Grave of Hachikō - Minato City

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Grave of Hachikō

住所 :

2 Chome-33 Minamiaoyama, Minato City, Tokyo 107-0062, Japan

Postal code : 107-0062

2 Chome-33 Minamiaoyama, Minato City, Tokyo 107-0062, Japan
Keigo Yuda on Google

かの有名な上野英三郎博士とハチ公の墓所である。 小さな犬のぬいぐるみや置物、写真等が置かれ、上野博士の為か缶ビールも供えられていました(処分が大変だから程々に)。青山霊園の中でも一番参詣されているのではないでしょうか(次いで大久保利通の墓所か)。すぐ近くには大久保利通、犬養毅の墓所がありあわせて御参詣を。 渋谷駅前にはハチ公像、東京大学には上野博士とハチ公像、そして上野博物館にはハチ公の剥製があり、興味のある方は巡ってみては?
It is the famous grave of Dr. Eisaburo Ueno and Hachiko. Small dog stuffed animals, figurines, photos, etc. were placed, and canned beer was also offered because of Dr. Ueno (moderate because disposal is difficult). Is it probably the most visited in Aoyama cemetery? In the immediate vicinity are Tombori Okubo and the grave of Inuki Yuki. There is a statue of Hachiko in front of Shibuya Station, Dr. Ueno and statue of Hachiko at the University of Tokyo, and a stuffed stuff of Hachiko at the Ueno Museum.
Luis M. on Google

Pequeño pero significativo lugar para rendir homenaje a Hachikō (más personal y especial que su estatua enfrente de la estación de Shibuya). Hay que prestar atención para encontrarlo en el cementerio de Aoyama porque su tumba no es especialmente llamativa u ostentosa. Está ubicada en el sector 6, parcela 12. Un pequeño monolito grabado con el nombre de Hachikō marca la pequeña parcela donde se encuentran sus restos y los de sus dueños (Hidesaburō Ueno y Yaeko Sakano). En la parcela hay un pequeño altar en el que la gente deposita ofrendas como monedas, flores y comida, así como figuras de perros.
Small but significant place to pay tribute to Hachikō (more personal and special than his statue in front of Shibuya station). You have to pay attention to find it in the Aoyama cemetery because its tomb is not especially striking or ostentatious. It is located in sector 6, plot 12. A small monolith engraved with the name of Hachikō marks the small plot where its remains and those of its owners (Hidesaburō Ueno and Yaeko Sakano) are located. On the plot there is a small altar in which people deposit offerings such as coins, flowers and food, as well as dog figures.
高橋正和 on Google

渋谷のハチ公像は知っていましたが、お墓が青山霊園にあることは知らず、驚きました。 ご主人の上野栄三郎博士のお墓の入口に祀られているのも知り、ほっとしました。
I knew the statue of Hachiko in Shibuya, but I was surprised not to know that the grave was in Aoyama Cemetery. I was relieved to learn that it was enshrined at the entrance of the grave of my husband, Dr. Eisaburo Ueno.
crow on Google

From Aoyama-dori, turn around the Akasaka Fire Department entrance and enter the Aoyama Cemetery. The car is one step through the cemetery. In the cemetery, there is Tokutsu Okubo, Naoya Shiga's grave, and the graveyard of foreigners. I wanted to become a dog loved by everyone like Hachiko, so I visited.
aya on Google

先月初めて訪問しました。 上野先生のお墓の敷地内にハチ公の祠があり、可愛い犬の置物やお供え物があったり花も新鮮で沢山の方々が通われている印象を受けました。 普段からこうなのか分かりませんが、祠の前には容器に入ってない焼き鳥が直に置かれており、衛生的にも色々と気になりました。 近くには1羽のカラスがずっといたので、もしかしたら焼き鳥を狙ってたのでは…荒らされてなければ良いのですが。 食べ物は直ぐに持ち帰るのが一番なんですけどね。 それと、ハチの胃袋から数本の串が出てきたとのことで生前は焼き鳥を貰って食べていたのでしょうが、お供えするのであればせめて焼き鳥の串を外してあげてほしいなと個人的に思いました。 日曜日の昼頃でしたが霊園内にはあまり人がいなかった為、ゆっくりと散策できて大満足です。
I visited for the first time last month. There is a shrine of Hachiko on the premises of Mr. Ueno's grave, and I got the impression that there are cute dog figurines and offerings, and the flowers are fresh and many people go there. I don't know if this is the case, but the yakitori that wasn't in the container was placed directly in front of the shrine, and I was concerned about hygiene. There was one crow nearby all the time, so maybe I was aiming for yakitori ... I hope it wasn't disturbed. It's best to bring the food home right away. Also, I heard that several skewers came out of the bee's stomach, so I guess I had eaten yakitori before I was alive, but I personally want you to remove the yakitori skewers if you want to offer it. I did. It was around noon on Sunday, but there weren't many people in the reien, so I was very happy to be able to take a leisurely stroll.
ana purna on Google

easy to find. the person who added this spot did a good job. thank you!
sherri smith on Google

Aoyama cemetery is an interesting place... and beautiful. The Hachiko story is so charming, and it was so nice to see that the final resting place of Hachiko is so close to his beloved master.
Taylor on Google

I'm so blessed to visit Hachiko's grave. Wonderful cemetery, so peaceful and several friendly people walking about. Two kind ladies who were walking their dog's helped me find the exact spot. Thank you!! Bless you, sweet Hachiko. I'm on my way to your birthplace in Odate.

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