Fukunoyu - Shinjuku City

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fukunoyu

住所 :

4 Chome-25-10 Shimoochiai, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 161-0033, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 161-0033
Webサイト : https://www.1010.or.jp/map/item/item-cnt-341

4 Chome-25-10 Shimoochiai, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 161-0033, Japan
伊藤仁 on Google

The business hours will be different from the normal hours on the 2nd of New Year, but you can get the soap of the zodiac of the year.
Beamont “BeBe” Blendy on Google

早い時間に番台にいる、おばあちゃんがすごーく可愛いです。 昭和レトロの雰囲気漂う路地裏の銭湯で、取り立てて設備に特徴はないけれど、この界隈の銭湯で最も掃除がゆきとどいた銭湯。 浴槽の湯は常にキレイで、底もぬるっとした感触を感じたことは一度もない。 銭湯はレトロな雰囲気で、掃除が徹底しているところが一番いい。
Grandma, who is in the band early, is so cute. It is a public bath in the back alley with a retro Showa era atmosphere, and although there are no special features in the facilities, it is the most clean public bath in this neighborhood. The hot water in the bathtub is always clean, and I have never felt the bottom feel slimy. The public bath has a retro atmosphere, and it is best to clean it thoroughly.
ボンババン on Google

Hot water soaks into your body. It feels like soft water for some reason. I would like to thank you for the opening every day.
とも“トモ” on Google

レトロな雰囲気がいい。 古いけどキレイにしているので昭和にタイムスリップした気分になれる。 値段は470円。 今は都の要請でサウナとビールの販売が中止になっていた。 ジャンプーとボディーソープあり。 ドライヤーは有料20円。 浴場の広さはそれなり。温度は高め42℃位かな。水風呂はない。休日の19時位に行ったけど割と人いた。これ以上いると密集が気になる限界ライン位だった。 客の入れ替えは早め。
I like the retro atmosphere. It's old but clean, so you can feel like you've slipped back in time to Showa. The price is 470 yen. At the request of the city, the sale of sauna and beer was canceled. There are jumpoo and body soap. Hair dryer is charged 20 yen. The size of the bathhouse is reasonable. The temperature is high, about 42 degrees Celsius. There is no water bath. I went there around 19:00 on a holiday, but there were quite a few people. It was at the limit line where I was worried about crowding if there were more than this. Replace customers early.
Miki YOSHIOKA on Google

ボディーソープ・シャンプー備え付け。温かいお風呂と熱湯の2パターンです。 ともすれば見落としがちですが、区画の入り道は2ルートあります。テレビコーナーが円座です。
Equipped with body soap and shampoo. There are two patterns, a warm bath and hot water. It's easy to overlook it, but there are two routes to the section. The TV corner is a circle.
BLACK on Google

ちょっと場所が分かりづらいですが、目白周辺では貴重な銭湯です。 ボディーソープ、リンスインシャンプーは設置あり。
It's a little difficult to find the place, but it's a valuable public bath around Mejiro. Body soap and rinse-in shampoo are available.
Spiratio Quonia on Google

この場所へ歩いていける場所に住んで十数年。目の前の目白通り・聖母坂は何十回と通ってたのにまったく気づかず。 あるときふと横の路地の奥を見ると看板が!!サプライズ!! というくらいわかりにくい銭湯。 客は少なめだが混むときは混む。みんなよく気づいたね。 昭和風のレトロ銭湯で老朽化はしてるがわりときれいにしてる模様。シャワーの穴がカルキでふさがれてまばらにしか出ないのが気になったけど、最近はどうだっけ?壁画はなしで真っ白。
I have lived in a place where I can walk to this place for more than 10 years. I didn't notice at all though I had passed Dozens of times on Mejiro-dori and Seibozaka in front of me. One day, when I suddenly looked at the back of the alley next to me, I saw a signboard !! Surprise! !! A public bath that is difficult to understand. The number of customers is small, but when it gets crowded, it gets crowded. Everyone noticed it well. It seems that the retro sento in the Showa style is aging but clean. I was worried that the shower hole was blocked by karuki and only sparsely appeared, but what about these days? Pure white without murals.
銭湯甲斐 on Google

戦前からの営業で、現在のビル銭湯をリノベーションしたのが30年前になるそうです。(20210922)現在は4代目となります。 お店が道路から奥まった処に有り、目白通りからは洗濯屋が目印でしょう。 入口を入り、下足を片付け奥に進むと正面にカウンター式の番台が有ります。番台前には洒落た六角形の椅子やシート、テレビが有り、クールダウンできます。また、ビル銭湯になる前の懸魚(4代目に許可を得て、写真撮影)が飾って有ります。 番台右には女湯の入口が有り、男湯はと見回すと後ろに有ります。 脱衣場の天井は、井形天井で艶が有ります。 脱衣場のロッカーは、仕切り側と対面の壁面にあるため、広く使えます。 さて、浴室は白を基調とし、仕切りとサウナが茶レンガ、床タイルがピンクとグレーとなっていて、高い天井はビル銭湯ですが、お馴染みの造りで、所々にブルーのラインが入っています。 こちらのお店は珍しく、仕切り側に湯舟が有り、反対側にカランが並んでいます。湯舟は2つ有り、大(6人が横にゆったり)と小で、サウナ(有料)です。大には3点ジェット2と泡が有り、小は泡で、大と繋がっていて25センチ深くなっています。小には給湯口があるため湯温が42度強、大は41度です。カランは湯を水で調整する使い勝手の良い温度です。立ちシャワーは2基有り、その上はガラスの天井となっています。 イスは2種類有り、選ぶことができます。 シャンプーやボディーソープは設置されています。 以前はペンキ絵などがあったそうですが、リノベーション後には飾りなどは有りません。 最後に3代目、番台から出てきていただきのご説明、ありがとうございました。 閑話休題。 今日は練馬駅から来ましたと言ったところ「何ケ所目ですか。」と。 投稿者は、一日一軒しか行きません。梯子をしても湯あたりするかも?(入浴したことが無いけど)梯子は居酒屋だけです。
It is said that it was 30 years ago that the current building sento was renovated in the prewar business. (20210922) Currently the 4th generation. The shop is located in the back of the road, and the laundry shop is a landmark from Mejiro-dori. When you enter the entrance, clean up your lower legs and proceed to the back, there is a counter-type watch stand in front of you. There are stylish hexagonal chairs, seats, and a TV in front of the number, so you can cool down. In addition, there is a hanging fish (photographed with permission from the 4th generation) before it became a public bath in the building. There is an entrance to the women's bath on the right side of the watch, and the men's bath is behind when you look around. The ceiling of the dressing room is a well-shaped ceiling with a glossy finish. The lockers in the dressing room are located on the wall facing the partition, so they can be used widely. By the way, the bathroom is based on white, the partition and sauna are brown bricks, the floor tiles are pink and gray, and the high ceiling is a building public bath, but it is a familiar structure with blue lines in some places. .. This shop is rare, with a bathtub on the partition side and faucets on the other side. There are two baths, large (6 people can relax sideways) and small, and there is a sauna (charged). The large has a 3-point jet 2 and bubbles, and the small is a bubble, which is connected to the large and is 25 cm deep. The small one has a hot water supply port, so the hot water temperature is over 42 degrees, and the large one is 41 degrees. The faucet is a convenient temperature for adjusting hot water with water. There are two standing showers, and a glass ceiling above them. There are two types of chairs, and you can choose. Shampoo and body soap are installed. It seems that there used to be paint paintings, but after the renovation there are no decorations. Lastly, thank you for the explanation that came out of the 3rd generation, Bandai. Quiet talk break. When I said that I came from Nerima station today, I said, "How many places?" The contributor only goes to one house a day. Even if you use a ladder, you may hit the hot water. The only ladder (although I have never taken a bath) is an izakaya.

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