
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 若葉・さくらいクリニック

住所 :

Gomigaya, Tsurugashima, 〒350-2202 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899887
Webサイト : https://wakaba-sakurai.clinic/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9:30AM–12:30PM
街 : Saitama

Gomigaya, Tsurugashima, 〒350-2202 Saitama,Japan
Lit on Google

The suffering caused by the epidemic is reflected in all aspects... Working at home, facing computers and mobile phones for a long time will cause some damage to the eyes; wearing a mask every day brings new problems to the facial skin. If you want to solve these two problems at the same time, please come here to see a doctor. Your concerns will definitely be improved.
正義 on Google

家族が皮膚科受診でお世話になりました。コロナ対策もしっかりと、 院内も綺麗で先生の的確な医療も安心でした。
My family was taken care of by a dermatologist. Firmly corona measures, The hospital was clean and the doctor's accurate medical care was safe.
AZUチャン on Google

I went to a dermatologist. It was good that she was a female doctor and was very kind and cheerful.
hirop hirop on Google

最近新しくできたようなので、眼科と皮膚科にかかりました。 クリニックは明るく綺麗で優しい雰囲気で、眼科の先生は丁寧に診察してくれましたし、皮膚科の先生にも適切に診ていただきました。 とても良いクリニックが近所にできて、今後も通うつもりでいます。
I went to ophthalmology and dermatology because it seems to be new recently. The clinic was bright, clean and gentle, and the ophthalmologist gave me a careful examination, and the dermatologist also gave me an appropriate examination. I have a very good clinic in my neighborhood and I plan to go there in the future.
飯田有希 on Google

出来たばかりで内装はとても綺麗です。駐車場は8台あり満車の場合は隣のコンビニに停めても大丈夫との事で安心です。 皮膚科受診、丁寧で綺麗な女医さん。口唇炎の相談でしたがニキビも見てくれて助かりました。市外ですが今後もお世話になると思います。
It's just finished and the interior is very beautiful. There are 8 parking lots, and if it is full, you can park at the next convenience store, so you can rest assured. A dermatologist, a polite and beautiful female doctor. I had a consultation about cheilitis, but it was helpful to see acne. Although it is outside the city, I think that you will continue to be indebted.
naoki kamata on Google

開業前の以前のクリニックからずっとお世話になってます。最近では、娘もお世話になってますが、3歳の子供を待たせるキッズスペースも充実しており、皮膚科は女医さんなので子供も嫌がらず通ってくれて助かっています。 診療も素早く的確で、言われた通りに治療しているとずいぶん良くなり、通院間隔も減りました。オススメです。
I have been indebted to the clinic since before it opened. Recently, my daughter has been indebted to me, but there is plenty of kids space to keep my 3-year-old child waiting, and since the dermatologist is a female doctor, my child does not dislike it and it is helpful. The medical treatment was quick and accurate, and if I was treated as I was told, it would be much better and the interval between hospital visits would be reduced. I recommend it.
yuri “ユリリン” kataoka on Google

皮膚科の女性の先生は子供から大人まで、男性でも気さくに対応いただけます。院内は可愛らしくキャラクターやお花で装飾されていて、子供が喜んでくれました。 診察も丁寧で、皮膚科は色々悩みましたが、こちらでお世話になろうかと思います。眼科の先生もいらっしゃるので、1度で済むのもありがたいです。当方コンタクトユーザーで定期検診が必要ですので(^^)
Female dermatologists can be friendly to men, from children to adults. The inside of the hospital was cutely decorated with characters and flowers, and the children were pleased. The medical examination was also polite, and I had a lot of trouble with dermatology, but I would like to take care of it here. There are also ophthalmologists, so I'm grateful that I only have to do it once. Since we are a contact user and need regular cancer screening (^^)
doco ico on Google

外観も内観もとてもキレイです。 駐車場は、病院前と県道渡ってすぐの所と2箇所あります。 入り口入ってすぐ傍に広めのキッズスペースがあり、お子様連れでも安心出来ます。 眼科と皮膚科が併設されていて、受付と待合室は一つです。 受付で、皮膚科か眼科か診察してもらう方を伝えます。 混雑しているようでしたが流れはとてもスムーズで、受付から30分掛からず会計まで終わりました。 付近の眼科や皮膚科は待ち時間が長いので、とても助かります。 これからはこちらにお世話になります。
The exterior and interior are very beautiful. There are two parking lots, one in front of the hospital and one just across the prefectural road. There is a large kids' space right next to the entrance, so you can rest assured even with children. There is an ophthalmology department and a dermatology department, and there is one reception and one waiting room. At the reception, tell the person who will be examined by a dermatologist or an ophthalmologist. It seemed to be crowded, but the flow was very smooth, and it took less than 30 minutes from the reception to complete the checkout. The nearby ophthalmologists and dermatologists have a long waiting time, which is very helpful. I will be indebted to you from now on.

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