
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 新美園

住所 :

Omachi, Ichikawa, 〒272-0801 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : https://www.niimien.com/
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Omachi, Ichikawa, 〒272-0801 Chiba,Japan
green on Google

マンションの1階で、バルコニーが歩道に面しているため、目隠しのためにプランターを使った植栽を新美園さんに依頼しました。目黒区をはじめ、都内でも多数の実績があるそうで、周囲の景観にあわせて、ギンバイカやマサキを中心に植木を提案くださいました。 メールで問合せをしてからの対応、事前の現地確認・相談、当日の施工、施工後の育て方等、終始丁寧かつ親切な対応・姿勢で、安心してお願いすることができました。見積りも細かく出してくださり、明朗会計でした。 植えていただいた植物の成長がとても楽しみです。 今後とも、よろしくお願いいたします。
On the first floor of the condominium, the balcony faces the sidewalk, so I asked Mr. Shin Misono to plant it using a planter for blindfolding. It seems that there are many achievements in Tokyo, including Meguro Ward, and he suggested planting trees mainly for myrtle and masaki according to the surrounding landscape. We were able to ask with peace of mind with a polite and kind response and attitude from beginning to end, such as response after making inquiries by e-mail, prior on-site confirmation / consultation, construction on the day, how to grow after construction, etc. He gave me a detailed estimate, and it was a cheerful accounting. I am very much looking forward to the growth of the plants you have planted. We look forward to working with you in the future.
Takayuki Ono on Google

I wanted to blindfold the wall of the next house with a garden tree, so I asked for measures such as weed control in the garden that had been left unattended. We have you construct it neatly including gravel and shrubs, and we are very satisfied with the polite response.
たよ on Google

今回、新美園さんに初めて庭の植栽工事をお願いしました。 当初は、面積的に「庭」未満「花壇」にしては大きく、 自宅兼事務所で看板もあるのでユッカ・ロストラータなど 高額の植栽に予算は投じて格好良いドライガーデンにしたい という内容だったので、 造園やさん・外構やさん・・・ どういう形態の会社様に依頼しようか迷いましたが、 希望に近いドライガーデン・ロックガーデンの施工例があり、 当方江戸川区から近い市川市の新美園さんに相談をしました。 とても対応が早く、見積も詳細があり、業界の事、 メリットデメリットも教えて下さり、依頼をしました。 当日は、テキパキと作業も簡単な清掃までして頂き、 想像以上のドライガーデンに仕上がりをしました! なんと言ってもメンテナンスフリーでほぼ放置で メインの植栽が1年で10cm伸びれば優秀、 昼も夜もかっこよく、 定期的な庭の管理を考えると最高の状態になりました。
This time, I asked Mr. Shinmisono to plant the garden for the first time. Initially, the area was smaller than the "garden" and large for a "flowerbed", There is also a signboard at home and office, so Yucca Rostrata etc. I want to spend a budget on expensive planting to make a good looking dry garden Because it was the content Landscaping and exterior ... I was wondering what kind of company to ask, but There are construction examples of dry gardens and rock gardens that are close to your wishes. We consulted with Mr. Shinmisono of Ichikawa City, which is close to Edogawa Ward. Very quick response, detailed quotes, industry affairs, He also told me the advantages and disadvantages and made a request. On the day of the event, we asked you to do a quick cleaning and easy work. The result is a dry garden that is beyond your imagination! After all, it is maintenance-free and almost left unattended. Excellent if the main planting grows 10 cm in a year, Cool day and night, It was in the best condition considering the regular garden management.
くみ on Google

リビング外のバルコニーに、目隠し効果のあるプランター植栽をお願いしました。 3つのプランターに、シマトネリコ、オリーブ、ゴールドライダーを植栽して頂き、外から見ても中から見ても素敵な緑の空間になりました。とても満足しています。施工も対応も丁寧にして頂きました。ありがとうございました。
We asked for a planter to be planted on the balcony outside the living room, which has a blindfold effect. The three planters were planted with Griffith's ash, olives, and gold riders, creating a wonderful green space both from the outside and from the inside. I am very satisfied. The construction and correspondence were polite. Thank you very much.
0424 mantaro on Google

I asked for gardening on the roof balcony of my new house. The response to inquiries was very speedy and very pleasant. When I was asked to propose a planting plan, I was able to accurately accept my request and put together a plan in a short period of time. You can choose a planter with colors and materials that are in harmony with the exterior of your home, and you can also arrange a splendid branching tree species, and the dry garden style roof balcony was completed as you imagined. He suggested planting with due consideration for the maintenance work that I had been concerned about from the beginning. It was a very satisfying finish. Thank you very much for this time.
市川雅之 on Google

自宅の植栽が枯れてしまい、雑草対策にも苦慮していたので、外構工事をお願いする業者をネットで探していたところ、新美園さんのHPを見つけて、ご相談をさせていただきましたが、説明も丁寧でわかりやすく、信用できると思ったので、雑草対策と砂利敷き、樹脂フェンスによる目隠し対策をお願いしました。 結果、仕事もとても丁寧で対応もよく、悩んでいた玄関先の補修にも相談に乗ってくれて追加工事で対応してくれました。全体的に仕上がりにも非常に満足しています。 最近は日本でも少なくなった「THE職人さん」と言う感じがして頼もしかったです。助かりました。ありがとうございました。
Since the planting at my house had died and I was having a hard time dealing with weeds, I was looking for a contractor to ask for exterior construction on the net, but I found Mr. Niimizono's HP and consulted. However, I thought that the explanation was polite, easy to understand, and reliable, so I asked for weed control, gravel laying, and blindfolding with a resin fence. As a result, the work was very polite and the response was good, and he consulted with me about the repair of the front door, which I was worried about, and responded with additional work. Overall, I am very satisfied with the finish. Recently, I felt like "THE craftsman", which has decreased in Japan, and it was reliable. It was helpful. Thank you very much.
さえちょろ on Google

目隠しフェンスと植栽を施工。 悩みが多々あり様々な業者をあたる中、デザイン・予算・人柄に魅力を感じこちらに依頼。 終始親切且つ丁寧で、確かな技術に基づいた提案力とセンスがあり、最初の相談から施工完了に至るまで安心して任せられました。 拘りのアオダモやソヨゴも樹形が美しく、庭とも言えない狭く日陰の残念なスペースが、理想通りのナチュラルなシェードガーデンに一変しました。 今後も相談があれば必ず依頼します。
Constructed a blind fence and planting. While I have a lot of worries and hit various vendors, I was attracted to the design, budget, and personality and asked here. He was kind and polite from beginning to end, and had the ability and sense to make proposals based on reliable technology, and he was entrusted with peace of mind from the initial consultation to the completion of construction. The tree shape of the ash and longstalk holly is also beautiful, and the narrow and unfortunate space that cannot be called a garden has been transformed into a natural shade garden as ideal. If you have any questions, I will definitely ask you.
mica R on Google

去年、購入した家に庭を造り、好きな花木を植えたいと思い、造園業者さんを探していました。庭となる場所は日陰なので、どのような花木なら育つのかが不明だったのですが、新美園さんに現地に来ていただいた時に、プロの目から花木の提案をして下さり、助かりました。 また花木を植える場所以外には砂利をひいた方が外観が良く、雑草対策にもなる事を教えていただきました。また玄関前はコンクリートで舗装されているので、竹や紅葉をプランターに植えて置く事にしました。結果、味気なかったコンクリート敷きの玄関前が見違えるようになりました!そして、同じくコンクリート敷きの門前には、プランターに植えたソヨゴをシンボルツリーとして配置しました。 その他、新美園さんに感心したのは、極めてプロフェッショナルな仕事ぶりです。事前にメイルでやり取りする事も多かったのですが、素早く返答を頂き、見積書も一つ一つ明細があり、比較検討も容易でした。また家が静かな住宅地なので、なるべく騒音を出したくなかったのですが、とても静かに作業を進めてくれたのもよかったです。今後とも長いお付き合いをして、花木の手入れもお願いしたいと思っております。
Last year, I wanted to build a garden in the house I bought and plant my favorite flowers and trees, so I was looking for a landscaping company. Since the place to be the garden is in the shade, it was unclear what kind of flowering tree would grow, but when Mr. Niimizono came to the site, he suggested flowering trees from a professional eye, which was helpful. rice field. Also, I learned that it is better to pull gravel except for the place to plant flowers and trees, and it is also a countermeasure against weeds. Also, since the front of the entrance is paved with concrete, I decided to plant bamboo and autumn leaves in the planter. As a result, the dull concrete-lined front door is now misunderstood! Also, in front of the concrete-lined gate, the longstalk holly planted in the planter was placed as a symbol tree. Another thing that impressed Mr. Shin Misono was his extremely professional work. I often exchanged emails in advance, but I received a quick response, and each quote had a detailed statement, so it was easy to compare and examine. Also, since the house is a quiet residential area, I didn't want to make noise as much as possible, but it was good that the work proceeded very quietly. I would like to continue to have a long relationship with you and ask you to take care of the flowers and trees.

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