Furuya Driving School - Kawagoe

2.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Furuya Driving School

住所 :

6058 Furuyakami, Kawagoe, Saitama 350-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 350-0001
Webサイト : https://furuya.driver.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–8:30PM
Sunday 8:30AM–8:30PM
Monday 8:30AM–8:30PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–8:30PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–8:30PM
Thursday 8:30AM–8:30PM
Friday 8:30AM–8:30PM

6058 Furuyakami, Kawagoe, Saitama 350-0001, Japan

教官は皆さん気さくで質問もしやすく、教習内容はとてもいいです。 教え方もとても上手いですし。 受付?にいる若い教官は(僕は当たりませんでしたが教習もしている模様)の方は女性贔屓がすごく逆に見てておもろかったですwww 人にもよると思いますが、教習所、コース、合宿の宿舎が、各々離れていて時間の無駄は感じやすかったかなと。
The instructors are all friendly and easy to ask questions, and the content of the lessons is very good. The teaching method is also very good. reception? The young instructor in (I didn't hit it, but it seems that he is also learning) was very interesting to see the female favor in the opposite direction www I think it depends on the person, but I think it was easy to feel the waste of time because the driving school, the course, and the dormitory of the training camp were separated from each other.
Mi on Google

送迎車の運転が酷い。 駅前で生徒を降ろすため、急にウィンカーも出さず止まったり、また動いたり。後続車はヒヤヒヤします。 追い越し禁止車線で、右折待ちが1台いるととても混む道路でも、絶対に道を譲らない。 どんな人が運転してるのか?
The driving of the shuttle car is terrible. In order to drop the students in front of the station, they suddenly stopped or moved without turning signals. The following car will be hilarious. Even on a road that is very crowded with one waiting for a right turn in the overtaking prohibited lane, never give up. What kind of person is driving?
乗松美世 on Google

大型連休を挟んでの合宿でお世話になりました。 ただ、入ったタイミングも悪かったのでしょうが「大型連休を挟む場合は仮免試験に落ちると連休明けまで一時帰宅となり、卒業がかなり延びる」ということを入った日に説明され、大きなプレッシャーの中過ごすこととなりました。 申し込みの時点で注意事項等に記載していただきたかった、という思いを込めて申し訳ないですが星を1つ−で評価をさせていただきます。 こちらの口コミは合宿半ばくらいで初めて見ましたが、感じ方は人それぞれだと思います。 自分から行動すれば、受付の方も教官もきちんと答えてくださいます。 いい意味で飴と鞭=圧の強い教官もいればフレンドリーな教官がフォローしてくれたりと、口コミに書かれているほどの教官はいらっしゃらなかったように思います。 新設の男性寮の方が設備がよく、 女性寮に関しては、同じ建物に一般の入居者の方がいるのでもちろん男性もいます。 食事に関して 3食・宿泊費込みで通いの教習料金よりも安いのですから、用意していただけるだけありがたいと思いました。 学生時代の給食のような感じでした。(若い方には馴染みのないメニューが多いようには感じましたが。笑) 毎日、朝昼夜の食事が必要か記載するシステムだったので、 「食事なし −1万円くらいのプラン」もあれば、食事に関しての低評価も減るのではないでしょうか。 長々と書いてしまいましたが、無事に本免試験1発合格でした。 お世話になりました。ありがとうございました。
Thank you for your help during the training camp after the Golden Week holidays. However, I think the timing of entering was also bad, but I was explained on the day when I entered that "If you have a long holiday, if you fail the provisional exemption exam, you will be temporarily returned home until the end of the holiday, and graduation will be considerably extended", and you will spend a lot of pressure. It was become a thing. We apologize for the inconvenience that we wanted you to include it in the notes at the time of application, but we will evaluate it with one star. I saw this review for the first time in the middle of the training camp, but I think that each person feels it differently. If you act on your own, both the receptionist and the instructor will answer properly. In a good way, some instructors have strong candy and whip = pressure, and some are friendly instructors, so I don't think there were as many instructors as written in the word of mouth. The new male dormitory has better facilities, Regarding women's dormitories, of course there are also men because there are general residents in the same building. Regarding meals It's cheaper than the regular training fee, including 3 meals and accommodation, so I'm grateful if you could prepare it. It was like school lunch when I was a student. (I felt that there are many menus that young people are not familiar with. Lol) Since it was a system that states whether morning, day and night meals are necessary every day, If there is a "no meal plan of about 10,000 yen", the low evaluation regarding meals may be reduced. I wrote it for a long time, but I passed this exemption test safely. thank you for helping me. Thank you very much.
moritoshi 78 on Google

こちらの教習所18歳の時に普通免許、20年後の38歳から大型1種、牽引、大型特殊、大型2種を取得させて頂きました。 指導員の三輪教官は全国で1番技術がある教官と言い切れます。 たった一言のアドバイスで大型2種の最難関課題(鋭角)のコツが分かり、3つのポイントで牽引の(方向変換)のコツが分かりました。 今現在でも運転の技術に迷った時は三輪教官のお言葉を思い返すようにしています。 カッコ良く、安全に運転技術を身に付けるなら三輪教官の教習を是非受けてみて下さい。
When I was 18 years old, I got an ordinary driver's license, and 20 years later, from 38 years old, I got one large class, towing, large special, and two large classes. The instructor, Miwa, can be said to be the most skilled instructor in Japan. With just one word of advice, I learned the knack of the two largest types of the most difficult task (sharp angle), and the knack of towing (direction change) at three points. Even now, when I am at a loss about driving skills, I try to remember the words of Instructor Miwa. If you want to learn driving skills in a cool and safe way, please take the lessons of Miwa instructor.
ジョソレノソ on Google

中型免許取得の為利用させて頂きました。(合宿) 受付にいらっしゃる平野さんは真っ先に声を掛けてくれました。他県から1人で来て心細かったので安心したのを覚えてます。合宿、教習の説明は勿論、休憩の合間におすすめのラーメン屋やレアカラーのイエローのステージアに乗られていた等色々聴けました笑 顔を合わせる度フレンドリーに接してくれました。 加藤さんは深視力検査を厳しさの中に優しさを交えて説明してくれました。「いざ免許センターでの検査の時他にも待ってる人がいる。もう少し頑張ってみよう」と。そのお陰で修了検定の深視力も無事クリア出来ました。その日の休憩の合間、「合格おめでとう。」の言葉を掛けて下さったのをよく覚えています。加藤さんのお陰です。ありがとうございました。また教習の際も「良い感じ。後はカーブ曲がる時は更に速度を落として。荷物とか積んでたら尚更ね」と教えてくれました。 鎌田さんの教え方は非常に分かりやすかったです。ギアチェンジの際「力んでると壁が分からないから、力を抜いて1つ壁を感じて上に入れれば2速、2つ壁を感じて上に入れればバックに入る(これは本当に驚きました。それからギアチェンジが大分スムーズに行える様になりました)」や、私が間違えたり抜けてたりした所があったら「ここは一通だから右に寄って曲がった方がいいよ」「ここの通りは凸凹してるからしっかり減速して、半クラも使って」「フットブレーキに頼りすぎだね。クラッチももう少し早めに切るといいかな」「ここの通りは左から車とか歩行者、自転車が結構来るから気を付けてね」等具体的に分かりやすく、かつ丁寧に教えてくれました。 佐久間さんはお忙しい中私にとって鬼門だった左バックを絵に描いて説明してくれました。「この曲がり目の白線に後輪が差し掛かる位の所で全切り。止まっちゃ駄目よ。動きながらね。慌てなければ大丈夫。頑張ってね」と励ましてくれました。あの時は嬉しかったです。 弁当もホッカホカのご飯とオムレツと天ぷらが特に美味しかったです。あと伏兵でオクラ。アレも美味しかったなぁ。また食べたくなってきた笑 友達にも恵まれ本当にあっという間で濃厚な1週間でした。この経験を活かして安全確認(振り出し、ミラー、目視)を徹底し、次の職場で頑張りたいと思います。短い間でしたが、大変お世話になりました。ありがとうございました。
I used it to get a medium-sized driver's license. (Training camp) Mr. Hirano, who is at the reception, spoke to me first. I remember being relieved because I came from another prefecture alone and was very sensitive. In addition to the training camp and explanation of the lessons, I was able to listen to various things such as the recommended ramen shop and the rare yellow Stagea during the break. Mr. Kato explained the deep vision test with kindness in the strictness. "There are other people waiting for the inspection at the license center. Let's do our best." Thanks to that, I was able to successfully clear the deep eyesight of the completion test. I remember saying "Congratulations on your passing" during the break of the day. Thanks to Mr. Kato. Thank you very much. Also, during the lesson, he told me, "It feels good. After that, slow down further when turning a curve. Especially if you load luggage." Mr. Kamada's teaching method was very easy to understand. At the time of gear change, "I do not know the wall if I force it, so if I relax and feel one wall and put it up, I will be in 2nd speed, if I feel two walls and put it up, I will go back (this is really surprising) Then, the gear change became much smoother.) ”And if I made a mistake or missed something,“ This is one, so you should turn to the right. ”“ Here The street is uneven, so slow down firmly and use a half-clutch. "" You rely too much on the foot brake. I think you should disengage the clutch a little earlier. "" This street is from the left, cars, pedestrians, and bicycles. Please be careful because it will come quite a bit. " Mr. Sakuma explained by drawing a picture of the left back, which was a demon gate for me while he was busy. He encouraged me, "Cut it all at the point where the rear wheel reaches the white line at this bend. Don't stop. While moving. It's okay if you don't panic. Good luck." I was happy at that time. As for the bento, the rice, omelet and tempura were especially delicious. Okra is also an ambush. That was also delicious. I want to eat again lol I was blessed with friends and it was a really rich week in a blink of an eye. Taking advantage of this experience, I would like to thoroughly check safety (drawing, mirroring, visual inspection) and do my best in the next workplace. It was a short time, but thank you very much for your help. Thank you very much.
UR rise on Google

爺さん指導員の態度が全くなっていませんね。 一から教育し直すか新しく若い指導員を雇った方がいいでしょう。 失礼すぎるしただただ不快でした。 施設も稀にみるボロさです。他の教習所ではなくこの教習所に行くメリットは全くありません。 最低最悪の教習所なので一刻も早く潰れてほしいです
The attitude of the old man instructor hasn't changed at all. You should re-educate from scratch or hire a new young instructor. It was too rude, but it was just unpleasant. The facility is also rarely seen. There is no benefit to going to this driving school over any other driving school. It ’s the worst driving school, so I want it to collapse as soon as possible.
2藤虎 on Google

2年前に合宿でお世話になりました。 合宿中の3週間はとにかく憂鬱であり、特にご飯に関しては正直あまり美味しいとも思えなかったのでかなりキツかったです。ですが、それも今となっては良い思い出です。 教習では優しい教官が多かったですが、中には気難しい教官もおり、そんなに強く言わなくても…と思うことも多々ありました。しかし強く指導してくださったお陰で、変なクセが付くことも無く今も無事故で運転出来ており、あの時強く指導してくれた教官にはとても感謝しています。 先日、東京からこちらの自動車学校の方までドライブをした際にお世話になった教官の姿がたまたま見れてとてもうれしかったです。 今後別の免許を取ろうと思った際は、またそちらにお世話になりたいと思います!
I was taken care of at the training camp two years ago. The three weeks during the training camp were depressing anyway, and honestly, I didn't think it was very delicious, especially when it came to rice, so it was pretty tough. But that is also a good memory now. There were many kind instructors in the lessons, but there were also difficult instructors, and I often thought that I didn't have to say so strongly. However, thanks to the strong guidance, I was able to drive without any accidents without any strange habits, and I am very grateful to the instructor who gave me strong guidance at that time. The other day, I was very happy to see the instructor who took care of me when I drove from Tokyo to this driving school. If I want to get another license in the future, I would like to take care of it again!
Niji Hidaka on Google

12月17日に普通免許(AT)で卒業しました〜。古谷教習所を選んで本当に良かったと思います。指導員やスタッフの皆さんがとても素晴らしく、生徒達に真剣に教える情熱や思いやりには今でも涙出るほど感動しています。寮のお部屋(レオパレス2号館)も勉強や睡眠には快適で、2週間の合宿も早寝早起きの良い生活習慣を取り入れる事ができました。一緒に緊張感や達成感を乗り越えた仲間も出来て、とても充実した笑い溢れる毎日でした。ここで学んだ知識や、スキル、思いやりの精神を生かして安全に運転して行きたいと思います。最初から最後まで丁寧にご指導して頂き、心から感謝しています。 これから参加される生徒さん達へのアドバイスとしたら、勉強をしっかりやって、なるべく早めに効果測定を受けるとスムーズに行くと思います。私も練習問題を沢山やり始めたらテストの成績もどんどん上がって行きました。後、寮は色々整っているので(自分専用の洗濯機など)大きいスーツケースで行かなくても大丈夫です。ポジティブな考え方とやる気があれば、あっという間の楽しい2週間になると思います〜。
I graduated from a regular driver's license (AT) on December 17th. I'm really glad I chose Furuya Driving School. The instructors and staff are so wonderful that I am still tearfully impressed with the passion and compassion for teaching the students seriously. The dormitory room (Leopalace Building No. 2) was also comfortable for studying and sleeping, and I was able to adopt a good lifestyle for early to bed and early rising during the two-week training camp. It was a very fulfilling and laughing day with friends who overcame the tension and accomplishment together. I would like to drive safely by making use of the knowledge, skills, and spirit of compassion I learned here. I am deeply grateful for your careful guidance from the beginning to the end. As for the advice to the students who will participate in the future, I think that it will go smoothly if you study hard and take the effect measurement as soon as possible. When I started doing a lot of exercises, the test results went up steadily. After that, there are various dormitories, so you don't have to go with a big suitcase (such as your own washing machine). If you have a positive mindset and motivation, I think it will be a fun two weeks in no time.

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