焼肉・海鮮 幸 - Sumoto

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼肉・海鮮 幸

住所 :

Goshikicho Tsushi, Sumoto, 〒656-1301 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87999
Postal code : 656-1301
Webサイト : https://awaji.mypl.net/shop/00000363755/
街 : Hyogo

Goshikicho Tsushi, Sumoto, 〒656-1301 Hyogo,Japan
尾村由香 on Google

You can eat delicious meat and fresh fish at a reasonable price. However, lunch is until 14:00, so it's a pity that we have to eat while feeling busy. I am grateful that the parking lot is large and easy to park.

This is the first store I entered. I ate it on the set menu, but the meat was also tender and very delicious. I ate the onion tempura, but it was sweet and delicious. I also want to visit.
まさふじ on Google

I had seafood grilled for lunch. It's lunch, so it's a good value because it comes with rice, miso soup, and salad.
michael may on Google

Lunch lunch is very advantageous! The fried chicken and sawara were delicious too.
あさいっち on Google

全てがちょっと高めな感じ。 まわりに飲食店が少ないので、強気な価格設定なのかも。 味は、値段の割に。
Everything is a little expensive. There are few restaurants around, so it may be a bullish price setting. The taste is for the price.
まりすすてら on Google

主人がランチのミックス焼き肉定食、わたしは海鮮丼を頂きました。 海鮮丼には車海老、あわび、たい、タコ、〆さば、マグロのたたき、しらすなどたっぷり入って、食べ応えがありました。
My husband had a mixed grilled meat set meal for lunch, and I had a seafood bowl. The seafood bowl was filled with prawns, abalone, tai, octopus, mackerel, tuna seared, and shirasu.
yusuke naka on Google

Various at lunch! You can also bake meat!
マッシー on Google

焼肉海鮮バーベキューのテイクアウト注文し届けていただきました。とても親切で気の利いたマスターとホスピタリティーに満ちたマダムでした。 魚介は活海老、塩茹でした蛸、身の分厚い烏賊、サザエの壺焼き、出汁の香り漂う大貝、牛肉は塩タン、淡路牛、神戸牛のロースや上ミノや新鮮な野菜中でも甘い淡路産の玉葱やキムチとおにぎり等美味しく頂きました。サンセットの素晴らしい景色の中ビールとワインを飲み、堪能でき良かったです。有難うございました。
I ordered a takeout of yakiniku seafood barbecue and delivered it. It was a very kind and attentive master and a madam full of hospitality. Seafood is live shrimp, salt-boiled kimchi, thick sardines, grilled sazae pots, large shells with the scent of soup stock, beef is salt tongue, Awaji beef, Kobe beef loin and top mino, and sweet from Awaji among fresh vegetables We had delicious onigiri, kimchi and rice balls. It was nice to have a beer and wine in the wonderful view of the sunset. Thank you.

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