おくぐち皮ふ科 仙台院

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact おくぐち皮ふ科 仙台院

住所 :

Fukurobara, Taihaku Ward, 宮城県Sendai, 〒981-1102 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89897
Webサイト : http://okuguchihifuka-clinic.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Thursday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Friday 9:30AM–12:30PM
街 : Miyagi

Fukurobara, Taihaku Ward, 宮城県Sendai, 〒981-1102 Miyagi,Japan
Shaw T on Google

[受付・事務の怠慢] 朝一でWeb予約をしたのに2度も ①来院通知→先方が勝手にWeb予約客を急遽診察キャンセル(当時既に近くまで移動したが、交通費補償・別対応などは無し) ②来院通知忘れで待たされ→客から連絡→やっと最後尾で診察 という対応をされた。 受付・事務の方々はいつも暇そう?余裕そう?にあくび・居眠りしてるが、 ミス多発と雑なフォローをしてることから、受付・事務の2人の怠慢が甚だしいことが考えられる。 なお、先生と看護師の方は親しみやすく、質問にも詳しく答えて下さった。それが唯一の通院理由。
[Neglect of reception / clerical work] I made a web reservation in the morning, but twice ① Notification of visit → The other party hastily canceled the medical examination of the Web reservation customer (although it has already moved to a nearby location at that time, there is no transportation expense compensation or other measures) ② I was kept waiting because I forgot to notify the visit → I was contacted by the customer → I finally got a medical examination at the end Was dealt with. Do receptionists and clerical workers always seem to be free? Can you afford it? I'm yawning and dozing, Due to frequent mistakes and rough follow-up, it is conceivable that the negligence of the receptionist and clerical staff is enormous. The teachers and nurses were friendly and answered the questions in detail. That is the only reason for going to the hospital.
N. N. on Google

いつも通っています。 先生の物言いがかなりフランクなので、合わない人は合わないでしょう。ただ、忙しい時でなければ?きちんと話のできる方で、薬の選択についてもこちらが感じている合う合わないをまともに加味してくれます。こちらの口うるさい相談に毎度きっちり付き合ってもらえるので、申し訳ないくらいです。これがあるので、他のクリニックにかかる気になりません。 受付の方、あまり愛想が良くないのも事実ですが、そういう関わりが苦手なだけでしょう。仕事はちゃんとしてくれてます。混むのも別に仕方ないかと思います。予約システムで予約しても待ちが出るというのは、まあ読めないのではないでしょうか。
I always go there. The teacher's words are so frank that people who don't fit will not fit. But unless you're busy? He is a person who can talk properly, and he / she takes into account the disagreement that he / she feels when choosing a medicine. I'm sorry that you can get along with this noisy consultation every time. With this, I don't feel like going to another clinic. It's true that the receptionist isn't very friendly, but I'm just not good at that kind of relationship. The work is done properly. I think it can't be helped to get crowded. Even if you make a reservation with the reservation system, you may not be able to read it.
原ひろか on Google

Although I was worried about wart-like moles and acne scars, I was told, "There are too many patients who just remove moles, so there is no point in the original dermatology, so please go to cosmetic surgery for beauty." In that case, I didn't go from the beginning, but I don't understand the meaning of writing it as a cosmetological dermatologist.

The receptionist's response is the worst. I immediately called the receptionist about the hospital and waited for the subsequent response, but ignored it. Even if I waited for more than 30 minutes, I thought that nothing was done and it was strange, so please call me from here. At that time, "I don't know unless I say it!" (Laughs) Oh, this person is a strange person, and I gave up in a sense that he was crazy. I can't help if I can't hear even though I'm accepting, I'm sorry, so I'll do my best
あじさいおんな on Google

受付の人の対応が悪い。 美容皮膚科を謳っているわりに、肌のことの相談すら聞いてもらえない。 こちらは忙しい中、時間を縫って受診したのだが医師は「今症状が治ってるならいいじゃないか」という対応。こちらは症状に波があって悩んでいるというのに。 受診するだけ時間の無駄。 (追記) こちらの病院で「あなたの症状は治りづらいので薬を塗っても意味がない」とまで言われましたが、別の病院でしっかりと診ていただき、薬もきちんと処方されました。
The receptionist's response is poor. Even though he claims to be a cosmetologist, he doesn't even ask for advice on skin. While I was busy, I took the time to see the doctor, but the doctor said, "I wish my symptoms had healed now." I'm worried because there are waves in my symptoms. It's a waste of time just to see a doctor. (postscript) At this hospital, I was even told that it would be meaningless to apply the medicine because your symptoms are hard to cure, but I had a thorough examination at another hospital and the medicine was prescribed properly.
Oomori Aya on Google

駐車場が広くて停めやすく、通いやすいです。 先生も看護師さんも真摯に悩みを聞いてくれて安心しました。 施術料金も安めで、人気の施術がリーズナブルに受けられるのでありがたいです。
The parking lot is large and easy to park and easy to go to. I was relieved that both the teacher and the nurse listened to my worries sincerely. The treatment fee is low, and I am grateful that you can receive popular treatments at a reasonable price.
ション太 on Google

先日、こことは別の皮膚科に初めて行ってみようと子供を乗せて向かったが、あまりの混み様に早めに受付を終了したとのこと。せっかくこっち方面まで来たのにと肩を落とすが仕方がない。検索すると、こちらのCLが出てきた。なんとも口コミの悪さに受診すべきか否か迷うところではあったが、今日しかないので行ってみることにした。 まずは受付の対応。どこらへんが悪いの? とても丁寧な対応でしたが。1時間ほどかかるかと思いますと、大変申し訳なさそうに教えてくれました。皮膚科で1時間、なんて事ないと思ったのですが、皆さんネット予約されてるようで、おそらく直接受付した私への気遣いだったのだと思われます。 先生も明るくて優しく、物腰も柔らかでちゃんと説明してくれたので小さな子供でもちゃんと理解できてました。最初は外用薬でとの事だったが、やはり飲み薬も併用した方がいいかもなーと両方出してくれました。 口コミで右往左往する前に、これは自分で行って確かめるべきなんすよね。単に合う合わないもあるし、合わなければ自ずと口コミは悪くなるはず。もしかすると、以前の評判が悪く、改善されての今?なのかも知れないがいい皮膚科でしたよ。
The other day, I went to a dermatologist different from here for the first time with my child, but it was said that the reception was closed early due to the congestion. Even though I've come all the way to this direction, I can't help but drop my shoulders. When I searched, this CL came out. I was wondering if I should have a medical examination due to bad word of mouth, but I decided to go because it is only today. First of all, the receptionist. What's wrong? It was a very polite response. I thought it would take about an hour, but he told me very sorry. I thought it wouldn't be an hour at the dermatologist, but everyone seemed to have made an online reservation, and it was probably a concern for me who accepted it directly. The teacher was cheerful and kind, and he was soft and explained properly, so even a small child could understand it properly. At first, it was said that it was an external medicine, but he said that it might be better to use a medicine for drinking as well. You should go and check this yourself before going back and forth with word of mouth. Sometimes it just doesn't fit, and if it doesn't fit, the word of mouth will naturally get worse. Maybe now that the previous reputation was bad and improved? It may be, but it was a good dermatologist.
uniko on Google

シミのレーザー治療をしましま。 クチコミが悪いものがあったので、かなり構えて行きましたが、むしろとても良い病院でした。なぜ、悪いクチコミがあるのか不思議でした。遠方から行ったのですが、先生からも看護師さんからもすごく気遣っていただきました。受付の方の愛想が悪いとありましたが、一瞬そうなのかな?と思いましたが、見ていると、地元の患者さん?のような方が受付の方と治療のことで話し込んでいるのを何度か見かけ、なかなかそういう病院もないと思いました。産後にできてしまって悩んでいた大きなシミもきれいになりました。
Laser treatment of spots. There were some bad reviews, so I set up quite a bit, but it was rather a very good hospital. I was wondering why there were bad reviews. I went from afar, but both the teacher and the nurse took great care of me. It was said that the receptionist was unfriendly, but is it so for a moment? I thought, but when I was looking at it, was it a local patient? I saw a person like this talking with the receptionist about treatment several times, and I thought that there was no such hospital. The big stains that I had been worried about after giving birth have also been cleaned up.

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