One Love Bull Mail Maitamonten Pet Shop - Kobe

3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact One Love Bull Mail Maitamonten Pet Shop

住所 :

Maitamonhigashi, Tarumi Ward, Kobe, 〒655-0052 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87878
Postal code : 655-0052
Webサイト :
街 : Hyogo

Maitamonhigashi, Tarumi Ward, Kobe, 〒655-0052 Hyogo,Japan
横山かおる on Google

Trimming is a little expensive, but you can get a good response. It may be a loss if you do not become a member.
稲田隆 on Google

とても丁寧に対応して貰えました。 今日、柴犬を買って来ました。 購入には、時間がかかるので余裕を持って行く必要があります。
I received a very polite response. I bought a Shiba Inu today. It takes time to purchase, so you need to take some time to spare.
アキタン on Google

I went from Ashiya by train and bus because the price was reasonable, the correspondence was good, and the pets were cute. The most decisive factor is no interest rate on loans. I feel love for pets.
タケゴロウ on Google

店は清潔、匂いもありません。グッズも豊富でスタッフさんも親切そうです。業界大手なので比較的価格も妥当な感じ。○○に比べればはるかに信用度は高いでしょう。ただ生体の情報が価格だけだったような気がします。どこから仕入れたのか、欠点はないのか 、聞けば教えてくれるのかもわかりませんが表示するのも購入動機になるんじゃないかな。まあ自分はキャパオーバーなんでもう飼えないけどね。
The store is clean and has no smell. Goods are abundant, and the staff seems kind. As it is an industry major, the price also feels reasonable. It will be much more reliable than ○○. I feel that the only information on the body was the price. I don't know where I got it from, whether it has a defect, or I can tell you if I ask it, but it may also be a motivation to buy it. Well I can not keep it because I'm a caperover.
ジュエル on Google

約一年前に少し大きくなった子をこの店からおむかえしました。すぐに調子が悪くなり病院で色々検査した結果、便に虫はいませんでしたが 採血結果で貧血、脱水、栄養失調、ストレスで数値が高くなる値が最悪でした。 幸い大きな病気はありませんでした。 今はスクスクと大きくなり1.9キロから6キロと大きくなりすぎましたが? 今はこの子と出会わせてくれて感謝ですが
About a year ago, I brought a little older child from this store. Immediately I got sick and as a result of various tests at the hospital, there were no insects in the stool, but the worst value was that the blood sampling results showed anemia, dehydration, malnutrition, and stress. Fortunately there was no major illness. Now it's getting bigger and bigger, from 1.9kg to 6kg, but ? Thank you for meeting this child now
きてぃー on Google

最悪です。 気に入った子犬が居たのですが、体調が悪く連れて帰れず、もう三週間も連絡ありません。 その前に訪問した3日後に様子がどうか連絡しました。 そのときに体調戻りしだいすぐに連絡すると言われ…三週間…だんだん熱も覚めていき連絡もなし。 不調ってこんな長く続くの? 予約金払ってないから、適当にされただけ? 予約金払っても、この子犬が亡くなったら返金してくれないらしくしませんでした。 変わりの子犬と交換できるらしいけど、 我が家は、この子犬が良かったので。 一度電話してるし、こちらから電話する気にもなりません(*_*)
It's the worst. I had a puppy that I liked, but I couldn't take it home because I was sick and I haven't heard from him for three weeks. I contacted you about the situation 3 days after I visited before that. At that time, I was told that I would get in touch with him as soon as I got back in shape ... Three weeks ... Does the sickness last for so long? I didn't pay the reservation fee, so was it just right? Even if I paid the reservation fee, I didn't feel like giving me a refund if this puppy died. It seems that you can exchange for a strange puppy, This puppy was good for my family. I've called once, and I don't feel like calling from here (* _ *)
m muuu on Google

何度か利用させていただくのですが、 いつ見てもわんちゃんたちが可哀想に見えてしまいます。月齢が経っているからなのかもしれませんが、毛がボサボサ。カットが出来なくても、ブラッシングは出来るのでは?ある時は女性スタッフが契約テーブルで携帯を触っていました。仕事でなのかわかりませんが、その時間にプードルちゃんの1頭ぐらいブラッシングしてあげては?ブラッシングしてないのがよくわかり、あまりお世話されていないように感じ残念です。あとレジの際、基本どの方も愛想はあまり無いですね。ロボットの流れ作業という感じです。わんちゃんやねこちゃんが心配になってしまうことが多いかなぁ。
I will use it several times, The dogs always look pitiful. Maybe it's because I'm old, but my hair is unkempt. Is it possible to brush even if you can't cut? At one point, a female staff member was touching her cell phone at the contract table. I don't know if it's work, but why don't you brush about one Poodle at that time? I understand that I haven't brushed it well, and I feel sorry that I haven't been taken care of much. Also, at the time of cash register, basically none of them are very friendly. It's like a robot assembly line. I wonder if dogs and cats are often worried.
m mako on Google

It is in Maitamon's Blumer. Pet shops are more concerned about hygiene than anything else. There used to be a beast smell when I went to a home improvement store. It doesn't seem to be filthy, but ... I'm really worried. This is not the case at all, and it doesn't even smell. My dog ​​has allergic dermatitis and there is a snack made of soybeans that I have only seen here. You can rest assured that it is low in fat, domestically produced, and uncolored. The scent is meat. I eat it deliciously.

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