Furaipan - Shizuoka

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Furaipan

住所 :

1337-60 Yada, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 422-8002, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 422-8002

1337-60 Yada, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 422-8002, Japan
みっちゃん on Google

中田から移転して34年。 中田の店舗の時は何度かお邪魔しましたが、 こちらに移転したばかりに1度伺ったきりでしたから、多分30年ぶり。 オーソドックスなフレンチスタイルはかわりなく、インテリアもそう。 お天気が良くてリゾートに来たようです。 友人は魚のオーブン焼き、 私は豚のほほ肉の煮込み。 良く煮込まれていてほろほろでしたが、少し脂が私には重かったです。 3世代のご家族や、お母様と娘さんの二人連れ、私達のあとにもご家族でみえてたり GWだからなのか、いつもなのかはわかりませんが、賑やかでした。 たまには良いかも。
34 years moved from Nakada. At the store in Nakata, I disturbed several times, It was only for the first time in 30 years because it was only once to move here. The orthodox French style is no different, so is the interior. The weather is fine and it seems to have come to the resort. My friend bakes fish, I simmered pork meat. It was boiled well and it was horrible, but a little fat was heavy on me. Three generations of family, mother and daughter with two people, after the family we saw in the family I do not know whether it is GW or always, but it was bustling. It may be good once in a while.
金沢のかに on Google

他の方のコメントにもあるように、ナビに従っていても不安になるような場所にあります。 かわいいお店。床の出っぱり?に注意してねーと言われつつ、奥のテーブルに案内されると、ピーターラビットのお皿が出迎えてくれました。 ランチで4000円のコースを選択。 スープ、サラダ、前菜、メイン、デザート、ドリンク。前菜とメインは数種類から選べます。 合鴨のローストが美味しい上にボリュームたっぷり。デザートを前にお腹いっぱい(笑 デザートも想像を超える量でびっくり。 パンをおかわりしてたら、デザートを食べ切るのは無理だったかも。 エスカルゴも美味しかったのですが、2000円のコースでは選択できないので、お腹を空かせて4000円の方をまた注文したいと思います。
As others have commented, it's in a place that makes you feel uneasy even if you follow the navigation. A cute shop. The bulge on the floor? When I was guided to the table in the back while being told to be careful, Peter Rabbit's plate greeted me. Select a 4000 yen course for lunch. Soups, salads, appetizers, entrees, desserts, drinks. You can choose from several types of appetizers and mains. The roasted duck is delicious and has plenty of volume. I'm full in front of dessert (laughs) I was surprised at the amount of dessert that I couldn't imagine. It might have been impossible to eat up the dessert if I had another bread. Escargot was also delicious, but I can't choose it for the 2000 yen course, so I'm hungry and would like to order the 4000 yen one again.
森のくま子 on Google

1人で行きました。 お客さんはまだいなく、私1人でした。とっても素敵な店内でお料理に期待が高まります。 たまたま静岡に行った時に時間ができ、1人でランチする店を探した時に気になった店がこちらの店、車で山道を進むので本当にこの道で大丈夫なのか?心配になりながら着きました。 お料理、期待通りとても美味しくいただきました。パンもすごく美味しくて、感動です。 次は娘たちと一緒にお邪魔したいです!
I went alone. There was no customer yet, I was alone. Expectations increase for food in a very nice restaurant. I happened to have time when I went to Shizuoka, and when I looked for a restaurant to eat alone, the store I was worried about was going on a mountain road by car, so is it really OK on this road? I arrived worried. The food was very delicious as expected. The bread is also very delicious and impressive. Next I want to bother you with my daughters!
ゴリマッチョ on Google

ゴリ嫁から誘われ家族でランチへ。 静岡のちょっと山に入ったとても雰囲気の良い場所にお店があります。 ランチ2000円と4000円のコースがあり、メインを選択する。写真は2000円のコース。 どの料理もとても美味しかったです。 マスターに腕とウエイターの女性対応もとてもよく、気持ちよくランチ出来ました! 他も食べたいので、必ずまた行きます^ ^
Invited by Gori's wife to lunch with her family. There is a shop in a very nice place in the mountains of Shizuoka. There are 2000 yen and 4000 yen lunch courses, and the main one is selected. The photo is a 2000 yen course. All the dishes were very delicious. The master was very good at dealing with women with arms and waiters, and I was able to have a pleasant lunch! I want to eat more, so I will definitely go again ^ ^
Chenxu YAN on Google

I think the cospa is really good French. The main dish was beef cheek meat, so the taste was great. Other users also commented on the volume, but there was quite a lot, and even I, a man, was full. There are desserts after meals, and I don't think there are many other places where you can eat them for around 2000 yen.
Emiruu desu on Google

If the food they served was a person, I’d marry it. Not even kidding. It was legit so good. Can you not see from the close up photos I took how much I’m in love with it? It was my first time eating a cow’s cheek though. I thought I’d hate it but I didn’t. Made me glad I’m not vegan. ???? もしこの料理をした人と結婚したとしたら 冗談じゃありません. 美味し過ぎます! 私がそれをとても愛していることは写真から分かるでしょう? 牛の頬肉初めて食べました. 最初は美味しくないと思いましたが, 食べたら美味しかったです. 私はビーガンじゃ無くて良かった. ????
If the food they served was a person, I ’d marry it. Not even kidding. It was legit so good. Can you not see from the close up photos I took how much I ’m in love with it? It was my first time eating a cow ’s cheek though. I thought I ’d hate it but I did n’t. Made me glad I ’m not vegan. ???? If you were married to someone who cooked this dish It's not a joke. It's too delicious! You can see from the pictures that I love it so much? I ate beef cheek meat for the first time. I thought it wasn't delicious at first, but it was delicious when I ate it. I'm glad I wasn't vegan. ????
ミニチュアダックスラファエル on Google

山の中にひっそりと建ってます。 外観がいいですね? まだ、営業時間外でした。タイミングが合えば行ってみたいです。
It stands quietly in the mountains. The appearance is nice ? It was still outside business hours. I would like to go if the timing is right.
masato Yao on Google

山の中でひっそりと佇む可愛らしいお店です。ランチを頂きましたが、とても美味しかったです。 店内の雰囲気も素敵ですし、 お店の方の対応もフレンドリーでホッコリしました??
It is a cute shop that stands quietly in the mountains. I had lunch and it was very delicious. The atmosphere inside the store is nice and The correspondence of the shop staff was also friendly and relieved ??

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