サルデーニャ料理とワイン greco

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact サルデーニャ料理とワイン greco

住所 :

Kugenumamatsugaoka, Fujisawa, 〒251-0038 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : http://www.facebook.com/kugenuma.greco
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Kugenumamatsugaoka, Fujisawa, 〒251-0038 Kanagawa,Japan
Masami Kawamura on Google

Takashi Izuhara on Google

It's a very small restaurant, but it offers excellent food ?
泉二隆明 on Google

何回も行っていますが、失望したことはありません。 すいているときはママさんがサルディーニャ料理の説明など をしてくれるアットホームなお店です。 お勧めです。
I have been doing it many times, but I have not disappointed. When you are hungry Mom says Sardinian food etc. It is an at home shop that will do. It is recommended.
渡井隆 on Google

A very nice shop. The food was delicious. It was lunch, so I want to go to dinner! It was close to the Katase fishing port and the fish was delicious! I've never been there but I want to go to Sardinia ?
minoru nitta on Google

Good food and wine. I love myself. It's a chef who seems to be difficult, but when I talk about it, that's not the case. I want you to stay with your beautiful wife all the time. A good quality store that is valuable locally.
mii san on Google

ご夫婦で営まれているこじんまりとした素敵なお店です。 店内は地中海の雰囲気を感じる白と青を基調とした作りで、爽やかな空気すら感じます。 こちらで初めてのリガトーニのパスタをいただきましたが、美味しくて感動しました!!! 他のお料理も美味しかったです。 また是非とも伺いたいです。 お二人での経営ですので、少し時間にゆとりをもって行かれることをオススメします。
It is a small and nice shop run by a couple. The interior is based on white and blue, which gives you a Mediterranean atmosphere, and you can even feel the refreshing air. I had my first Rigatoni pasta here, and it was delicious and impressed! !! !! The other dishes were also delicious. I would love to hear from you again. Since it is run by two people, we recommend that you take some time to spare.
Shunsuke Oyama on Google

とても素敵なお店とオーナーご夫妻。 いつも、行くたびに癒やされてそして元気を頂いています。 サルディーニャから季節の素材を空輸されたりするこだわり、そして、湘南の地のものとうまく組み合わせた料理は絶品。 フレーグラというサルディーニャ名物のつぶつぶパスタは、初めての方には超おすすめです。末永くお世話になりたいお店です。
Very nice shop and owners. I'm always healed and energized every time I go. The specialty is that the seasonal ingredients are air-lifted from Sardinia, and the dishes that combine well with those from Shonan. Fregra, a specialty of Sardinian specialty, is highly recommended for beginners. It is a store that I want to take care of forever.
p. Yukako on Google

とても美味しく、いい雰囲気のお店です。 店内は青と白を基調としていて、地中海の雰囲気がとてもいいです♪ お料理も美味しく、特に貝類のフレーグラは絶品!! ママさんが料理を説明してくれるので、初めての方でも選びやすいです! また、コロナ禍だからか一人一人取り分けて提供してくれるので食べやすいです。 席数は少ないので予約必須のお店です。 また伺います♪
It's very delicious and has a nice atmosphere. The interior is based on blue and white, and the atmosphere of the Mediterranean is very nice ♪ The food is delicious, especially the shellfish fragrance! !! Mama will explain the food, so even beginners can easily choose! Also, it is easy to eat because it is provided separately for each person, probably because it is a corona bruise. The number of seats is small, so reservations are required. I will visit you again ♪

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