
2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 環境ステーション㈱

住所 :

Ginza, Chuo City, 〒104-0061 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.kankyo-station.co.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Ginza, Chuo City, 〒104-0061 Tokyo,Japan
雪猿 on Google

業務中に不動産投資の勧誘をされました。 しつこく、マナーが悪い方で、困りました。
I was solicited for real estate investment during business. I was in trouble because I was persistent and had bad manners.
マツヤマ on Google

星1にも値しない あまりに悪質で最悪な企業すぎた 口コミをよく見なかったこちらが悪いが 他の口コミにもある通りだった
Not worth the star 1 Too bad and the worst company I didn't see the reviews well, but this is bad It was as in other reviews
藤島ジョンソン(ルイス) on Google

※サクラレビューでランクを上げる悪質企業※ 一言でイメージするなら「偏差値の低い大学生サークルが遊びで経営している会社」です。企業偏差値も30あるかどうか怪しい。 1.管理している建物の管理法がいい加減 2.賃貸客の情報を正確に把握していない 3.何かあればすぐに相手のせいにする 部屋の管理・清掃はいい加減で電気ガスその他もお任せくださいというので任せたら何もしなかった。 結果、引っ越し後に自分ですべての会社に電話をかけて手配をすることに。そのことを問い詰めると 「把握してません」 またインターネット回線工事も勝手に会社を決めてきたうえ、開通予定日でウソをつかれた。 予定では契約日から14日で手配完了。遅くても18日で回線が使えるようになるといわれたが 実際に利用可能になったのは30日後だった。この件について問い合わせると 「そうなんですね。良くわかりません」 と返答があった。 事前に数万単位で清掃代を求めてくるわりには部屋の掃除をしない。 あまりに埃だらけだったので「ここは倉庫だったのか?」と聞いてしまった。素足で歩けない程度に汚い部屋だった。 これでは住めないとクリーニングを要求すると、時期的にクリーニングは手配できないので自分でやれと言われた。代金を請求すると断られた。こんな会社があるとは驚いた。 契約満了時にすぐに解除を申し入れたが保険会社から請求がくるのでおかしいと思い問い合わせたら 「環境ステーションからは退去の連絡は来ていないので契約は続行されている」という返答。やむを得ず支払った。 このような悪質な会社がいるのは「悪徳不動産業者は何をしても儲かる」という日本の悪い風習だろう。 そのくせ営業やサクラレビューの作成には余念がなく、ここにある星5のすべては偽物と考えてよい。 実際は星1も渡せない程度の最悪の会社。二度と契約しない。
* A malicious company that raises the rank in Sakura Review * In a nutshell, it's a company run by a college student circle with a low deviation value. It is doubtful whether the company deviation value is also 30. 1. The management method of the building being managed is sloppy 2. I don't know the renter's information accurately 3. Immediately blame the other person for anything I asked him to take care of the room management and cleaning, and leave it to me for electricity, gas, etc., so I didn't do anything. As a result, after moving, I decided to call all the companies and make arrangements myself. If you ask that "I don't know" In addition, the company was decided on the Internet line construction without permission, and I was lied to on the scheduled opening date. Arrangements will be completed in 14 days from the contract date. It was said that the line could be used in 18 days at the latest. It was actually available 30 days later. If you inquire about this matter "That's right. I'm not sure." Was replied. I don't clean the room even though I ask for a cleaning fee in tens of thousands in advance. It was so dusty that I asked, "Is this a warehouse?" The room was so dirty that I couldn't walk barefoot. When I requested cleaning if I couldn't live in this, I was told to do it myself because I couldn't arrange cleaning in a timely manner. I was refused to charge the price. I was surprised that there was such a company. I applied for cancellation immediately when the contract expired, but I received a claim from the insurance company, so if I think it is strange and inquire "The contract is still ongoing because we haven't heard from the environmental station about moving out," he said. I had to pay. The existence of such a malicious company is probably a bad Japanese custom that "bad real estate agents make money no matter what they do." The habit sales and the creation of Sakura reviews are devoted, and all of the 5 stars here can be considered fake. In fact, it is the worst company that can not even give 1 star. Never contract again.
nieki on Google

賃貸の管理会社がこちらでした。 部屋の設備が故障した際の対応がとても早く、助かりました。 (他のレビューを見る限り運がよかった説あるけど)
The rental management company was here. It was very helpful to respond quickly when the equipment in the room broke down. (Although there is a theory that I was lucky as far as I see other reviews)
최지혜 on Google

立ち会い予約で電話がかかってきたが、対応が不親切だった。 私が望んでいた時間ではなく、もっと早い時間を提示していたので、時間が合わないから他の日に日程を聞くと、確認してみて連絡すると言っていたことも最後まで聞かず、電話を強く切っていた。 元々退去日より1ヶ月ほど早く出て行くんだけど、私が家賃を全部払わなかったわけでもなく、私さえ不親切に電話出ていないのに相手から戻ってきた態度が不親切だった。
I received a phone call with a witness reservation, but the response was unfriendly. I was offering an earlier time than I wanted, so when I asked for the schedule on another day because the time wasn't right, I didn't even hear until the end that I would check and contact you, so I called. Was cut strongly. Originally I left about a month earlier than the day I moved out, but it wasn't that I didn't pay all the rent, and even though I wasn't answering the phone unfriendlyly, the attitude of returning from the other party was unfriendly.
j y on Google

It's been a few years ago, but I got personal information from somewhere and I have an appointment with Mr. XX of your company, but I can't get in touch. I want to get in touch with you as soon as possible, so please tell me your mobile number. The style of getting contacts is just a hit. I wonder if it's a homage to the Phantom Hundred Faces that changes the name to Suzuki or Tanaka.
Suzy Su on Google

いろんなサービスを提供してるが、管理会社としては最悪だと思います。 新たに契約した部屋に引っ越しをして、レンジフードやトイレと浴室のフィルターが全く掃除してなかったです(前の借主は清掃費を払ったのに) 部屋の普通の居住損耗も借主負担になります。東京都の賃貸規則に従ってないルールを作るのはいい加減にしなさい。 一番腹立ったのは設備補修の電話対応が悪すぎました。自分は外国人で日本語がうまく話せないと分かっていますから一生懸命に伝えていましたけど、向こうは「翻訳会社に連絡してください」と言ったまま電話を切りました。 もうすぐこの会社が管理してる建物から引っ越しします。 For all foreigners! Please avoid this management company when you rent apartment in Japan. They set up tenement clause that against Tokyo tenement advise (I'm not sure about the professional wordings) and are extremely unfriendly to foreign tenants.
We provide various services, but I think it is the worst for a management company. I moved to a new room and didn't clean the kitchen hood, toilet and bathroom filters at all (even though the previous borrower paid for the cleaning) Ordinary loss of residence in the room will also be borne by the borrower. Don't be afraid to make rules that don't follow Tokyo's rental rules. The most annoying thing was that the telephone response for equipment repair was too bad. I knew that I was a foreigner and couldn't speak Japanese well, so I tried hard to tell, but the other side hung up while saying "Please contact the translation company". I will soon move from a building managed by this company. For all foreigners! Please avoid this management company when you rent apartment in Japan. They set up tenement clause that against Tokyo tenement advise (I'm not sure about the professional wordings) and are extremely unfriendly to foreign tenants.

某オーケストラのコンサートに行ったとき、プログラムの端のほうに、この企業が高額な楽器を寄贈している旨の記載があった。不動産業界は海千山千多種雑多の企業があるけれども、芸術に貢献しようと考えるだけでも立派なもの。 なかなか目につかないところで、しっかり社会貢献、しかもお金になりにくい芸術支援されていたことにホッコリした。経営者の見識なのかねぇ。
When I went to a concert of a certain orchestra, there was a statement near the end of the program that the company was donating expensive musical instruments. The real estate industry has a wide variety of companies, but even just thinking about contributing to the arts is fine. I was relieved that I was able to contribute to society and support art, which is hard to make money, in a place that is hard to see. Is it the insight of the manager?

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