割烹 辻

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 割烹 辻

住所 :

Gofukucho, Aoi Ward, 〒420-0031 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
街 : Shizuoka

Gofukucho, Aoi Ward, 〒420-0031 Shizuoka,Japan
杉山聖 on Google

Lunch is a good deal
武良俊一 on Google

牧田光司 on Google

A shop with a quiet and calm atmosphere.
Eiji Shibasaki on Google

Anyway, it is the best of cooking. Every time I visit, I am surprised and moved. The general is Ebizo-san and two melons, and he is kind and strict, but the general who is on the weekend was also an actress class beauty, ah, food and sake m (__) m Anyway like an elementary student The food and liquor, which should be called a wonderful scenery that you wouldn't know if you knew it, depend on the order, but I don't think there is cheap liquor. Since I met this store and the general, I haven't eaten as a condition of my inn on my favorite trip (especially onsen). I could feel the same at two stores, Tadaya in Wakura Onsen and Tawaraya in Kyoto. The main room is the tatami room, but I personally think it would be good if you ask for a counter. You can also enjoy the lively scenery and admiration. I'd love to!
sano sano on Google

I received 1000 yen of Tsuji lunch. About 1000 yen including tax including polite dishes and dessert coffee jelly. Absolutely recommended.
コットンコットン on Google

辻弁当1000円 かき揚げ、お刺身、炊き合わせ、お豆腐、漬物、汁物、デザート(珈琲ゼリー) どれも美味しかった ご飯はおかわり自由でしたが 女性にはおかわりなして十分な量でした この美味しさでこのお値段 かなり、リーズナブルです
Tsuji lunch 1000 yen Kakiage, sashimi, cooked together, tofu, pickles, soup, dessert (coffee jelly) Everything was delicious Rice was refreshing, but It was enough for women without having to change This price with this deliciousness It is quite reasonable
Ken Ken on Google

I was a little nervous when I walked in the courtyard, but the cheerful voice and guidance of the shop staff made me feel very comfortable and I had a very good time. Nori that was on the rice for lunch? Something like that is very delicious, and that alone makes me want to replace it many times.
Shimeen on Google

平日の13時前に行きました。お店は料亭のように雰囲気があります。 4名掛けのカウンター席に案内いただきました。店内は暑すぎるくらい温かくしてありました。 目当ての500円野菜かき揚げ丼をオーダー。 かき揚げで下のごはんが全く見えないくらい大きいです。 少し甘めのたれ。野菜はすべて細く切ってあるため野菜を食べているのか衣の部分なのか わかりません・・かなりボリュームがあります。 付け合わせの味噌汁は干しシイタケのだしがきいておりとてもおいしかったです。
I went before 13:00 on weekdays. The shop has an atmosphere like a restaurant. I was guided to a counter seat for 4 people. The inside of the store was too warm. I ordered the 500 yen vegetable kakiage bowl that I was looking for. The rice is so big that you can't see it at all. A little sweet sauce. Since all the vegetables are cut into small pieces, is it the part of the batter that you are eating? I don't know ... there is a lot of volume. The garnished miso soup was very delicious with the dashi stock of dried shiitake mushrooms.

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