Fuoco di Brace フオーコディブラーチェ

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fuoco di Brace フオーコディブラーチェ

住所 :

Minaminaruse, Machida, 〒194-0045 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://fuocodibrace.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Tokyo

Minaminaruse, Machida, 〒194-0045 Tokyo,Japan
祐佳 on Google

lunchにはじめて来ました こんなところに➰と贅沢な空間で4周年むかえるお店でした。 お魚とお肉とパスタのランチを友人とシェア ソースがどれも美味しくてパンつけてバクバク食べちゃいました。お魚が1番美味しかったかな➰教えてくれたお友達のお友達ありがとう??✨
I came to lunch for the first time It was a store that celebrated its 4th anniversary with a cocoon and a luxurious space. Share lunch with fish, meat and pasta with friends All the sauce was delicious and I ate the bread with the bread. Thank you for your friend who told me if the fish was the most delicious ??✨
金親正八 on Google

The special ingredients are grilled with Bincho charcoal, and the scent of the ingredients is tightly confined. It is a shop where you can simply enjoy the deep taste. Business hours are a little short now, so if you want to visit, please check the time.
おもちさん on Google

タリアテッレ、ニョッキ、お肉料理等を頂きました。どれも美味しく、満足できます。 手作りのパンがまた美味しいです。 お店の方の対応もよく、また再訪したいです。 駐車スペースも3台まであります。
We had tagliatelle, gnocchi and meat dishes. All are delicious and satisfying. Homemade bread is also delicious. The correspondence of the store is good, too and I would like to visit again. There are also 3 parking spaces.
赤堀加奈子 on Google

接客、店内の雰囲気は共に★5です。 私がよく聞いてなかったのがいけなかったのですが、店員さんから本日の限定おすすめ肉料理ランチを案内されて注文しました。1800円のものです。(限定じゃない普通のランチもあります) それが雛鳥のソテーで、とにかく食べづらかったです。味は★3です。 よく考えたら骨つき鶏肉をナイフとフォークで食べるのも数十年ぶり、その上 雛鳥… 人前で戴くものではないと思い出させてくれる一品でした。 2件隣のこげちゃ家さんのコーヒーを食後に飲めたので気分は持ち直しましたが、今回のランチは不本意な結果となり残念です。 また機会があれば店員さんの説明をよく聞いてリベンジしたいと思います。
Customer service and the atmosphere inside the shop are both ★ 5. Although I was not listening often, I ordered a limited meal meal lunch of today from store clerk. It is for 1800 yen. (There is also an ordinary lunch not limited) It was Saute of young birds, it was hard to eat anyway. The taste is ★ 3. After thinking carefully, it was decades after eating a chicken with bones with a knife and a fork for the first time, and also a chick bird ... It was a dish that reminds me that it is not a thing to get in public. I was able to drink the coffee next door from my house after dinner so I felt better, but this lunch is unfortunate and I am sorry. If there is another opportunity, I would like to listen carefully to the clerk's explanation and revenge.
Akira T on Google

成瀬周辺では数少ないイタリアンです。 近所の方で満席でした。 テーブルには生花が飾ってあり雰囲気が良いお店です。 ラザニアを頂きました。丁寧に積み上げられており大変美味しかった。
There are few Italian around Naruse. The neighborhood was full. The restaurant has a nice atmosphere with fresh flowers on the table. I received lasagna. It was carefully stacked and very delicious.
Mo Mo on Google

カルボナーラがどストライクで虜になりました? お値段もリーズナブルで良心的ですし 前菜も自家製パンも美味しくてつい食べすぎてしまいます笑 お店の方もとても気さくな方で看板に書いてあるオススメメニューは聞いたら丁寧に説明してくれます?? 落ち着いた雰囲気でゆっくりと食事ができるのでとても大好きなお店です! 鴨肉の炭火焼きも絶品すぎてもう一度食べたい。?
Carbonara was captivated by the strike. The prices are reasonable and conscientious Both appetizers and homemade bread are delicious and they eat too much lol The shop is also very friendly and will explain carefully the recommended menu written on the signboard if you listen to it. It is a very favorite shop because you can eat slowly in a calm atmosphere! Charcoal grilled duck is too exquisite and I want to eat it again. ?
岩切大樹 on Google

ランチコース1700円 5種類の前菜と牡蠣のトマトパスタ、ドリンクパン食べ放題付き 前菜:カラスミやキノコの赤ワイン煮、ホロホロ鳥のバジル炒めなどお酒が欲しくなります。 パスタ:4種類から選べます。牡蠣は大きめのものが4つも乗っていて味もなかなかのもの。美味しい。パン食べ放題があるので大盛りじゃなくて良かったかもしれません。大盛りは200円追加で。 最後のコーヒーまで美味しくいただけました。 クリームソースも美味しそうだったので次回はそちらも頂きたいです。
Lunch course 1700 yen Includes 5 kinds of appetizers, oyster tomato pasta, and all-you-can-eat drink bread Appetizer: I want liquor such as karasumi, mushrooms boiled in red wine, and guinea fowl fried with basil. Pasta: You can choose from 4 types. There are 4 large oysters on board and the taste is quite good. delicious. There is all-you-can-eat bread, so it may have been good that it wasn't a large serving. A large serving is an additional 200 yen. It was delicious until the last coffee. The cream sauce looked delicious, so I'd like to have it next time.
Kun on Google

気軽ながら割りと本格的なイタリアンでしょうか。ランチの値段も少しお高目。 お店の方の対応もとても親切で、感じの良いお店でした。 お料理もこだわりが感じられ、美味しく優しいお味でした。 ただメニューも他のお店にないもので、お~っと頼んでみたものの、あくまで個人的ですが、優しい味だと「また食べたい」とか「他のも食べてみたい」というパンチが効かないからか、ご近所ならともかく遠方からだと思い浮かばないかもなぁ。 食後の自家製の甘めドリンクは甘過ぎるので、濃淡の味付けが今回私には合わなかったのかな。
Is it a casual but authentic Italian food? The price of lunch is also a little high. The correspondence of the shop staff was very kind and it was a pleasant shop. The food was very particular, and it was delicious and gentle. However, the menu is not available at other restaurants, so I asked for it, but it's personal, but if it's a gentle taste, the punch of "I want to eat again" or "I want to eat other things" doesn't work. You may not think that it is from a distance, anyway, if you are in the neighborhood. The homemade sweet drink after the meal is too sweet, so I wonder if the light and shade seasoning didn't suit me this time.

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