センチュリーペット 神戸学園店 - Kobe

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact センチュリーペット 神戸学園店

住所 :

Gakuen Nishimachi, Nishi Ward, Kobe, 〒651-2103 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878797
Postal code : 651-2103
Webサイト : http://www.century-pet.co.jp/%3Faction_store_detail%3Dtrue%26str_id%3D40
街 : Hyogo

Gakuen Nishimachi, Nishi Ward, Kobe, 〒651-2103 Hyogo,Japan
A Y on Google

多田恵久 on Google

Sala Tama on Google

natsumi Shakutani on Google

看板犬の白いポメラニアンがすごく可愛いです♥️ よくおやつやごはんの安売りをしててお買い得です。
The white Pomeranian of the signboard dog is very cute ♥ ️ We often sell snacks and rice at a bargain price.
カナタ牛 on Google

犬猫の居るスペース内で大声で叫んだり暴れている子供には結構厳しいイメージの店だが、動物好きからすると逆に好印象。 ちゃんと注意をしている店はあまり他では見たことない。
The store has a rather harsh image for children who are yelling or rampaging in the space where dogs and cats are, but it is a good impression for animal lovers. I haven't seen many stores that pay attention to it.
/// on Google

I sell dogs, but they are all very large (more than half a year old). My child asked me to take care of my rabbit's claws, but on my way home I was asked what kind of rabbit it was, but I was wondering if the rabbit I bought here didn't look like it or I couldn't find it in the customer list.
。。 on Google

There was a child with stereotyped symptoms. Each one is placed in a narrow, empty cage, and I think the other children are under considerable stress. I'm really sorry. Especially, it is better not to welcome dogs and cats at the pet shop here.
Rish Ms on Google

2階の少し奥の方にある落ち着いたペットショップです! 店員さんが凄く優しく、長時間迷いに迷っても一切嫌な顔をされず、ご丁寧に説明を受けながら思う存分触らせていただきました^^* 他のショップよりも求めやすい価格帯にも関わらず、美男美女揃いの猫ちゃんわんちゃんが多い印象でした。(小動物のうさぎやハムスターも居ました◎) 特に猫ちゃんは、近場でここまでのレベルは穴場だと思います。 実際に一人を迎えましたが、店員さんが愛情を込めて育てているおかげか、先住民がいるのにも関わらず、すぐ懐いてくれて、とてもお利口にしています* おもわず家族で感動し、次も機会があれば絶対ここ!と思っているほどです。
It's a calm pet shop on the 2nd floor, a little further back! The clerk was very kind, and even if I got lost for a long time, I didn't have a bad face at all, and I touched it to my heart's content while receiving a polite explanation ^^ * Despite the price range that is more affordable than other shops, I got the impression that there are many cats and dogs with beautiful men and women. (There were also small animal rabbits and hamsters ◎) Especially for cats, I think that the level up to this point is a little-known spot. We actually welcomed one person, but thanks to the affectionate care of the clerk, despite the fact that there are indigenous people, he immediately misses me and is very clever * I was impressed by my family, and if I had another chance, I would definitely be here! I think so.

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