中華料理 徳馨園

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 中華料理 徳馨園

住所 :

Fuki, Maizuru, 〒624-0905 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777798
街 : Kyoto

Fuki, Maizuru, 〒624-0905 Kyoto,Japan
みゅい on Google

他のお店と同じ感覚で注文したらボリュームにびっくり! どちらかと言えば大食漢の方ですが食べきれずに持ち帰り用の容器を貰い、食べきれない分は持って帰りました。 持ち帰り容器をお願いした時も笑顔ですぐに対応してくださり有難かったです。 味もすごく美味しくて良いお店だと思いました。 流行って永くあってほしいお店です
I was surprised at the volume when I ordered in the same sense as other shops! If anything it was a big meal, but I could not finish eating and got a take-away container and brought back some of the unable to eat. Even when I asked for a take-back container, I was also thankful to correspond quickly with a smile. I thought that the taste was very good and very good. It is a shop that I want you to have long before long
足軽太公望 on Google

ボリューム・値段・味・店の広さ・コロナ対策どれも満足‼ 大量でも大味にならずに、どの料理も美味しくビックリするぐらい? 通いだすと片言で話す店員さんの話しかたが可愛く聞こえてきます(笑) この御時世なので大人数では厳しいけど、宴会料理にも最適かと❗
Satisfied with volume, price, taste, store size, and corona measures! Even if it's a large amount, it doesn't taste great, and every dish is delicious and surprising ? When I go out, the clerk who speaks in one word sounds cute (laughs) It's a time of the year, so it's difficult for a large number of people, but I wonder if it's perfect for banquet cooking ❗
ロンアッキー on Google

うまいんだけど麻婆豆腐が辛すぎてビックリ!山椒というなれない辛さにスプーンが進まなかった! ただ、他のメニューは悪くないと思うし店員さんも笑顔で接客してたので星四つです。
It's delicious, but I was surprised that the mapo tofu was too spicy! The spoon didn't advance to the spiciness of Japanese pepper! However, I don't think the other menus are bad, and the clerk was serving customers with a smile, so it has four stars.
junko on Google

久しぶりの外食。どこにしようかと主人と考えていた中YouTubeでこちらのお店が紹介されているのを見ました。こちらのお店にしようと本日足を運びました。 定食にしようかと考えましたがボリュームが凄いので単品の中華飯と餃子、主人はラーメンを付けた唐揚げ定食を頂きました。中華飯にうるさい私は第一声「美味しい!!」そう、こちらの中華飯食べてきた中で群を抜いていました。餃子も最高~♬︎♡ 主人共に大満足でした。スタッフの方々もにこやかで愛想も良く気持ちのいい食事となりました。 次回は台湾ラーメンを頂きたいと思います。
Eating out after a long absence. While I was thinking about where to go, I saw this shop being introduced on YouTube. I went to this shop today. I thought about making a set meal, but the volume was so great that I had a single Chinese rice and dumplings, and my husband had a fried chicken set meal with ramen. Noisy with Chinese food I was the first voice "Delicious !!" Yes, I was by far the best in eating this Chinese food. Dumplings are also the best ~ ♬ ︎ ♡ Both my husband were very satisfied. The staff were also smiling, friendly and pleasant. Next time, I would like to have Taiwan ramen.
ウエバタクヤ on Google

美味しい&ボリューミー 台湾ラーメンとチャーハンと麻婆豆腐とデザートにシャーベットを食べました ラーメンと麻婆は大辛にしたけど辛さと旨さがイイ塩梅で辛いの平気な人はイケます 白桃シャーベットは少し溶かして皮ごと食べるのがイイと思います
Delicious & Volumey I ate sorbet for Taiwan ramen, fried rice, mapo tofu and dessert I made ramen and mapo tofu very spicy, but the spiciness and deliciousness are good. I think it's good to melt the white peach sorbet a little and eat it with the skin.
Jun on Google

初めて友達と一緒に食べに行きました。場所が広くて清潔です。料理は中国の東北の味で、美味しくて値段もリーズナブルでした。? 何よりも女将さんがとても親切です。帰ってからすぐ友達に紹介しました。?
I went to eat with my friends for the first time. The place is large and clean. The food was northeastern in China, delicious and reasonably priced. ? Above all, the landlady is very kind. I introduced it to my friends right after I got home. ?
久保勝義 on Google

こちらのマーボ―定食は三段階の辛さが選べるんだけど、一番下でも激辛だけど癖になる!!また、当たり前のラーメンがついてくるから、1/4とか半分とか面の量が選べるから!!行ってみてね!! 片言の日本語で、なんか応援したくなるお店です!!
You can choose from three levels of spiciness for this Marvo set meal, but even at the bottom it's extremely spicy, but it becomes a habit! !! Also, since the ramen comes with it, you can choose the amount of surface such as 1/4 or half! !! Please go! !! It's a shop that makes you want to cheer for something in Japanese! !!
kumi wata on Google

安くて早くてボリューム満足‼️ 町の中華やさんです。ランチの白米がとても美味しいのは回転している証拠。
Cheap, fast and voluminous! ️ This is Chinese restaurant in the town. The fact that the white rice for lunch is very delicious is evidence that it is spinning.

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