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Contact 富津陣屋跡

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Futtsu, 〒293-0021 Chiba,Japan

街 : 〒1F Chiba

Futtsu, 〒293-0021 Chiba,Japan
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富津陣屋跡と家老達の碑 幕末期、度重なる異国船の出現によって、海岸防御の必要性に迫られた江戸幕府は、江戸近郊沿岸に海防陣屋や砲台を数多く設置した。富津陣屋は、館山波左間から陣屋が移設され、文政5年(1822年)に再設置された。陣屋詰の担当各藩はめまぐるしく交代するが、戊辰戦争の只中に担当していたのは前橋藩であった。 慶応4年(1868年)4月、江戸無血開城が成って徳川家の処分が議論される中、旧幕府軍中の抗戦派は次々に脱走し、その一部(幕府陸軍撒兵隊)は、房総半島に移動して木更津内陸部の寺院真如寺を本拠とする『徳川義軍府』を称して割拠した。幕府陸軍遊撃隊の一部もまた木更津に移動し、伊庭八郎・人見勝太郎らが請西藩林家に共闘を交渉、それを受けた林昌之助(忠崇)はこれに同意し以後行動を共にした。 同年閏4月(旧暦では閏月がある為翌月)3日、木更津周辺にそれぞれ屯集していた旧幕府勢力(林忠崇率いる請西藩兵約七十名、人見勝太郎、伊庭八郎率いる遊撃隊三十六名、佐貫藩家臣の一隊、徳川義軍府の一隊)は、申し合わせたかのように富津陣屋に進軍し、これを包囲した。 旧幕府勢力の武力恫喝による陣屋明け渡しと兵器兵糧金子の要求を、陣屋詰前橋藩の最高責任者家老小河原左宮(政徳)は、主命が無ければ応じられないとしながらも、富津村周辺の兵火被害を恐れてか、翌4日に要求を受け入れることを即日受諾した。しかし、その日の陣屋内での評議は紛糾し、要求受け入れか、徹底抗戦かとの間でジレンマに陥った左宮は、事態の収束を図るため、その夜陣屋の一室に入って責任を一身に負った形で自刃してしまった。 交渉成立により、陣屋は旧幕府勢力の占拠するところとなり、その間前橋藩家臣で富津町在奉行兼勘定奉行白井宣左衛門(春幹)と藩士らは、付近の百姓家や、三本松陣屋(前橋藩飛び地支配の為の陣屋)へ移動した。それから五日後、旧幕府勢力が更なる進軍の為富津陣屋を去った為、前橋藩家臣藩士一同は再び富津陣屋に戻った。 やがて旧幕府勢力による大規模な戦乱は、房総半島では収束に向かった。慶応4年6月8日、新政府軍軍監矢野安太夫及び筑前藩家臣が海路富津に上陸し、佐貫城に駐屯した。前橋勝山飯野諸藩に対して、旧幕府勢力や請西藩に加担した人物の内帰藩している者についての詮議の結果、先の陣屋明け渡しの際、藩を脱走したと偽装して差し出した前橋藩家臣滝沢研三以下二十名の歩卒(足軽)が、箱根の陣にて人見勝太郎の配下となって新政府軍方士官を殺害した疑いがあり、また前橋藩富津陣屋に滝沢が帰藩した際一切の処分の無かったことが明るみになり、滝沢研三は処刑、その責任を追及された白井宣左衛門は、自刃した。 富津市教育委員会による史跡解説案内板では、小河原左宮と白井宣左衛門が、同時期に引責自刃したかのような印象を受けるのだが、実は、事件は時期も理由も異なっていたことが今回の調査で明らかになった。 その後の富津陣屋は、前橋藩支配から離れ、飯野藩領となり、間もなく廃されたという。 陣屋の石碑は、当時富津陣屋が位置していた場所の西端の外側に有り、敷地は東側一帯の住宅地である。遺構は一切無い。
Futtsu Jinya ruins and monuments of the elders At the end of the Edo period, the Edo Shogunate was faced with the need for coastal protection due to the appearance of foreign ships repeatedly, and installed many sea defense camps and batteries on the coast near Edo. The Futtsu Jinya was relocated from the left side of Tateyama Nami, and was re-installed in Bunsei 5 (1822). Each clan in charge of Jinyazume changes swiftly, but it was Maebashi clan who was in charge during the Boshin War. In April 1868, the Edo Bloodless Kajo was formed and the Tokugawa clan's disposition was debated. After moving to the Boso Peninsula, he was assigned the name "Tokugawa Gifu" based in Shinjoji, a temple located in the inland part of Kisarazu. Part of the Shogunate Army Expeditionary Team also moved to Kisarazu, Hachiro Iba, Katsutaro Hitomi and others negotiated a joint struggle with the Hayashi family of the Saijo clan, and Shonosuke Hayashi (Tadataka) who received it agreed and acted thereafter. I worked together. On the 3rd of April of the same year (since there is a leap month in the old calendar), the former Shogunate forces (about 70 soldiers of the Jyosei clan soldiers led by Tadataka Hayashi, Katsutaro Hitomi, Hachiro Iniwa, thirty thirty soldiers gathered around Kisarazu on the 3rd. Six members, a member of the Sanuki clan vassal, a member of the Tokugawa Yoshigunate) marched to Futtsu Jinya as if they had agreed, and surrounded them. The former chief of the Shogunate power, the army soldiers' surrender to Jinya and the request for weapon soldiers Kaneko, the chief officer of the Jinzume Maebashi clan, Ogawara Samiya (Masatoku), is unable to meet unless he has a mortal life, but the fire around Futtsu village Perhaps because of fear of damage, I accepted the request the same day the next 4 days. However, the debate on the day of the camp was controversial, and Samiya, who fell into a dilemma between accepting the request and thoroughly fighting, entered the room of the Jinya at that night in order to converge the situation and took responsibility for himself. I blamed myself on what I was suffering from. After the negotiations were concluded, the Jinya became occupied by the former Shogunate powers, while the Maebashi clan retainer, Fukutsu Town magistrate and accountant Shirai Senzaemon (Spring Stem) and the clan samurai and the nearby family and Sanbonmatsu Jinya (Maebashi clan). Moved to (camp for controlling enclaves). Five days later, since the former Shogunate forces left Futtsu Jinya for further advancement, the Maebashi clan vassal members all returned to Futtsu Jinya. Eventually, the large-scale war caused by the power of the former shogunate headed for the Boso Peninsula. On June 8, 4th Keio, Yasushio Yano and vassal officer of the Chikuzen clan landed at Futtsu Kairo and stationed at Sanuki Castle. Maedashi Katsuyama Iino Morohan, who disguised himself as having escaped from the clan when he handed over to Jinya, as a result of a plea about the person who had returned to the former Shogunate powers and those who were involved in the Shosai clan. There is a suspicion that 20 graduates (Ashigaru) of Kenzo Takizawa, a vassal retainer of the Maebashi clan, have killed a new government military officer under the control of Katsutaro Hitomi in Hakone's camp, and also in Futtsu Jinya, the Maebashi clan. When Takizawa returned home, it became clear that there was no disposal, Kenzo Takizawa was executed, and Senzai Shirai, who was charged with its responsibility, self-bladed. Futtsu City Board of Education's commentary board tells us that Ogawara Samiya and Shirai Senzaemon have taken responsibility for themselves at the same time, but in fact, the case was different in time and reason. This survey revealed. After that, the Futtsu Jinya became a territory of the Iino domain, separated from the Maebashi clan rule, and soon abolished. The stone monument of Jinya is located outside the western end of the place where Futtsu Jinya was located at that time, and the site is a residential area on the east side. There are no remains.

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