Fukkura - Yokote

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fukkura

住所 :

Nakamachi-94 Masudamachi Masuda, Yokote, Akita 019-0701, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 019-0701
Webサイト : https://www.facebook.com/hukkura4190/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM

Nakamachi-94 Masudamachi Masuda, Yokote, Akita 019-0701, Japan
Sanryutei Douraku1994 on Google

ここの内蔵の柱の色が、かなり渋くて良い感じですよ。新しく着色して塗ったのかと思って聞いたら、建築当時の漆の色のまんまだそうです。この黒と赤の色の渋さとデザイン性の高さは一見の価値ありです。 喫茶と食事ができますから、ちょっと一服しながらのんびりするのにもってこいです。お店の方々も気さくで良い感じです。 干し餅屋さんが蔵を買い取って公開していますから、店で売っている干し餅も美味。
The color of the built-in pillars here is quite astringent and nice. When I asked if it was newly colored and painted, it seems that the color of lacquer at the time of construction is still the same. The astringency of these black and red colors and the high design are worth a look. You can have a coffee and a meal, so it's perfect for taking a break and relaxing. The shop staff are also friendly and nice. The dried mochi shop buys the brewery and opens it to the public, so the dried mochi sold at the store is also delicious.
KAKO 2525 on Google

Should I be Coco's husband? He explained very well and served tea, and the building was wonderful, but this person was also warm, kind and lovely ❁⃘ *. ゜ It was good to stop by Masuda Town! It was the moment I thought.
Hiroshi Murayama on Google

本格的な蕎麦を食べる事が出来る、町の駅です 内蔵を無料で見る事が出来ます。 土日のみですが、蕎麦、稲庭うどんも食べる事が出来ます。 冷がけ蕎麦を食べましたが、とても美味しく、ビックリしました。 食べた感じだと、ふのりをつなぎに使った西馬音内の蕎麦に似ている と感じました。 この近くのは、十割蕎麦を提供する、はやし さんが有りますが、 ほぼ、予約制らしいので、蕎麦を食べるならこの店で食べる事を オススメします。 今回は、テーブルにて食べましたが、座敷も有るので、次は座敷にて 食べたいですね。 後、店内には、干し餅のお土産、ソフトクリームも販売していますので、次回増田の散策の際は立ち寄り、購入したいです。。
A town station where you can eat authentic soba. You can see the built-in for free. Although it is only on Saturdays and Sundays, you can also eat soba and Inaniwa udon. I ate cold buckwheat noodles and was very delicious and surprised. It feels like eating soba noodles in Nishimaon, using Funari. I felt that. There is Hayashi who provides 10% soba noodles near here, Mostly it seems to be a reservation system, so if you eat soba, you should eat at this shop I recommend it. We ate at the table this time, but there is also a tatami room, so next time at the tatami room I want to eat. Later, the store also sells dried soup souvenirs and soft-serve ice cream, so I would like to stop by and purchase it the next time I walk around Masuda. .
富松利典 on Google

I had Zenzai and soft serve ice cream. Zenzai was a little bit astringent and delicious. Soft serve ice cream is only 160 yen. Moreover, it was carried upright on a soft serve ice cream stand like the one in a department store cafeteria decades ago. The service was also very impressive. Visiting the warehouse is free.
Hidamari 0308 on Google

無料で内蔵の見物もできますカフェです。 あけっぴろげで風鈴の音がさわやかで時を忘れて癒されました。
It is a cafe where you can see the built-in for free. The sound of the wind chimes was refreshing and healed by forgetting the time.
中小路朋明 on Google

軽食や本格的な蕎麦などをいただくことができます。 アイスコーヒーは水が美味しいのでしょう。 ヒンヤリしていてとても美味しかった。 ぜんざいも甘すぎず丁度いい感じ。 お値段も安くて文句なしです。
You can enjoy light meals and authentic soba noodles. Water is delicious for iced coffee. It was chilly and very delicious. Zenzai is not too sweet and just right. The price is cheap and there is no complaint.
yuuko yubaaba on Google

I ate soba. It was a soba that I liked because it was chewy and chewy, probably because it was Sarashina. Coffee seems to have a well in the store using well water
高山博之 on Google

内蔵の街として最近注目の横手市増田町。メインの増田蔵町通りにある古民家カフェが「まちの駅 福蔵」さん。私の一押しのお店の一つです(*^^)v 福蔵さんは「ふっくら」と読み、名称にもある通り内蔵があるカフェ。ドリンク類はもちろん、食事や特産品・お土産・小物類なども楽しめます。 こちらの建物は、旧佐藤與五兵衛家のお宅です。 佐藤與五兵衛家は代々の地主で、増田銀行(北都銀行の前身)創立時の監査役の一人でもあったそうです。 大正時代に増田勧業社を設立し、セメントなどの建設資材を扱う商いをしていたようです。 早速店内に入りオーダーしたのが「空色クリームソーダ」 ブルーハワイの爽やかな青が、射し込む秋晴れの陽射しに映えますね(#^.^#) 甘さ控えめのソーダ水に、福蔵さん自慢の濃厚ソフト。最高の組み合わせです(^^♪ ソフトの美味しさを確認するために「福蔵ソフト」を食べてみるのもお勧めですよ! 環境に配慮し、ストローは使い捨てではなく金属製。さすがですね! 人気メニューの一つが「増田の手打ちそば」 土日限定ですので、ご注意を! ちなみに、私が訪問時は売り切れでした(^_^;) 実は、横手市増田町は県南の蕎麦処の一つで、最近では蕎麦を目的に来られる方も増えているとか(*^^*) 他にもぜんざいや中華そばなどもあり、どれも美味しそうでした。次回訪問時は、手打ちそばか中華そばにぜんざいを選んでみようかな?(^^♪
Masudamachi, Yokote City, which has recently attracted attention as a built-in city. The old folk house cafe on the main Masuda Kuramachi street is "Machi no Eki Fukuzo". It's one of my favorite shops (* ^^) v Mr. Fukuzo reads "fluffy", and as the name suggests, it is a cafe with a built-in. You can enjoy not only drinks, but also meals, special products, souvenirs, and small items. This building is the home of the former Sato Yogobei family. Yogobei Sato was a landowner for generations and was one of the auditors at the time of the founding of Masuda Bank (predecessor of Hokuto Bank). It seems that he established Masuda Kogyosha in the Taisho era and was in the business of handling construction materials such as cement. I immediately entered the store and ordered "Sky Blue Cream Soda". The refreshing blue of Blue Hawaii shines in the shining autumn sun (# ^. ^ #) Fukuzo's proud rich softness in soda water with a modest sweetness. It's the best combination (^^ ♪ It is also recommended to try "Fukuzo Soft" to check the deliciousness of the software! Considering the environment, the straw is made of metal instead of disposable. As expected! One of the popular menus is "Masuda's Handmade Soba", which is only available on Saturdays and Sundays, so be careful! By the way, it was sold out when I visited (^ _ ^;) In fact, Masuda-machi, Yokote City is one of the soba restaurants in the south of the prefecture, and recently more and more people are coming for soba (* ^^ *). There were also zenzai and Chinese noodles, all of which looked delicious. When I visit next time, why don't I choose Zenzai for handmade soba or Chinese noodles? (^^ ♪

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