainz is displayed, but it is a few minutes walk in the same direction. There is only one bus per hour so you can get food if you have a waiting time
ANH TUẤN on Google

Andrea K on Google

The place it's nice, but The pet shop there is so sad, they don't take care well of the pets are there to be sold. They are always without food and water. Everytime I go there, they are thirsty, and the place that the birds and bunnies are , it's so hot. One of the cats is with it's tongue hurt and the other two are sick by their eyes.

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