Fukuro Orthopedic Clinic

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fukuro Orthopedic Clinic

住所 :

Kitaotsuka, Toshima City, 〒170-0004 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8988
Webサイト : https://fukurou-seikotsuin.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–4PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–12:30PM
Thursday 9AM–12:30PM
Friday 9AM–12:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Kitaotsuka, Toshima City, 〒170-0004 Tokyo,Japan
細野一秀 on Google

カイロとか整骨院とか、いろいろ通ったのですが、腰が立ち上がる時、痛くて辛い症状が良くならず続いていた時、 ポストに入っていた広告を見て、ダメ元でもと思ってお伺いしました。 バイタル❓何とか言う医療器具での 施術が私には合っていたのか❓ 初回から腰が軽くなった様に感じたので、通い始めました。4ヶ月程で腰の状態も良くなり通院をやめていたのですか、コロナ渦で今度は膝が痛くなり、 また通う様になりました。本当に親身になっていただき、また良くなるまで 通いますので、よろしくお願いします。
I went to Cairo and osteopathic clinics, but when I got up, my painful and painful symptoms didn't improve and I continued. I saw the advertisement in the post and asked if it was a bad idea. Vital ❓ Somehow with medical equipment Did the treatment suit me? ❓ From the first time, I felt that my waist became lighter, so I started going. Did you stop going to the hospital because your lower back condition improved in about 4 months? The corona vortex caused my knees to hurt this time. I came to attend again. Until you really become kind and get better again I will go there, so thank you.
福田美和 on Google

長年にわたり肩凝り、偏頭痛、足のむくみなどがありました。自分で治すことが難しいと考えて来院をしました。 先生が親身になってくださり、施術だけでなく家でも出来る日々の姿勢、ストレッチを教えてくださるので大変有難いです。 たまに肩凝りになると『肩凝りって辛い』と思うようになっていたので、来院前と比べると随分と症状が緩和されたのを実感しました。 素人考えてですが、肩凝りがないということは目の疲れや偏頭痛も軽減されていると思うので全体的に快適に生活が出来ていると思います。 子供と一緒に通院出来るのもとても有難いです。 ありがとうございます!また利用させていただきます!
Over the years, I have had stiff shoulders, migraines, and swelling of my legs. I came to the hospital because I thought it would be difficult to cure myself. I am very grateful that the teacher will be kind to me and teach me not only the treatment but also the daily posture and stretching that I can do at home. Occasionally, when I had stiff shoulders, I started to think that my shoulders were stiff and painful, so I realized that my symptoms were much lessened than before I visited the hospital. I think it's an amateur, but I think that having no stiff shoulders reduces eye strain and migraines, so I think that I can live comfortably overall. I am very grateful to be able to go to the hospital with my child. Thank you! I will be using this again!
Emi Fukuda on Google

約一年前でした。首の後ろに痛みが出て頭も重くなり、趣味の手芸やミシンかけなど下を向いての作業がかなり辛くなってました。ケイタイ使用時の悪い姿勢(スマホ首)も重なって猫背がますます酷くなって来ていました。これは何とか治療したい‼︎ 痛みを取りたい‼︎ 猫背も改善したい‼︎ と思い始めて。 治療院を探さなくては! どうしよう! とあれこれ思い迷っていた時に、タイミング良く【ふくろう整骨院】を紹介して頂く事が出来ました(友人に) 。とても有り難かったです♡ 院長 中里先生の初診カウンセリングから、とても優しく親身に痛みや辛さを聞いて下さって「大丈夫です、、一緒にがんばりましょう!」って 笑顔で言ってくださいました。その日から通院しお世話になっています。回を増すごとに、首の痛みが和らいで姿勢も徐々に良くなっていて治療の効果を実感してきました。。 家で出来るストレッチの宿題も時間のある時に行なっていました(時には怠けることもありつつ、、) 「良い姿勢エクササイズ」が大切です!と繰り返し言って頂きました。。 アクトセラピーという最新のコンピューター使用の施術法についても詳しく説明してくださって全て安心して不安無く治療して頂いて来ました。「疑問、質問、あれば何でも聞いて下さい〜!」って気さくに言って頂き、毎回の施術中のお喋りも話題が広くてとても楽しみになっています♪♪ 一年が経ち、あれだけ痛かった首と後ろ首にあったシコリのようなかたい箇所も取れて楽になりました。猫背もだいぶ改善して来て嬉しいです!好きなミシンかけも又できるようになったので孫にマスクや小物を作り始めています。。先生に感謝です♡ これからも更に猫背改善と体を若く保ちたいですので、引き続き治療お世話になります。どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
It was about a year ago. I had a pain in the back of my neck and made my head heavy, so it was very difficult to work downwards, such as hobby crafts and sewing. The bad posture (smartphone neck) when using the mobile phone also overlapped, and the back of the stoop became worse. I want to treat this somehow! ︎ I want to take pain‼ ︎I want to improve my stoop too! Start thinking. I have to find a clinic! What should I do! When I was wondering about this, I was able to introduce [Owl Osteopathic Hospital] in good timing (to a friend). Thank you very much ♡ From the first counseling of Dr. Nakazato, the director, kindly asked the patient about the pain and pain, and said, "It's okay, let's work together!" with a smile. Since that day, I have been in the hospital and taken care of me. As I increased the number of times, the pain in my neck eased and my posture gradually improved, and I realized the effectiveness of the treatment. .. I did homework for stretching at home when I had time (sometimes I could be lazy, though). "Good posture exercise" is important! I repeatedly said. .. He explained in detail about the latest computer-based treatment method called Act Therapy, and he was treated with peace of mind and without anxiety. He kindly said, "Ask any question, any questions, please!", and talking about each treatment is a big topic and I'm really looking forward to it♪♪ A year has passed, and it has become easier to remove the hard parts such as sickles on the neck and back that hurt so much. I am glad that the stoop has improved considerably! Now that I can use my favorite sewing machine, I am starting to make masks and accessories for my grandchildren. . I thank my teacher♡ I would like to improve my cheeks and keep my body young, so I will continue to take care of my treatment. Thank you very much.
小野寺ひとみ on Google

ギックリ腰でどこも予約できず、ふくろう整骨院を見つけ問い合わせしましたが、受付終了!しばらくしてから、 折り返しお電話を頂き、診て頂き今は完治しました。本当に親身に一人一人の身体の痛みを探し、温かい気持ちになるほど患者さんの為に尽くして下さる先生です。凄い人気で、丁寧な治療をされます。
I couldn't make a reservation anywhere because of my back, so I found an Owl Osteopathic Institute and inquired about it, but the reception was closed! after a while, I got a call back and had a medical examination, and now I am completely cured. He is a teacher who really looks for each person's physical pain and does his best for the patient so that he feels warm. It is very popular and is treated carefully.
ユウスケ on Google

コロナ禍で、デスクワークの時間が今までより増え、腰や背中に疲れが溜まりやすくなり、時より痛みも感じたため、整骨院に行くことにしました。 初回のカウンセリングの際に、痛みの原因を発見していただき、適正な施術や普段の姿勢の取り方、自宅でもできる改善方法を丁寧に教えていただきました。 2回目以降もその都度症状のヒアリングや原因、施術目的の説明をきちんとしてもらえるため安心感があります。 また、他の接骨院にはない、特殊な機械を導入されており、最適な力加減を見極め施術いただいているため、施術中の痛みや施術後の揉み返しなどございません。 施術は気持ちよく、体が軽くスッキリし、背中の痛みも今ではなくなりましたが、正しい姿勢を維持するために通い続けています。 お店では、コロナ対策も徹底されており、個室での対応で安心して通えます。 引き続きよろしくお願いいたします。
Due to the corona sickness, I had more time to work at my desk, I was more likely to get tired from my lower back and back, and I felt more pain than before, so I decided to go to the osteopathic clinic. At the time of the first counseling, he discovered the cause of the pain and carefully taught me the proper treatment, how to take a normal posture, and how to improve at home. From the second time onward, you will be relieved because you will be able to hear the symptoms, explain the cause, and explain the purpose of the treatment. In addition, we have introduced a special machine that is not found in other osteopathic clinics, and we have you perform the treatment by determining the optimum force, so there is no pain during the treatment or rubbing after the treatment. The procedure was pleasant, my body was light and refreshing, and my back pain was gone, but I continue to go to maintain the correct posture. At the shop, corona measures are thoroughly taken, and you can go there with confidence by responding in a private room. Thank you for your continued support.
大竹典子 on Google

10ヶ月程前から両腕が伸ばしきれない、背中で上下に手を組めないなど、可動域が狭くなった。 全身も痛くなり、趣味の着物も着られない。 新型コロナで精神的に少し落ち込んでいた時ポストにふくろう整骨院の広告が入っていた。 「痛みの改善を諦めないで下さい」と書いてあり、こんな時だからせめて体を治すべきだと思いお試しで行ってみた。 ・とても清潔な整骨院 ・先生の誠実さ 保険適用ではないが、何回かで兆しが見えるのでは?と思い通うことにした。 4ヶ月経ち、あと2割で完治位の所まで来た気がする。 一番大切なのは姿勢と何度も説いて下さったお陰で、少し良い姿勢が体感出来てきた。 歩き方やストレッチも指導して下さったので、続けている。 あちこちで院長をなさってからの開業だそうで、施術には他と違う的確さがあると思う。 気になる方は是非お試しください。
The range of motion has become narrow due to the fact that my arms cannot be fully extended for about 10 months, and I cannot tie my hands up and down with my back. My whole body hurts and I can't even wear my hobby. When I was a little depressed with the new Corona, there was an advertisement for Owl Osteopathic in the post. It says "Please don't give up improving your pain", and I decided that I should at least cure my body at such a time, so I went for a trial. ・Very clean osteopath ・Teacher integrity It's not covered by insurance, but may you see signs some times? I decided to think. 4 months have passed, and I think that 20% of them have reached the point where they are completely healed. The most important thing is the posture and the many times I've taught him, so I was able to experience a slightly better posture. I have continued to teach me how to walk and stretch. It seems that it is the practice that started after becoming the director here and there, and I think the treatment has a different accuracy. Please try it if you are interested.
林史晃 on Google

一年程前、ポスティングでチラシが入っていて予約をしてから1ヶ月弱毎にお世話になっています。それまで別の整骨院に定期的に通っており対処療法的にそのときはよくなったと感じるもののしばらくすると同じ症状が続いていたため、自分にあえばと電話したのが縁です。 腰から背中を中心に凝りがひどかったのですが、通っている間に順を追って治療していくことや、時々に応じた気軽に家で出来る体操?運動?等を教えて頂き、定期的な治療はもちろん、家で気が向いたときや寝る前に少しずつ行った成果が出てきて明らかに姿勢がよくなったり辛さが和らいだり、痛みが出るまでの時間が延びたりと治療の効果を実感しています。最初によくなりたいか等と、意思確認されたときはちょっとびっくりしましたが。。。 先生は気さくで話しやすく、質問にはしっかりと答えてくれる他、いろいろな勉強も積極的にされているようで行く度に新しい情報を頂けます。 整骨院は先生との相性も大きいんだなと感じており、これからも定期的に通って、年をとるのに逆行して体は若く(せめて年を取るスピードを落として)いきたいとおもっています。
About a year ago, I received a leaflet by posting, and I take care of it almost every month after making a reservation. Until then, I went to another osteopathic clinic on a regular basis, and although I felt that I was getting better as a coping therapy at that time, I had the same symptom after a while, so I made a phone call to myself. My stiffness was terrible from the waist to the back, but I was able to treat one after another while I was attending, or could I do gymnastics easily at home depending on the occasion? motion? As well as regular treatment, the results of doing it little by little at home or before going to bed clearly show a better posture, less pain, and pain. I feel the effect of the treatment as the time increases. I was a little surprised when I was asked if I wanted to improve at first. .. .. The teacher is friendly and easy to talk to, answers questions well, and seems to be actively studying various things, so I can get new information each time I go. I feel that the osteopathic clinic is very compatible with my teacher, and I would like to continue going regularly and going backwards as I get older and my body is younger (at least slowing down my age). I am.
岡村雅美 on Google

歪みの状態と原因をわかりやすく説明してくれ、施術も説明しながら行ってもらえたので安心して受ける事ができました。 実際1回やって頂いただけでも変化が見られたので、これから通ってどのように身体が良くなっていくか楽しみです。
He explained the condition and cause of the distortion in an easy-to-understand manner, and he explained the treatment, so I was able to receive it with confidence. In fact, even if you did it once, changes were seen, so I'm looking forward to seeing how your body will improve from now on.

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