Gassuiseki Shrine - Tsukuba

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Gassuiseki Shrine

住所 :

Tsukuba, Ibaraki 300-4353, Japan

Postal code : 300-4353

Tsukuba, Ibaraki 300-4353, Japan
90乗ってます on Google

Going downhill and returning uphill is tougher.
carc on Google

Greetings today.
須佐之男命 on Google

イワナガヒメが主祭神というレアな神社。 イワナガヒメは不老不死だ。
A rare shrine where Ihime Nagame is the main deity. Ihime Nagame is immortal.
youko I on Google

磐長姫命様。 本当に素晴らしい所です。 毎週行きたい位に良い所です!
Iwanaga Himemei-sama. It's a really wonderful place. It's a good place to go every week!
遠藤明子 on Google

木花咲耶姫の姉の磐長姫を祀る、全国的にも珍しい神社です。筑波山麓にひっそりと鎮座しています。神社裏の御神体の岩は、磐長姫が没した盤座だそうです。月1回岩に開いた小さな穴から、赤い水が流れるそうです。 ニニギノミコトが岩と花の2人の女神をお嫁にしていたら、天孫の孫(天皇又は人間)には寿命がなかったそうです。大山にいる父神の元に返された磐長姫は、さぞ辛い思いをしたのではないかと思います。今は女性の守神として、この筑波山中に祀られてます。 江戸時代から"西の富士、東の筑波"と言われており、姉がここに居るのには意味があるように感じました。参拝して外見の美しさだけでなく、内包された美しさに気づくことのできる人になりたいと思いました。
It is a rare shrine that is dedicated to the elder sister, Banchohime, of Sayaka Kibana. It sits quietly at the foot of Mount Tsukuba. It seems that the rock of the sacred body behind the shrine is the board in which Princess Bancho died. Red water flows from a small hole in the rock once a month. If Niniginomikoto was married to two goddesses, Rock and Flower, it seems that the grandson of the grandson (emperor or human) had no life. I think that Bancho, who was returned to his father in Oyama, had a hard time. Now, as a female guardian, I am enshrined in the mountains of Tsukuba. Since the Edo period, it has been called "Fuji in the west and Tsukuba in the east", and I felt that it was meaningful for my sister to be here. I wanted to be a person who can visit and realize not only the beauty of the appearance but also the beauty of the inside.
チャリオット on Google

磐長姫を祀っている神社ということで、楽しみにしていました。車では近くの無料駐車場がいいと思います。細い道にはいると、停めるのが難しく、細く急な坂道が続くので、ゆっくり歩きがいいです。 此花さくや姫は有名ですが、お姉さんの方は知らないので、どのような建物なのかなと興味ありましたが、地元のちいさな神社という感じでした。でも、珍しいところに来れて満足でした。
I was looking forward to it because it is a shrine that enshrines Banchohime. By car, I think a free parking lot nearby is good. If you are on a narrow road, it is difficult to stop, and a narrow and steep slope continues, so it is good to walk slowly. Konohana Sakuya is famous, but my sister didn't know, so I was curious about what kind of building it was, but it was like a small local shrine. But I was happy to come to a rare place.
my “my” y on Google

森の中のひっそりと静かな小さな神社。 (観光地化された有名で大きな神社と違い、田舎の知られざる神社だが、神秘的!) コノハナノサクヤヒメの姉イワナガヒメを奉る神社は 全国的にも珍しいそうです。 筑波山の周辺は巨大な石がゴロゴロと多いそうですが、ここにも巨石が。 この巨石は月に一度、穴から赤い水(血)を流す 女性の岩だと言われているそうです。 お参り後しばらくして、私は 深刻な月経困難症が改善しましたよ(^^) 体にあう薬が見つかって効いたから、という理由もありますが、女性の生理や不妊などに効き目のありそうな神社です。 根の絡み合いが幻想的な古い巨樹も立ち、女性にとってのパワースポット的な 厳かな空気があります。 雨上がりだと特に 近くの小川の音が滝のように激しく流れ、日常から切り離された別世界のような空気があります。 筑波山のそばなので ついでに寄るといいです。 補足: 初めてここで人の姿を見かけた… と思ったら、この神社を管理なさってる方でした。 笑顔で話しかけてくださいました。 ここは、市や県が管理しているのではなく、 筑波山神社をはじめ近所に幾つもある他の神社ともつながりはなく、 神社庁登録もせず(全国の神社の数にカウントされてないので、 本当に近所の人しか存在を知らない。今はネットで情報みれますが) 完全に個人が、家族で代々管理してる神社だそうです。 古事記などで、天皇家の祖先につながる神がいるように、 ここにまつられる神 いわながひめ様を先祖とする家の者が代々受け継ぎお守りしているそうです。 そのため、これまでいくつも来た取材依頼はすべてお断りしてきたそうです。 観光気分でたくさん人が来ると、礼を欠く人も来てしまうから、 有名になることは望んでおらず、静かに大切に信仰してくださる方だけを受け入れたいそうです。 たしかに、有名でいつも観光客や登山客の多い筑波山神社の近くですからね。 いわながひめは、健康や不老不死の力を持つ、とても力の強い神様です。 言い伝えでは、美しいこの花の咲くや姫と違い 醜い姫だとされていますが、 本当は、とても美しい女神だそうです。 (権力闘争の事情があって、醜いと貶めて伝えた者がいるのだそうです。) とても強い神様なので、けっして礼を欠かず敬意をもってお参りしてくださいとのことです。
A quiet little shrine in the woods. (Unlike the famous and big shrine that has become a tourist destination, it is an unknown shrine in the countryside, but it is mysterious!) It seems that the shrine dedicated to Konohanasakuyahime's older sister Iwanagahime is rare in Japan. It seems that there are many huge stones around Mt. Tsukuba, but there are also huge stones here. This megalith is said to be a female rock that sheds red water (blood) from the hole once a month. Shortly after visiting, I improved my serious dysmenorrhea (^^) There is also a reason that a drug that suits my body was found and worked, but it seems to be effective for women's menstruation and infertility. It is a shrine. There is also an old giant tree with fantastic root entanglement, and there is a solemn atmosphere like a power spot for women. Especially after the rain, the sound of a nearby stream flows violently like a waterfall, and there is an air like another world separated from everyday life. It's near Mt. Tsukuba, so it's a good idea to stop by. Supplement: For the first time, I saw a person here ... I thought he was the one who manages this shrine. He talked to me with a smile. This is not managed by the city or prefecture There is no connection with many other shrines in the neighborhood, including Tsukubasan Shrine, Not registered with the Jinja-cho (because it is not counted in the number of shrines nationwide Only neighbors really know their existence. Information can be found online now) It is said that it is a shrine that is completely managed by the individual as a family for generations. Just as there is a god connected to the ancestors of the imperial family in Kojiki etc. It is said that the people of the family whose ancestors are Iwanagahime, the god enshrined here, have inherited and protected them from generation to generation. Therefore, it seems that he has refused all the interview requests that have come so far. If a lot of people come in the mood for sightseeing, some people will not be thankful. He doesn't want to be famous, he wants to accept only those who quietly and cherish. It's true that it's near Tsukubasan Shrine, which is famous and always has many tourists and climbers. Iwanagahime is a very powerful god with the power of health and immortality. According to the tradition, it is an ugly princess, unlike this beautiful flower blooming princess. The truth is, he is a very beautiful goddess. (There seems to be a person who dismissed it as ugly because of the power struggle.) He is a very strong god, so please be sure to pay tribute and respect him.
ちゃんちー on Google

It's a small but refreshing shrine. A rare shrine that enshrines Iwanagahime-sama.

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