Furuido - Kasugai

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Furuido

住所 :

1 Chome-38 Asahimachi, Kasugai, Aichi 486-0929, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
Postal code : 486-0929
Webサイト : https://cafedelafuruido.jimdofree.com/

1 Chome-38 Asahimachi, Kasugai, Aichi 486-0929, Japan
河合陽子 on Google

Coffee is exceptionally delicious, and you can enjoy it in a mug. At night, you can enjoy tasty pork with wine and Nagoya Cochin.

ありがたいくらいバランスのランチです。 最初のサラダはドレッシングがおいしくてサッパリしていて、人参のマリネが全体の味をまとめてくれます。 メインの毎日限定5食のズワイガニとイクラの丼はご飯の量を少な目、普通、多目の3段階ご選べます。 天ぷらもしっかり量があり、抹茶塩が嬉しいです。 味噌汁、小鉢、漬物も言う事なしです。 次回は鍋にしてみたいです。 この日は他に煮込みハンバーグ、まぐろのづけ丼、がありました。
Thankfully it is a balanced lunch. The first salad is delicious with a good dressing and a marinated ginseng will bring together the whole taste. The main five-day limited meal of snow crab and salmon roe are available in three levels, with a small amount, a normal amount and a large amount of rice. Tempura also has a solid amount, and I am happy with matcha salt. No miso soup, small bowl, pickles. Next time I want to make a pot. On this day, there were stewed hamburger steak and tuna soup bowl.
波多野真紀 on Google

If you go with your friends in Katsukawa, it is definitely recommended ?. Please ride together. We recommend a set of crab, salmon roe and tempura. Even a hamburger alone.
y k on Google

口コミで高評価多数なので以前から気になって土曜20時前に初訪問、中には他の客1組のみ、自分の注文は煮込みハンバーグとひれ酒 しかし ・客が店内へ来てもしばらく案内しに来ない ・かなり待ってようやく奥から年配の女性店員が来るが愛想無く3人席へ案内される、その後他に2人の女性店員もカウンターへ来る、雑談しながら ・ワインが何十本も展示してあり白のグラス800円〜と書いてあるので「ソーヴィニヨンブランはありますか?」と聞いたところ「グラスの白ワインはモンカロ一本しか置いてない」と言う、ならなぜ800円〜なのだ ・仕方無く口コミでよく目にした煮込みハンバーグと、肌寒いのでひれ酒を頼むが持って来て点火した後ひれを置く小皿を用意せず帰るので「すみません小皿を」と言うと店員「?」と、あぁ忘れてましたと、ちなみに小さく薄いひれは半分以上真っ黒に焦げていた ・その後説明無しにお通しを出されるがよくわからない品種の大きい豆は、鞘入りでとても食べにくく、そして少し苦い ・煮込みハンバーグは出来上がるまでに時間がかかる旨の説明もなく、注文から20分後、やっと来た。器が熱くソースが沸騰しており「ハンバーグの底が焦げるので先に剥がしてから食べてください」と言われ、既にハンバーグの底全面に渡っている焦げを剥がすが、添えられたポテトも2本とも焦げて底にびっしりこびりついている。20分という時間をかけたにも関わらず火加減の調整や、焦げ過ぎたからと謝って新しく作り直して出そうともしないのか ・そしてフォーク、ナイフも出されず、手元の箸で仕方無くハンバーグを切ろうとした次の瞬間、中身の大量の熱い汁がテーブルの手前に勢いよく飛び散る。火傷が怖かったが、底の剥がしよりこちらの説明をする方が大事ではないのか。そして空腹の中20分待った上でハンバーグもソースも感動するような美味しさでは無く、よくある少し熱した器に入れただけの焦げた煮込みハンバーグだった。 口取300円 ひれ酒1300円 煮込みハンバーグ1300円 税込計2900円 以上の点を考慮して、高評価を付けこの店にまた来たいと思うだろうか。 自分も子供ではないので失敗の一つや二つは見逃すが、これは酷いのではなかろうか。 普通の客ならもう二度と夜に来ないだろう。 何も言わずに店を去っていくのが普通だが、 最後に店主であろう白髪の男性が「お土産に」とみかんをそっと置かれた点のみ良かったので、改善点を口コミとしてあげておく。もし店側がこの口コミを目にしたら、より良く改善してほしい。 他の口コミを見返してもランチが有名なだけかと。 下調べ不足の自分が甘かったと反省。 いい勉強代になりました。
Since it is highly rated by word of mouth, I have been worried about it for a long time and visited for the first time before 20:00 on Saturday, only one other customer, my order is stewed hamburger steak and fin sake However ・ Even if customers come to the store, they will not come to guide us for a while ・ After a long wait, an elderly female clerk finally comes from the back, but she is unfriendly and guided to the three seats, and then two other female clerk also come to the counter, chatting ・ Dozens of wines are on display and it says that a white glass starts at 800 yen, so when I asked "Do you have a Sauvignon Blanc?", He said, "I only have one glass of white wine, Moncaro." Then why is it from 800 yen? ・ I had no choice but to ask for a stewed hamburger steak that I often saw in word of mouth, and because it was chilly, I asked for fin sake, but after I brought it and ignited it, I went home without preparing a small plate to put the fins on, so when I said "I'm sorry, a small plate" By the way, when I forgot, the small and thin fins were more than half burnt black. ・ After that, large beans of a variety that are passed through without explanation but are not well understood are very difficult to eat because they are pods, and they are a little bitter. ・ There was no explanation that it would take time for the stewed hamburger to be completed, and it finally arrived 20 minutes after the order was placed. The bowl is hot and the sauce is boiling, and it is said, "The bottom of the hamburger is scorched, so please peel it off first before eating." Peel off the charcoal that has already spread over the entire bottom of the hamburger, but there are also two potatoes attached. It is also charred and sticks tightly to the bottom. Even though it took 20 minutes, why not adjust the heat and apologize for being too burnt and try to make a new one? -And the fork and knife were not put out, and the next moment when I tried to cut the hamburger with my chopsticks, a large amount of hot juice inside spattered vigorously in front of the table. I was afraid of burns, but isn't it more important to explain this than peeling off the bottom? After waiting for 20 minutes on an empty stomach, neither the hamburger steak nor the sauce was so delicious that it was a burnt stewed hamburger steak that was just put in a slightly heated bowl. Mouth 300 yen Hireshu 1300 yen Stewed hamburger 1300 yen Tax-included total 2900 yen Considering the above points, would you like to give a high rating and come back to this store? I'm not a kid, so I miss one or two mistakes, but I think this is terrible. Ordinary guests will never come again at night. It's normal to leave the store without saying anything, Lastly, it was good that the white-haired man who was the owner of the shop gently put the mandarin oranges as a souvenir, so I will give the improvement points as a word of mouth. If the store sees this review, please improve it. Looking back at other reviews, I wonder if lunch is just famous. I regret that I wasn't happy with the lack of preliminary research. It was a good study fee.
Pok Yam on Google

美味しいですが、料理提供までは時間がかかります。 サラダが大きくて食べ応えがあり嬉しいです。 少し値段はお高めなのが残念です。
It's delicious, but it takes time to serve the food. I am glad that the salad is big and has a satisfying taste. It's a pity that the price is a little high.
CREWの1人 on Google

インスタ映えするサラダ!!そしてメインもボリューム満点。女性客がほとんどでしたが男性が食べてちょうどいいくらいかもです。店舗は一本脇道を入ったところにあり少しわかりにくいかもしれません。ただお客は多かったので人気のお店だと思います。店内は少し変わった造りになっており海外のいろいろな雑貨などが置いてあって話題性のある感じ。今回はランチで行きましたがお酒も飲めるのでディナーも少し気になりました。 後日、また行き唐人鍋を注文したら唐揚げが入った鍋が出てきました‼️あっさりとした薄味になっていてポン酢で食べるのがすごく良かったです。
A salad that shines on Instagram! ! And the main volume is full. Most female customers were good enough for men to eat. The store is just off the side street and it may be a little difficult to understand. However, I think that it is a popular shop because there were many customers. The inside of the store is a little different, and there are various overseas miscellaneous goods on it, making it feel topical. I went for lunch this time, but I was able to drink so I was a little worried about dinner. Later, when I ordered a karajin pot to go again, a pot with fried chicken came out. ️ It was light and thin and it was very good to eat with ponzu.
Yosh R on Google

煮込みハンバーグランチ 1,080円 全ておいしかったです。 サラダの野菜は新鮮で、アクセントのアーモンドも良かった。 ハンバーグは熱々でソースにコクがありご飯が進みます。 まぐろのたたき丼 いくら添え 1,400円 まぐろは新鮮で、イクラはプリプリしていました。天ぷらは衣が薄く素材の味が味わえました。とてもおいしかったです。
Braised hamburger lunch 1,080 yen Everything was delicious. The salad was fresh and the accented almonds were also good. Hamburger is hot and the sauce is rich and rice goes on. Grilled tuna with salmon roe 1,400 yen The tuna was fresh and the salmon roe was prep. The tempura had a light coat and taste of the material. It was very delicious.
新井雅樹 on Google

It's an artistic fashionable shop that looks like a hideaway and is calm. The food is handmade and very delicious. Fresh salad. There is also sake that is the best for both lunch and dinner. The owner and family staff are all warm and wonderful, and I am always very satisfied.

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