Furukawa Orchards - Ichikawa

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Furukawa Orchards

住所 :

4 Chome-2771 Onomachi, Ichikawa, Chiba 272-0805, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8998
Postal code : 272-0805
Webサイト : http://sites.google.com/site/strawberryfurukawa

4 Chome-2771 Onomachi, Ichikawa, Chiba 272-0805, Japan
深沢寛 on Google

紅ほっぺ 女峰 恋みのり チバベリー まだ 違う品種もあります。 かなりの大盛況で子連れも多かったです。 千葉県でありながら凄く車を利用すれば 30分から40分あればこれだけ美味しく食べ放題のいちごが味わえるなんて、 最高。ベリーgood 大粒の苺がわんさか食べるのに夢中で写真忘れてしまうくらい楽しかったです。 今年も来ました。 時間は早い方が良いと思いますよ。 それは大粒の苺が沢山あるからです。 立ち入り禁止は翌日のお客様の為かと 女峰は今年はありませんでした。
Beni Hoppe Memine Koi Minori Chiba Berry Still There are also different varieties. It was a great success and there were many children. Even though it is in Chiba prefecture, if you use a car very much You can enjoy all-you-can-eat strawberry in 30 to 40 minutes. The best. Very good It was so much fun that I was so absorbed in eating a large strawberry that I forgot to take a picture. I came this year as well. I think the earlier the time, the better. That's because there are a lot of large strawberries. I wonder if the off-limits is for the next day's customers There was no woman peak this year.

千葉県は市川市の動物園と大慶園の近くにある農園です。 この近辺は梨が有名で夏は私も良く買いに来ます。 今回は苺狩りが出来る農園を探してましたら良く行く場所に有ったので決めました。 予約優先ですが昼食の時間前後は空いてるので、私は予約無しで入りました。 30分大人1人2000円也、少し高いかなって思ったけどハウスに入って納得! 種類が豊富で苺の状態も良好、赤く熟して大きく実っているのが直ぐに見て取れましたからね。 昼食の時間前だったのが功を奏し程良い人数でした。 訪れてる方も老若男女問わず沢山の人で賑わってて、特に若いカップルと親子連れでした。 卒業シーズンだからかな?そんな幸せ一杯な方達を尻目に甘く完熟した苺達を選別してはパクリ、一際大きな苺を見つけてはパクリ!お腹が満腹になってしまうのが残念でなりません。 時間を10分くらい残してギブアップです。 種類も豊富だし受付の方も明るく元気で気分良く苺狩りが楽しめました、近いうちに再訪したいと思います! 美味いからね!
Chiba Prefecture is a farm near Ichikawa Zoo and Daikeien. This area is famous for pears and I often come to buy them in summer. This time, I was looking for a farm where I could pick strawberries, so I decided to go to a good place to go. Priority is given to reservation, but I am vacant around lunch time, so I entered without reservation. 2,000 yen per adult for 30 minutes, I thought it was a little expensive, but I entered the house and was convinced! The variety is good and the strawberry is in good condition. It was just before lunch time that the number was good and the number of people was good. Visitors were crowded with many people, both young and old, especially young couples and parents. Is it graduation season? Picking sweet and ripe strawberries at the bottom of such happy people, Pakuri, and finding a particularly large strawberry, Pakuri! I am sorry that my stomach becomes full. Give up for about 10 minutes. There are many kinds and the receptionist was cheerful and cheerful and enjoyed picking strawberries. I would like to revisit soon! It ’s delicious!
Takat N on Google

いちご狩りに来訪。 ハウスも広く、栽培されているいちごの種類も豊富でとても楽しめます。 駐車スペースは10台ほど止められる広さがあり、近くに動植物園もあるので、家族で行くのにとてもおすすめです。
Visited to pick strawberries. The house is large and you can enjoy a wide variety of cultivated strawberries. The parking space is large enough to hold about 10 cars, and there is an animal and botanical garden nearby, so it is highly recommended for families.
chac-mool on Google

ネットで予約して訪問しました。ネット予約だとこの時期(2021.5)200円引きしてくださいます。 駐車場広く、6~7台くらい停められます。 着くとすぐに案内の方が来てくださり、とてもスムーズに受付できました。 支払いは現金かpay払い。 30分食べ放題です。 練乳は無料でいただけます。検温をしてビニール手袋をして採ります。 品種は8種類くらいありましたが、もう採られてしまって食べられなかった品種もありました。 が、大方のいちごはまだまだ大きく赤いものが多くお腹いっぱい楽しめました!
I made a reservation online and visited. If you make an online reservation, please discount 200 yen at this time (2021.5). The parking lot is large and can park about 6 to 7 cars. As soon as I arrived, a guide came and the reception was very smooth. Payment is cash or pay. All-you-can-eat for 30 minutes. Condensed milk is available free of charge. Measure the temperature and wear vinyl gloves. There were about eight varieties, but there were also varieties that had already been picked and could not be eaten. However, most of the strawberries are still big and red, so I enjoyed my stomach!
渡邊美幸 on Google

Arrived from my daughter's home in about 20 minutes! The shop staff was kind and very nice. Even when I entered the strawberry garden, it was very large and there were many people, but I kept the social distance. 40 minutes Adults 2300 yen / Children 1200 yen? I wonder if it was ? It's a little expensive ❗, but it was big and delicious so let's say it's okay ✨ It's Furukawa Farm in Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture. Everyone, please go ?
ゆうがTV on Google

If you are looking for strawberry picking in Chiba, there is no doubt if you come here! All-you-can-eat for 40 minutes will make you very full. Many kinds of strawberries can be torn and eaten as they are, so you can enjoy the difference in taste!
なすてらやまだ on Google

「高い、、、スーパーで何パックか買って爆食いする方が確実にコスパ良いな」と思って尻込みしていました。が、 そんな事言ってた私ですが行って良かったです。 7種類の品種がありどれも今が旬と艶々していました。 駐車場は無料ですが結構混み合うので、近隣の動物園の有料駐車場に停める事を勧められます。 一枠40分と短い時間ですが大満足です。 予約時間よりちょっと遅れてしまっていた人も遅刻した時間を加味してそこから40分をカウントしてもらえていたようなので良心的だなぁと感じました。 日曜という事もありだいぶ賑わっていました
I thought, "It's definitely better to buy a few packs at the supermarket and eat them." but, I said that, but I'm glad I went. There are 7 kinds of varieties, and all of them are in season now. Parking is free, but it is quite crowded, so it is recommended to park at a paid parking lot at a nearby zoo. It's a short time of 40 minutes per frame, but I'm very satisfied. People who were a little late from the reserved time seemed to be counting 40 minutes from there, taking into account the time they were late, so I felt conscientious. It was very busy because it was Sunday.
Quynh Tran on Google

Good fruit, fresh and big.

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