Garden Hills Geihinkan Omiya - Saitama

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Garden Hills Geihinkan Omiya

住所 :

4 Chome-230-1 Kishikicho, Omiya Ward, Saitama, 330-0843, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 330-0843
Webサイト :

4 Chome-230-1 Kishikicho, Omiya Ward, Saitama, 330-0843, Japan
鹿沼まゆみ on Google

Close relatives, children, gave a wedding reception. In the formula, cute chapel, the bride and groom as well, the cute because the two people, I thought I Naa Atteru. Bride's but was more of a foreign country, look rich, and has the atmosphere of a healed enough feeling, I was impressed. Of 2019,3,16, it was Saturday, in the chapel sunlight is Thus, like the examining of the harp, was as if an angel appears. Reception was also relaxed and relieved stiffness, a little good of tears and laughter, was a feast. Cooking was a bit unsatisfactory, but it is a total of four stars. Thank you for a good time.
tetuya shimada on Google

今時の、綺麗な式場です。ネタバレはつまらないので、詳しくは書きませんが、チャペルも綺麗で、披露宴会場もとても良い感じでした。スタッフも◎。料理も全部美味しく頂きました。ウエディングケーキがふわふわで最近食べたショートケーキの中でで一番美味しかった♪。 デザートビュッフェも全部美味しくて食べ過ぎてしまいました。 コロナ対策も、かなりしっかりと、出来ていて、安心して参列できました。 とても素敵な結婚式でした~
It is a beautiful ceremony hall at this time. The spoilers are boring, so I won't write in detail, but the chapel was beautiful and the reception hall was very nice. The staff is also ◎. All the dishes were delicious. The wedding cake was fluffy and it was the most delicious shortcake I ate recently. All the dessert buffets were delicious and I ate too much. Corona measures were also fairly solid, and I was able to attend with confidence. It was a very nice wedding ~
佐野博充 on Google

スタッフの気配りが素晴らしく、とても素敵な結婚式と披露宴を行うことが出来ました(娘の) 食事も美味しかったです❗️
The staff were very attentive and we were able to have a very nice wedding and reception (daughter's) The food was delicious ❗️
ha mu on Google

チャペル、披露宴会場、スタッフさん共に最高です!高いとの意見もありますが全くそんなことありません。値段等については後半に。こちらは会場選び中の新郎新婦向けのレビューです。 ハウスウェディングなので、1番の魅力は『自由度が高いこと』です。ロビーやガーデンなどに、好きなものを好きなだけかざることができ、自分達らしい演出、装飾ができます。私たちもテーマを決めてかなり装飾をしました。 【※会場の写真は打ち合わせの日に撮影したもののため、装飾を一切していない状態のものです※】 以下、オススメポイント オススメはホワイトハウスでの挙式です。 ・教会の仕組みにサプライズがあり、ゲストか好評でした。そこに他の教会と比べて大きな魅力を感じ、何個も見てまわった中での決定打となりました。(新郎新婦が退場の時に、入場した扉にもどるのではなく、窓ガラスの外にでていき、でていったあとに滝が流れて姿が見えなくなる演出になっている) ・大きなプールでのドロップ&フライ(バルーンリリース)はとっても絵になり、歓声があがるくらい盛り上がりました。ガーデンに出ることのできる会場はたくさんあるわけではないのでゲストも楽しんでました。プールサイドで爽快な景色のもと、フラワーシャワーやケーキカットなどの演出も可能です。 ・天井が広く、高級感、開放感がある会場です。階段からお姫様のようにおりてくる演出も可能です。 ・料理がとにかく美味しく、好評でした。 ・ハウスウェディングのため、他の新郎新婦やそのゲストたちに一切会わない、かなりのプライベート空間。ロビーでも全員がくつろげます。貸切のため、例えばトイレの鏡に新郎新婦のメッセージなども書き込ます。 ・この系列の式場は、スタッフさんがかなりテキパキしています。いくつかの会場でブライダルフェアで試食をし、1番にスタッフさんの動きをみましたが、最も安心できる会場だと感じました。実際に好評でした。 ・プランナーさんの知識が豊富でオリジナリティをだすためにたくさんわがままをいってしまったり、相談をさせていただきましたが、嫌な顔1つせずいろんな情報提供をしてくれた。本当に大変おせわになりました。 ・親御さん係というものがあり、当日どういう動きをしたら良いかなども、随時両親の隣にいてフォローしてくれます。 ・ホテルウェディング等と違い、一日4組しか結婚式ができないので、当日のスタッフさんもたくさんいて安心です。気遣いがすごいです。 値段や企画についてのレビューも色々拝見しましたが、全て新郎新婦次第です。ブライダルフェアでたくさんの式場をまわり、見積をもらいましたが、都内中心部や近隣の他の会場とあまり変わりませんでした。 そして私たちの場合ははじめにもらった見積と同じくらいに収まりました。企画や装飾に関しても、かなり盛り盛りで行い、かなり豪華(に見えるよう)に行いました。 他の会場と全く同じで、式場にどのくらい装飾や動画の製作を依頼するか、どんなドレスをどこで用意するか等でかなり変わってきます。この会場に限らず、衣装ひとつとっても手配の仕方や選ぶもので何十万円と変わってくるはずです。 私たちの場合、動画の作成や装飾物の製作、衣装の手配、宛名書きなど、自分たちにできるものは全て自分たちで行い、式場にしかできないこと、つくれない大きい装飾品は式場にお願いしました。その結果、周りから800万円くらいかけたように見えると言われるくらい企画や装飾を盛り込むことができましたが、はじめにもらった見積とおなじくらい(≒ネットに載ってる同規模の結婚式費用の平均くらい)に抑えられたので、本当に工夫次第です。自分での製作を多くして、装飾も派手にしなければ見積り以下にすることも全く難しくないと思います。 どんなコンセプトにしたいか、どのくらい企画をしたいかなども相談するとプランナーさんは親身になってきいてくれますので、希望をなるべく細かく伝えてみると良いと思います。こだわりたい方にはとことんこだわらせてくれる会場なので。 本当にオススメできる式場です。
The chapel, banquet hall and staff are all great! There is also an opinion that it is high, but there is no such thing at all. About the price etc. in the second half. This is a review for the bride and groom who is choosing the venue. As a house wedding, the number one attraction is that it has a high degree of freedom. You can hold as much as you like in the lobby, garden, etc., and you can create your own way of decoration and decoration. We also decided the theme and decorated it quite well. [※ The photo of the venue is taken on the day of the meeting, so it is not in any decoration ※] Below, Recommended point The recommendation is a wedding at the White House. ・ There was a surprise in the structure of the church, and it was well received by the guests. I felt a great attraction compared to other churches there, and it was a decisive strike while I saw many pieces. (When the bride and groom leave, they do not go back to the entrance door, but go outside the window glass, and after going out, the waterfall flows and the figure disappears) ・ The drop and fly (balloon release) in the large pool became a picture, and it was so excited that cheers went up. As there were not many places where we could go to the garden, the guests also enjoyed it. With a refreshing view by the pool, it is also possible to produce flower showers and cake cuts. -A large ceiling with a sense of luxury and openness. It is also possible for the director to come up like a princess from the stairs. ・ The food was delicious and popular. ・ Because of house wedding, quite private space not to meet other brides and grooms and their guests. Everyone can relax in the lobby. For private use, for example, write a message of the bride and groom in the mirror of the bathroom. ・ The staff members are quite excited about this series of ceremony halls. I tried tasting at a bridal fair at several venues, and I saw the staff move to the first place, but I felt it was the venue I could afford the most. It was really popular. ・ The planner's knowledge was abundant, and I gave a lot of selfishness to give originality, and I consulted, but he did not give a bad face and provided various information. It was really a great deal. ・ There is a person in charge of the parents, who will follow you at any time next to their parents as to what kind of movement they should do on the day. ・ Unlike hotel weddings, you can have only 4 weddings per day, so there are many staff on the day and it's safe. My concern is great. I saw a lot of reviews about prices and plans, but it's all up to the bride and groom. I went around a lot of ceremony halls at the bridal fair and got a quote, but it was not much different from other central venues and nearby venues. And in our case, it was as good as the estimate we initially received. As for planning and decoration, we did quite a lot and performed quite luxuriously (to look like). Just like other venues, it will vary considerably depending on how much decoration and animation is requested to the ceremony venue, and what dress to prepare. Not only at this venue, but one costume should be arranged and selected and it will change to hundreds of thousands of yen. In our case, we will do everything we can do, such as creating animations, producing decorations, arranging costumes, addressing, etc. What we can only do in the ceremony, what large accessories can not be made, please ask the ceremony. did. As a result, it was possible to include plans and decorations to the extent that it seemed to cost around 800 million yen from the surroundings, but it was about the same as the estimate we initially received (≒ about the same size of wedding expenses listed on the net Because it was suppressed to about average), it really depends on the device. I think that it is not difficult at all to make less than the estimate if you do a lot of your own production and don't show off your decorations. The planner will be kind to you if you ask what kind of concept you want and how much planning you want, so I think it would be better to communicate your hope as closely as possible. Because it is a venue where people who want to stick with will be obsessed with it. It is a ceremony place that I can really recommend.
みみんが on Google

Attentiveness and the smile of the staff are the best hospitality! Being reserved, I felt a sense of security in the private space. The production was also fashionable, and I think it made the biggest event of my life exciting. I was filled with gratitude when I thought that it took a considerable amount of time to prepare in advance. It was a wonderful wedding ceremony suitable for the start of two young people. Thank you very much.
rico on Google

Thank you for your help at the wedding ceremony of my relatives the other day. I took a group photo of my relatives indoors, but then the staff came around to sell the photo during the reception. 5,500 yen per sheet! I have sold it to the bride and groom's father. There is no reason why the bride and groom's father will not buy the group photo. The act of coming to sell to my father during the reception was very unpleasant. After that, when I opened the lid, it was said that three copies were originally prepared for the bride and groom and for both families. There is no such explanation, and I have to buy this photo to get it. Isn't it a vice ...? It's a shame because the ceremony and reception were good! !! !!
星ひかる on Google

ブライダルフェアに参加しました。 当日の結婚式をする方の都合上、会場が空く度に会場を見る→商談室に戻るという繰り返しを4回ぐらいしたので疲れました。 また、商談室もずっと見積作成と契約をしてほしいという相手の押し売りがひどかったです。 HP上では試食も出来るとは書いてありましたが、実際には提供がありません。 上述の通り、見積や契約、日程押さえの会話ばかりで、出てくる料理の説明が無かったので、聞いたらようやくどんな物なのか写真を見せてくれました。 会場見学や見積作成だけでしたら時間をさいてでも足を運ぶ必要も無かったのかなと思いました。 また、スタッフにも余裕が無いように見えます。 別のブライダルフェアしている結婚式場のスタッフは4時間一緒にいたとは思えないくらい客を疲れさせない接客をしてくれました。 ここには、3時間滞在しましたが、最初の1時間だけで疲れたので帰りたくなりました。 まとめ ここの接客スタイルは疲れるので、仮に主催側として考えると参加者に迷惑がかかるので、さいたま市西区の結婚式場にします。
I participated in the bridal fair. For the convenience of those who have a wedding ceremony on the day, I was tired because I had to go back to the business meeting room four times to see the venue every time the venue became available. Also, in the negotiation room, the sales of the other party who wanted me to make a quotation and make a contract were terrible. It was written on the HP that tasting is possible, but it is not actually offered. As mentioned above, there were only conversations about quotations, contracts, and schedules, and there was no explanation of the dishes that came out, so when I heard it, he finally showed me a picture of what it was like. I wondered if I didn't have to go to the venue even if I had to spend some time just to visit the venue and make an estimate. Also, it seems that the staff cannot afford it. The staff at the wedding hall, another bridal fair, served us so much that we couldn't believe we were together for four hours. I stayed here for 3 hours, but I was tired only in the first hour and wanted to go home. summary The customer service style here is tiring, so if you think of it as the organizer, it will be a nuisance to the participants, so we will make it a wedding hall in Nishi-ku, Saitama City.
n k on Google

Good place.

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