Fukuisanfujinka Clinic - Isesaki

2.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fukuisanfujinka Clinic

住所 :

553-3 Shimouekicho, Isesaki, Gunma 372-0024, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 372-0024
Webサイト : http://fukuikai.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM

553-3 Shimouekicho, Isesaki, Gunma 372-0024, Japan
長純(じゅーん) on Google

帝王切開で3人目を出産しました。 9日間の入院でした。 今年の10月で田村先生が院長先生になられて福井先生は引退されたようです。 1人目の時からこちらの病院でお世話になっています。 1人目の時は妊娠中に虫垂炎になってしまいましたが、田村先生の適確な判断で、伊勢崎市民病院に緊急搬送してもらい、私も赤ちゃんも無事でした。 田村先生の丁寧な診察と何かあった時に大きい病院との連携がとれている安心感があったので、2人目、3人目もお世話になりました。 今はコロナの影響で面会は近親者1名に制限されていますが、洗濯物などは病院内の洗濯機と乾燥機を無料で使用できますので、汚れ物を持って帰ってもらうこともなく、パジャマも2着あれば毎日洗濯して着回せました。 シャワー室もあり、ドライヤーや綿棒、ヘアゴムなどのアメニティが自由に使えるようになっていました。 看護師さんには、手術中に励ましの声を掛けながら手を握ってくれたり、手術後、足や体に付けている機械のコードが外れて、ピーピーと音が鳴ってしまった時には、「動けるようになってきた証拠で良い事です」と、嫌な顔せず何度もコードをつけ直して頂きました。 おっぱいが張ってしまった時には、助産師さんが見てくれます。 看護師さんも助産師さんも皆さんとても優しく丁寧に対応して頂きました。 また、毎回の食事がとても美味しく楽しみでした。プロの味!です。授乳が始まるとお腹が空くので、3食以外に3時のおやつや夜食のパンが有難かったです。コーヒーや紅茶もカフェインレスになっていました。 帝王切開で傷をかばった歩き方になり、暫く腰にも痛みが出てしまいましたが、産後に病院内でオイルマッサージが受けられ、背中から腰を施術してもらい大分楽になりました。足コースやフェイシャルコースなどいくつかあるコースから選べました。とても気持ち良かったです! 入院中、赤ちゃんと2人の時間をゆっくり過ごせました。 また産むならこちらでお世話になりたいです。
I gave birth to a third child by Caesarean section. I was hospitalized for 9 days. It seems that Dr. Tamura became the director and Dr. Fukui retired in October of this year. I have been indebted to this hospital since the first person. When I was the first person, I had appendicitis during my pregnancy, but at the proper judgment of Dr. Tamura, I was urgently transported to Isesaki Municipal Hospital, and both I and my baby were safe. I was relieved that Dr. Tamura's careful examination and cooperation with a large hospital were taken when something happened, so the second and third people were also taken care of. Currently, due to the influence of Corona, visits are limited to one close relative, but since you can use the washing machine and dryer in the hospital for laundry etc. for free, you do not have to bring dirty things home. If I had two pajamas, I could wash and mix them every day. There was also a shower room, and amenities such as hair dryers, cotton swabs, and hair elastics were freely available. When the nurse holds his hand while giving encouragement during the surgery, or when the cord of the machine attached to his leg or body comes off after the surgery and a beeping sound is heard, " It's good to have proof that you can move, "he said, rewriting the code many times without making an unpleasant face. The midwife will look at you when your breasts are stretched. The nurses and midwives were all very kind and polite. Also, every meal was very delicious and I was looking forward to it. It's a professional taste! When breastfeeding started, I was hungry, so I was grateful for the snack at 3 o'clock and the bread for the midnight snack in addition to the three meals. Coffee and tea were also decaffeinated. I had to walk with a caesarean section, and I had a pain in my lower back for a while, but after giving birth, I received an oil massage in the hospital, and I had my back treated from my back, which made it much easier. You can choose from several courses such as foot course and facial course. It was very comfortable! While in the hospital, I was able to spend time with my baby slowly. If you give birth again, I would like to take care of you here.
しいたけ on Google

薬だけ貰いに行きましたが45分も待たされ、待っている間に頭が痛くなってしまいました。 この日はそんなに混んでいないように見えましたが。 せめて会計時に「お待たせしました」の一言があれば納得できましたが、それもありませんでした。 自分は診察も無かったのになぜこんなに時間が掛かったのでしょうか。
I went to get medicine, but I had to wait for 45 minutes, and while I was waiting, my head hurt. It didn't look like it was so crowded on this day. At the very least, I was convinced if there was a word "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting" at the time of accounting, but that wasn't the case either. Why did it take so long even though I didn't have a medical examination?
カフェオレ・俺子 on Google

計画出産にて出産いたしました。 妊娠するのが初めてで、無痛分娩のことを相談しました。 別の場所では、私の希望は叶わず、計画前に陣痛がきたら、麻酔なしで出産と別の病院で言われ。病院「嫌なら別の病院に行って。」と、キツく言われてしまいました。そこで無痛分娩をおこなっている、フクイ産婦人科に望みをかけて伺いました。 T先生は、私が不安に思うことを丁寧に説明していただき、私の希望を叶えて下さいました。先生が計画した日の方が生みやすかったと出産後に思っています。 無痛の麻酔処置前は、バルーンを入れる為に、痛みがありますが、その後はとても楽でした。 もし、また妊娠することがあれば、またこちらで計画出産したいと思います。 入院は、とても過ごしやすかったですが、1人の看護師さんの言い方は、キツかったですね。 看護師「微熱みたいだけど、どこではかってる?」私「脇で」看護師「出産後は、乳腺が張って周りに熱がこもるから、産後は肘ではかるんだよ。そんなことも知らないの?」と、言われたのはショックでしたね…。他の方達がいい人だけに残念。相性もあるかとは思いますが…。
I gave birth by planned delivery. It was my first time to get pregnant and I talked about labor analgesia. Elsewhere, my wishes didn't come true, and if I had labor before planning, I was told to give birth without anesthesia at another hospital. Hospital "If you don't like it, go to another hospital." So I asked Fukuisanfujin, who is doing labor analgesia, with hope. Mr. T politely explained what I was worried about and fulfilled my wishes. After giving birth, I think it was easier to give birth on the day the teacher planned. Before the painless anesthesia treatment, I had a pain because of the balloon, but after that it was very easy. If I get pregnant again, I would like to give birth again here. It was very easy to stay in the hospital, but one nurse said it was hard. Nurse "It looks like a low-grade fever, but where is it?" I "Aside" Nurse "After childbirth, the mammary glands are stretched and the heat builds up around me, so I don't even know that. It was a shock to be told, wasn't it? I'm sorry only for those who like other people. I think it's compatible, but ...
蒼陽 on Google

新しい院長先生になってからとても良くなったと思います! 先生の話し方はとても落ち着くし、赤ちゃん可愛いですねーと言ってくださいます。 出産時も吐いてしまった時も落ち着かせるように対応してくださいました。 先生の雰囲気など知りたい方は、YouTubeに田村先生のチャンネルがありますので、検索してみるといいかもしれません。院長先生ご自身が詳しく説明してくださったりしていますし、私がとてもお世話になった大好きな助産師さんが、新人さんだったこともそこで知りました! お食事はとても美味しいですし、2回目利用する方で、計画出産の方などはメニューをリクエストすることが出来る時もあると聞きました。マッサージもとても気持ちよく、居心地のよい入院生活でした。 赤ちゃんは産まれて次の日くらいから母子同室でした。預かり時間などは決まっていませんが、お母さんが辛かったら言ってくれたら預かりますと言って下さり、産後のメンタルボロボロの中かなり助かりました。 痛み止めなどを頼む場合は、時間がかかる事が何度かあったので、本格的に痛くなるより少し痛いくらいで頼んでおくべきだったと公開することはありました
I think it has improved a lot since I became the new director! The teacher's way of speaking is very calm and the baby is cute. He took care of me so that I could calm down when I gave birth and when I vomited. If you want to know the atmosphere of the teacher, you may want to search for the channel of Mr. Tamura on YouTube. The director himself explained in detail, and I also learned that my favorite midwife, who was very helpful to me, was a newcomer! I heard that the food is very delicious, and if you are using it for the second time, you may be able to request a menu for those who have a planned delivery. The massage was also very comfortable and it was a comfortable hospitalization life. The baby was born in the same room as the mother and child from the next day. I haven't decided on the time to keep it, but if my mother told me that it was hard, she told me that I would keep it, which was a great help in my postpartum mental illness. When asking for painkillers, it took some time, so I sometimes announced that I should have asked for it because it hurts a little more than it really hurts.
Japan Travel by BeStiEs on Google

The sister is so rude and when we ask anything in morning they will never answer us we want ask thara one more time??
Jen della on Google

Their room is clean and good.. the meals they prepare are very healthy and yummy ?? their nurses are kind, they will take care of you 24/7.. Their service is good.. i really like it ??
Tako Yaki on Google

The very good thing for me here is they have an english speaker doctor and the staff are foreigner friendly! The food is tastes good and presentable. Perfect for instagram!?
Arun M.K on Google

Everyone were so kind and polite. Served healthy and delicious food during the period of stay

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