
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ウッディ豊岡バイパス店

住所 :

Funamachi, Toyooka, 〒668-0805 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
Webサイト : http://woody-steak.com/index.html
街 : Hyogo

Funamachi, Toyooka, 〒668-0805 Hyogo,Japan
ぬぬぬ on Google

ランチで牛ギュウランチをいただきました。残念ながらメニュー写真の通り牛肉がギュウギュウでなかったのは残念。ハンバーグ半分と写真とはかけ離れた欠片のようなローストビーフが2枚でした。あとは鶏肉とカキフライです。ローストビーフが写真とかけ離れてる為、かなりがっかりでした。 サラダバー、スープバー、ライス大盛り無料を考えると多少お得、といったところでしょうか。
I had a beef gyu lunch at lunch. Unfortunately, as you can see in the menu picture, it's a pity that the beef wasn't gyukyu. There were two pieces of roast beef that looked like pieces that were far from the half hamburger and the photo. The rest is chicken and fried oysters. I was quite disappointed because the roast beef was far from the photo. Considering the salad bar, soup bar, and a large serving of rice for free, it's a little better.
びとうコーヒー on Google

I got a woody hamburger. It was meaty and delicious. Also, the curry in the soup bar was spicy and very delicious.
さすけくれあ on Google

にゃん“まぁにゃん”まぁ on Google

ハンバーグがとてもしっかりしたお味でソースがいらないくらいで、美味しく食べました。 スープバーとサラダバーとご飯のセット料金で、税込価格がとてもお得感があります。
The hamburger had a very solid taste and I didn't need any sauce, so I ate it deliciously. With the set price of soup bar, salad bar and rice, the tax-included price is very profitable.
loast italian on Google

ゆっくり落ち着いて食事ができました。 ランチタイムにお邪魔しましたが、メニューが豊富でランチメニューもしっかりとボリュームがあり、とても美味しく頂くことができました。 サイドメニューも価格設定が親切。 基本的にはどのメニューにもサラダバーとスープバーがついているので食べ過ぎに注意(笑) 手指消毒と手袋を着用。 感染症対策もしっかりととられているので安心して食事が楽しめました!
I was able to eat slowly and calmly. I visited at lunch time, but the menu was abundant and the lunch menu was voluminous, so it was very delicious. The side menu is also kindly priced. Basically, every menu has a salad bar and a soup bar, so be careful not to overeat (laughs) Hand disinfectant and wear gloves. I was able to enjoy my meal with peace of mind because the measures against infectious diseases were taken firmly!
戸井康幸 on Google

旅行帰りに寄らせてもらいました。Tボーンを頼みましたが値段の割に美味しく頂きました。 私の近所には店舗がありませんが 豊岡方面に行った時にはリピさせてもらいます。
I stopped by on my way home from my trip. I ordered T-bone, but it was delicious for the price. There is no store in my neighborhood, but when I go to Toyooka, I will repeat it.
H F on Google

I had lunch. It was a lot and delicious. The curry in the soup bar looks like a mom's curry, but the spices are effective and it is very delicious and recommended.
アライちゃん on Google

I ordered 180g of Japanese black beef loin steak. You can choose how to bake, sauce, bread or rice, and there is a soup bar and a salad bar. Wagyu was delicious, of course, but the corn soup was very delicious! However, it was a pity that I could hear the audience complaining about the customers in the kitchen. It was a shop that I would want to visit again without it.

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