Fukumanji - Higashichikuma District

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fukumanji

住所 :

2120 Hi, Omi, Higashichikuma District, Nagano 399-7702, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 399-7702

2120 Hi, Omi, Higashichikuma District, Nagano 399-7702, Japan
和田正昭 on Google

チャンネルニコラシカ on Google

Fukumanji Temple
そじろうそら on Google

The soba was delicious.
佐々木透 on Google

高野博久 on Google

A wonderful trap, including the treasure pill doctor statue
横澤豊 on Google

ひっそりとした、静かなお寺。 予約すれば、大きな薬師如来像が、拝めます。
A quiet, quiet temple. If you make a reservation, you can worship a large Yakushi Nyorai statue.
Mi Kyo on Google

神秘的な感じがして素敵なお寺です。 紫陽花の木がたくさんあるので 紫陽花の時期は綺麗かも♪ 広い駐車場と綺麗なトイレもあります。ただし 身障者用はありません。
It is a wonderful temple that feels mysterious. Because there are a lot of hydrangea trees The time of hydrangea may be beautiful ♪ There is also a large parking lot and a clean toilet. However, it is not for disabled people.
山越建一 on Google

信州と松本藩の歴史に関する史料『信府統記』――江戸時代に編纂――によると、福満寺は7世紀に役行者小角が開基し、9世紀半ばに天台宗元祖最澄の直弟子、慈覚大師が建立したのだとか。小角は、戸隠の岩殿で修行中に麻績聖山から薬師如来が現れたことから、この地に修験霊場を開いたという伝説があります。 その後、慈覚大師が東国巡回で麻績郷に立ち寄ったときに道に迷ううちに薬師如来の霊光に導かれて聖山中腹に到達し、そこに天台密教修験の霊場をつくり福満寺を建立したのだそうです。 布光山という山号は、役行者も慈覚大師もともに薬師如来の光に導かれてこの地に霊場を築いたということから名づけられたそうです。 開創の頃には、上井堀と呼ばれる現在地よりもさらに山奥の聖山の南斜面の断層崖を背にしたところ――標高1000メートルほどで池の近くか――だったと伝えられています。 今ではその地は「寺所てらどころ」と呼ばれていますが、ほかにも寺の周囲には「薬師の蓮池」「鐘撞堂」「坊平」「東大門」「半在家」など、修験寺院と関連する地名が残っています。してみれば、この山奥には、修験霊場と七堂伽藍を備え、多くの院坊が並んだ寺町というか、高野山を小さくしたような大きな街集落があったのかもしれません。 そこには、中国留学を経た高僧や学僧、修験者たちが多数集住し、高度な知識技芸や奈良や京洛との密接な文化的交流を保つ拠点都邑があったのではないでしょうか。
According to the historical material "Shinfu Toki" on the history of Shinshu and Matsumoto Domain-compiled in the Edo period-En no Gyōja was founded in the 7th century, and in the middle of the 9th century, the direct disciple of Saicho, the founder of the Tendai sect Was erected. There is a legend that Kokaku opened a Shugendo sacred place in this area because Yakushi Nyorai appeared from Mt. After that, when Jikaku Daishi stopped by Omi-go on a tour of Togoku, he was led by Yakushi Nyorai's Reiko to reach the middle of Mt. Hijiri, where he built a sacred place for Tendai esoteric Buddhism and built Fukumanji Temple. That's right. The mountain name Nunokouzan is said to have been named because both the actors and Jikaku Daishi were guided by the light of Yakushi Nyorai to build a sacred place in this area. It is said that at the time of the founding, it was located behind the fault scarp on the south slope of the sacred mountain in the mountains, which is called Ueibori-at an altitude of about 1000 meters and near a pond. Nowadays, the area is called "Temple Temple", but there are other temples around the temple such as "Yakushi no Hasuike", "Kanebado", "Bodaira", "Dodaimon", and "Half-resident". The place name related to is left. If you look at it, there may have been a large town village in the depths of the mountain, which was equipped with a Shugendo sacred place and a seven-door temple, and was lined with many temples, or a small town of Mt. Koya. I think there was a base city where many high priests, scholars, and scholars who had studied in China gathered and maintained advanced knowledge and arts and close cultural exchanges with Nara and Kyoto.

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