
2.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 二ツ家整形外科

住所 :

Futatsuya, Kitamoto, 〒364-0014 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : https://futatsuyaseikei.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM
街 : Saitama

Futatsuya, Kitamoto, 〒364-0014 Saitama,Japan
n. kuramon on Google

優しい良い先生です。 ただ、混んでます。
A gentle good teacher. Just crowded.
Z D on Google

The receptionist and the nurse are extremely arrogant.
健治 on Google

Waiting for two hours was the norm, and I had a backache, but I had a backache in the waiting chair.
山田はなこ on Google

Doctors don't listen, but people at the reception also don't listen, fast pace, only kindness to the elderly, the hospital chooses patients. I judge people by appearance.
hige3106 po on Google

先生は、子供にはとても丁寧に診てくれるるので 安心です。 一方で、丁寧さゆえ、一人辺りの診察時間は長めに なります。 なので、結構待つ事を考えてスケジュールしないと です。
The teacher treats the child very carefully I am relieved. On the other hand, due to the politeness, the consultation time per person is longer. Become. So I have to schedule it considering waiting quite a bit is.
k T on Google

去年の初夏から腰痛のため通院していますが、ここ数ヵ月は足のしびれがなかなか治らないのに、診察では血圧や中性脂肪など内科系のことばかり。ここは整形外科をやめたのか? リハビリも血圧が高いからダメと言ったり、やれと言ったり、一体どっちなんだ! 看護士は偉そうな口を聞くし、本当に最悪?⤵️⤵️思い出すだけでイラッとします。 整形外科だから通院してるんで、内科的治療なら近所の昔から世話になってるクリニックに診てもらうんですが...。この一年半の間に足のしびれが治らないから、この患者は整形外科ではなく内科で儲けてやろうという魂胆なのかな? 来週、別の整形外科で診てもらおうと思う。
I've been going to the hospital because of back pain since early summer last year, but for the past few months I haven't been able to get rid of my numbness in my legs, but the medical examinations are all about internal medicine such as blood pressure and neutral fat. Did you quit orthopedics here? Rehabilitation also has high blood pressure, so I say no or do it, which one is it! The nurse hears a bossy mouth and is really irritated just by remembering the worst ?⤵️⤵️. Since I am an orthopedic surgeon, I go to the hospital, so for medical treatment, I go to a clinic that has been in my neighborhood for a long time. Since the numbness in my legs hasn't healed in the last year and a half, is this patient eager to make money in internal medicine instead of orthopedics? I'm thinking of seeing another orthopedic surgeon next week.
Yoshi H on Google

Others have commented, but the doctors, receptionists, and other staff are all arrogant. I went to the hospital because of a knee injury about three years ago, but I was angry because I didn't seem to be afraid even if I confused the examination and rehabilitation and made a mistake in the order. The doctor just takes an X-ray every time and does nothing. Naturally, I will never go again.
ちびマール on Google

午後は15時からなので、14時45分に着くように行った。 着いたら既に駐車場はほぼ満車で、自転車もそこそこ駐輪してあったので 「15時からだよな?もう過ぎた?」と思い時計を確認。 すると14時49分。 受付に、15時からですよね?と確認すると、 「10分前から受付が始まるんです。」 との返答。 その場で時計を確認すると、14時50分。 待合には足元もおぼつかない年寄りが、20人以上も既に着席して落ち着いている。 ものの数秒で受付からの着席が、あの年寄り達に出来るとは思えない。 正に 【受付が嘘をついた】 だけ。 更に、ここのクリニックには 「ソーシャルディスタンス」 の概念は無いようです。 3人掛けのベンチに間を開けて座っていると、その間に座ってくる年寄り。 その度に移動したり立ったりしてるが、何度も違う年寄りが座ってくる。 それを受付や看護師は見て見ぬふり。 待合の椅子は1つも間を開けず、皆さんギュウギュウで座っています。 何も文句も言わず黙って通ってくれる年寄りには優しく、それ以外には適当。 同じ箇所で、痛み止めが切れたので再診で来たが、今回と前回で診断が変わってるし。 前回は年齢的な物。 今回は首の神経の炎症。 次回は来るか分からないが、 果たして次回は何て言われるのやら。 ちなみに、公式サイトの 「問い合わせ」 は、表示はしてるけどクリック出来ない様になっています。
It's from 15:00 in the afternoon, so I went to arrive at 14:45. When I arrived, the parking lot was almost full and the bicycles were parked so much. I checked the clock thinking, "It's from 15:00? Is it past?" Then it was 14:49. The reception is from 15:00, right? After confirming that "The reception starts 10 minutes before." Reply. When I checked the clock on the spot, it was 14:50. Elderly people who are uncertain about their feet are already seated and calm in the waiting room. I don't think that the elderly can be seated from the reception in a few seconds. Exactly [The receptionist lied] only. In addition, at the clinic here "Social distance" There seems to be no concept of. When I sit on a bench for three people with a gap, the elderly who sit in the meantime. Every time I move or stand, different elderly people sit down. Receptionists and nurses pretend not to see it. There are no waiting chairs, and everyone is sitting in a squeak. It is kind to the elderly who pass silently without complaining, and is suitable for other things. At the same place, the painkiller was cut off, so I came back to see him, but the diagnosis has changed between this time and the last time. Last time it was an age-related thing. This time, inflammation of the nerves in the neck. I don't know if it will come next time, I wonder what will be said next time. By the way, on the official website "inquiry" Is displayed but cannot be clicked.

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