蒼天 - Tokai

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 蒼天

住所 :

Fukishimamachi Fushimi, Tokai, 〒476-0012 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89777
Postal code : 476-0012
街 : Aichi

Fukishimamachi Fushimi, Tokai, 〒476-0012 Aichi,Japan
美知子光富 on Google

ランチは4種類位あり 刺身定食煮魚とから揚げと煮魚と天ぷらあつあつですうまい?木曜日休み また行きたいなー
There are about 4 kinds of lunch There are fried and boiled fish and tempura hot rolled with sashimi boiled fish Huge ? Thursday day off I want to go again
レイニーブルー on Google

It's delicious and the amount is large. Lunch is crowded so night is recommended. The tuna sashimi was very delicious. Oden at night is too delicious
スーパーチーフ on Google

マグロカツや海老フライと唐揚げ最高です!! 宴会忘年会ご予約には最適(’-’*)♪ この前、ビッグ車海老さいこーでした 料理長ありがとうございました
Tuna cutlet, fried shrimp and fried chicken are the best! !! Ideal for banquet year-end party reservation ('-' *) ♪ Last time, I was a big tiger prawn Thank you chef
杉本康一 on Google

海鮮丼をランチで頂きました?1600円という値段を見た時はランチにしては少々高めでどうかなと思いましたが?食べてみてそれは杞憂だったことがわかりました?ボリュームの凄さは まさに半端ないっす?刺身の大きさ 厚さは圧巻です❗大食漢の自分でも大満足です?なおランチ時は丼に茶碗蒸しor.ミニうどんとドリンクが付きます?
I had a seafood bowl for lunch ? When I saw the price of 1600 yen, I thought it would be a little expensive for lunch ? I ate it and found that it was sashimi ? Great volume ? The size and thickness of the sashimi is overwhelming ❗ I am very satisfied with myself as a big eater ? At lunch time, the bowl is steamed with chawanmushi or. Mini udon and drink are included ?
成田久美子 on Google

つい、さっきまで居ました!今日はランチ組の今年初の食事会でした! 新しくメンバーも入って賑やかになりました。私はこのお店は初めてだったのですがメンバーの中はお馴染みのようでした。メニューはお昼時のランチでしたがけっこうボリュームがありましたしマグロのカツが美味しかったですね!私は煮魚のランチにしましたがカレイの煮付け美味しかったですよ!ドリンク付で1500円位でお手頃だと思います。
I was there just before! Today was the first dinner of the lunch group! It became lively with new members. I was new to this store, but the members seemed familiar. The menu was lunch at lunch, but it was quite large and the tuna cutlet was delicious! I had a lunch of boiled fish, but it was delicious with boiled flounder! I think that it is affordable at around 1500 yen with a drink.
Nayuta A on Google

We have also had lunch and dinner, but the lunch is reasonable at a reasonable price from ¥ 1,000 and the volume is great, and the dinner dinner is also expensive, though the price goes up. There is a menu for dinner, there is a luxury set meal for children, and I think that adults who drink alcohol and children with children can be satisfied
グルメ帝王 on Google

この日は仕事で東海市にいたので地元のお店開拓に?‍♂️ あまり地元のお店は知らないからもっとおすすめのお店を見つけないとね? 以前から気になってたお店に入ってみたよ? 注文したのは迷った挙句、海鮮丼1,650円に?‍♂️ グルメ帝王といえば海鮮丼だから一度は食べておかないとね☝️ ネタが分厚くてボリュームもあっていい感じ? 写真では見えないけど後ろはつまがたくさん付いてきたけど個人的には海鮮丼につまはいらないから、つれづれさんみたいに海苔だと嬉しいかな? 他にもお得なランチメニューがあったら今度はそっちを食べてみたいね? 店名 蒼天・和風ダイニング ? 〒476-0012 愛知県東海市富木島町伏見1丁目7−16 ?11時〜14時半 17時〜22時 木曜定休日
I was in Tokai City for work that day, so I decided to develop a local shop ?‍♂️ I don't know much about local shops so I have to find more recommended shops ? I went to a store that I've always been interested in ? I was at a loss when I ordered the seafood bowl for 1,650 yen ?‍♂️ The gourmet emperor is a seafood bowl, so you have to eat it once ☝️ The material is thick and the volume is nice ? I can't see it in the photo, but there are a lot of nori on the back, but I personally don't need a seafood bowl, so I'd be happy if it's nori like Tsurezure-san ? If there is another great lunch menu, I would like to eat it next time ? Store name Soten / Japanese style dining ? 1-7-16 Fushimi, Fukishima-machi, Tokai-shi, Aichi 476-0012 ? 11: 00-14: 30 17: 00-22: 00 Closed on Thursdays
伊藤元洋 on Google

No matter what you eat, it's delicious, and the customer service style is very calm, so it's good, but it takes 30 minutes from ordering until the food is delivered.

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