
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact GoodBBQ山田池公園

住所 :

Yamadaike Minamimachi, Hirakata, 〒573-0168 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト :
街 : Osaka

Yamadaike Minamimachi, Hirakata, 〒573-0168 Osaka,Japan
芝田和守 on Google

とてもいい場所で素晴らしいです 料理も素晴らしくスタッフも声かえやすくよかったです。 是非もう一度利用したいです
Very nice place and great The food was great and the staff were happy to change the voice. I want to use it again
秀高釆井 on Google

There is also a free BBQ corner and Sakura ? is near full bloom
鹿児島つっきー on Google

2018.11.24 以前から工事はしていましたが…最近オープンした様ですね…(゜゜) いい薫りが……何とも食欲そそります…(^^) 広々と…陽射しが当た広場も有り小さなお子様連れですと遊ぶにも良いですね…。
It has been under construction since before November 24, 2018, but it seems that it opened recently ... (゜ ゜) A nice scent ... It's really appetizing ... (^^) It's spacious ... There is also a plaza in the sunlight, so it's good to play with small children ...
よっちゃん. on Google

大阪府山田池公園梅林は5~7部咲きです。 2月中旬
Osaka prefecture Yamadokei Park Bairin is in bloom 5-7 places. Mid February
とも on Google

お手軽バーベキュー♪ 持ち込みあり。 1人1人前とワンドリンクは必用。 雨でも屋根あるしオススメ。 調味料は持って行くのがおすすめ。 焼き肉のタレしかないので、塩コショウは自前で。
Easy barbecue ♪ There is a carry-on. One drink is required for each person. Recommended because it has a roof even in the rain. It is recommended to bring the seasonings. There is only sauce for grilled meat, so salt and pepper are your own.
こまめ on Google

キレイなお店が公園内にありました。 最近流行りの手ぶらでBBQができるみたいです。
There was a beautiful shop in the park. It seems that BBQ can be done with the fashion that has become popular these days.
芹生容一 on Google

山田池公園は枚方市にはもったいない大阪府の公園 だ。常に手入れ整備され改修工事がおこなわれてい る。本日久しぶりに来てみると新しい施設が出来て いた。元々山田池のバーベキューは有名で、広いエ リアで自由に楽しめるのだが、今度はまったくの手 ぶらでもバーベキューが食べられるという施設のよ うだ。公園では初めての飲食ショップ、流行ると良 いですね。
Yamadaike Park is a wasteful park in Hirakata City, Osaka Prefecture That's right. It is constantly maintained and repaired. To. When I came here for the first time in a long time today, a new facility was created There was. Originally Yamadaike's barbecue was famous and wide You can enjoy it freely at the rear, but this time it's a complete hand It's a facility where you can eat barbecue even if you're hanging out Uda. The first restaurant in the park, good to be popular That's right.

Good place for BBQ

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