
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 鮪どんや

住所 :

Shimouekicho, Isesaki, 〒372-0024 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
街 : Gunma

Shimouekicho, Isesaki, 〒372-0024 Gunma,Japan
小島久美子 on Google

今回で3回目の来店です。 今回はGOTOeatを利用して、主人と2人で行きました。。 私は中とろ鉄火丼ランチ・主人はリブステーキとお刺身定食をいただきました。 とても新鮮で価格もリーズナブルです。 また、行きたいと思います。
This is my third visit. This time, I used GOTOeat and went with my husband. .. I had a Nakatoro Tekkadon lunch, and my husband had a rib steak and sashimi set meal. Very fresh and reasonably priced. I think I want to go again.
TOM K on Google

鮪尽くし極み定食 2200円をいただきました。 頭肉、腹身、皮目、天身、ネギトロという内容でしたが、正直2200円の価値は感じられませんでした。 まず、全く脂が載っていない。赤身もぼやけていた。水っぽい。所謂Cグレードの赤身が満遍なく乗っていた感じでした。機会があったら違うメニューに挑戦してみます。
I got a tuna set meal of 2200 yen. The contents were head meat, belly and body, lenticel, heavenly body, and Negitoro, but honestly, I didn't feel the value of 2200 yen. First of all, there is no fat on it. The lean meat was also blurred. It's watery. It felt like the so-called C-grade lean meat was riding evenly. If I have a chance, I will try a different menu.
小島康司 on Google

GO TO イートキャンペーンで予約し、伊勢崎の鮪どんやに行って来ました。今月のオススメでリブステーキと刺身定食が有ったので、注文して見ました。ステーキと刺身が食べられて、大満足でした。凄く美味しかったです。また、食べたいです。妻は、中トロ鉄火丼ランチを注文しました。中トロも脂がのってい凄く美味しいです。刺身もプリップリで最高でした。 飲み物もコーヒーや紅茶など自由に飲めて最高です。
I made a reservation for the GO TO eat campaign and went to Isesaki's Sushi Donya. I had a rib steak and sashimi set meal recommended this month, so I ordered it. I was very happy to eat steak and sashimi. It was very delicious. I want to eat again. My wife ordered a medium fatty tuna rice bowl lunch. The fatty tuna is also very tasty. The sashimi was also the best. Drinks such as coffee and tea are the best to drink freely.
つゆりいちじく on Google

平日の12時丁度位に訪問。 日替わりと迷いつつ、リブステーキと鮪ぶつ定食を注文。 周りの人もリブステーキ系を注文する方が多数な印象、配膳時のジュージュー音がいいですな。 鮪ぶつがややスジってたのが残念でしたが、中落ちっぽい脂身感もあり美味しかったです。 リブロースは洋食屋よりも美味いかも。 次は海鮮丼系を食べてみたいです。
Visited at exactly 12 o'clock on weekdays. I ordered a rib steak and a tuna set meal while getting lost every day. Many people around me also order rib steak, and I like the sizzling sound when serving. It was a pity that the tuna was a little streaky, but it was delicious because it had a fat feeling like a medium drop. Ribulose may be better than a Western restaurant. Next time I would like to eat a seafood bowl.
剛克 on Google

魚にこだわっている看板につられて初訪問。 1500円極み丼を注文。具材はウニ、マグロ中トロ等中身にこだわりが有ります。 ただし御前崎のみはるを知った者からすると、鮮度・ボリュームが,,,,。
First visit with a sign that is particular about fish. I ordered a 1500 yen bowl. As for the ingredients, we are particular about the contents such as sea urchin and tuna fatty tuna. However, for those who knew Miharu Omaezaki, the freshness and volume were ,,,,.
ヒロヒロ on Google

海鮮丼、頂きました。 海と面していない群馬で新鮮な海鮮丼食べられるなんて…です! ツレはリブロースステーキ&鮪ブツ、鮪カツ&刺身定食、鉄火丼でした。 …リブロース、美味そうでしたね。 また行こ♪
I got a seafood bowl. You can eat fresh seafood bowls in Gunma, which does not face the sea ...! The vines were ribeye steak & tuna butts, tuna cutlet & sashimi set meal, and Tekkadon. … Ribulose looks delicious. Let's go again ♪
Aramis D. on Google

I had the first teriyaki and tuna set meal. Both yellowtail and tuna were voluminous and delicious, and they also had rapeseed ohitashi and miso soup with ara. Cost performance is GOOD. Unfortunately, the rice wasn't delicious. I think rice is bad. There is also a loss in the abundant menu. The potato salad ¥ 500 was a super loss.
Saqib Hussain on Google

Delicious and fresh magro.

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