
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ヤマト自動車硝子(株)

住所 :

Fukamihigashi, Yamato, 〒242-0012 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.carglass-yamato.co.jp/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Fukamihigashi, Yamato, 〒242-0012 Kanagawa,Japan
rise. sun on Google

フロントグラスを保険で交換したが、対応がとても悪く、仕上げもいい加減。 二度と行かない。
The front glass was replaced with insurance, but the response was very poor and the finish was fine. I will never go again.
久保仁 on Google

ガラス交換の問い合わせをしたが、電話対応が初めからとても悪く、こちらが指摘しても 謝る事もなく、時間を損しました。 オススメは出来ませんね。
I made an inquiry about glass replacement, but the telephone response was very bad from the beginning, so even if this pointed out I didn't apologize and lost my time. I can't recommend it.
atusi on Google

The windshield cracked with a stepping stone, and I asked for repairs by jumping in, but I received a very careful response. We are very satisfied with the perfect repair in a short time.
meows on Google

It was a very polite response. I am very satisfied with the work being done very quickly, including cleaning the inside of the car and cleaning all the glass.
No Ramen No Life on Google

I asked for a windshield repair due to a stepping stone while driving on the highway. As expected, the work was done neatly as if it were a professional group of automobile glass. If you have any problems with automobile glass, we recommend that you first consult with Yamato Motor Glass Co., Ltd. before bringing it to the dealer.
Peaches One on Google

電話に誰もでない。 お店に行っても誰もいない。 なかなかお店の方と連絡取るのは難しいですね。
No one on the phone. There is no one when I go to the store. It's difficult to get in touch with the shop staff.
HM on Google

【親切、丁寧、迅速】 ある朝突然愛車のガラスが破られており、途方に暮れました。付き合いのある整備工場やドック併設のカー用品店に問い合わせるも、早くて翌日仕上げ、遅くて5日後と、一般的にはかなり時間がかかるようです。しかしこちらでは、手配をかけてから2時間でガラスが到着、作業はたったの数時間で当日中にすべて完了しました。車内に飛び散ったガラス片の掃除しきれなかった部分も、綺麗に片付けてくれました。サービスも良く、料金も良心的です。 その後も別の車でフィルム貼りを依頼しましたが、こちらも早くて丁寧、仕上がりきれいです。激安ではありませんが、割高感も無く、なかなか良いです。 外車の窓の扱いにも慣れているようで、安心して任せられました。
[Kind, polite, quick] One morning, the glass of my car was suddenly broken and I was at a loss. Even if you contact a maintenance shop or a car accessories store with a dock, it will take a long time to finish the next day at the earliest and 5 days later at the latest. But here, the glass arrived two hours after making the arrangement, and the work was all done within the day in just a few hours. Even the parts of the glass that were scattered inside the car that couldn't be cleaned were cleaned up. The service is good and the price is reasonable. After that, I asked another car to put the film on, but this one is also quick, polite, and the finish is beautiful. It's not cheap, but it doesn't feel expensive and it's quite good. He seems to be accustomed to handling the windows of foreign cars, so I was relieved.
かえss深海に行きたい on Google

今回私の不注意でリアガラスを割ってしまったので、ヤマト自動車硝子さんにお願いしました! 初めての利用だった為、不安でしたがかなりスピーディーに行ってくださったと思います。 受付中にいつぐらいにできるか聞いたところ、その場で問い合わせをして下さり2日で終わることが出来ました(●︎´▽︎`●︎) 車内の掃除もしてくださいました。 代車をお借りできたのは良かったですが、当日だけだったので車ない2日間はとても辛かったです‪( ;ᯅ; )‬ とてもスムーズに行って下さり、丁寧でしたのでまた何かあったらお願いしたいと思います。 金額については高いのか安いのか分かりませんので、ネットで調べた安い方の価格だった。という事だけ記載しておきます。 ありがとうございました?‍♀️
I inadvertently broke the rear glass this time, so I asked Yamato Motor Glass! It was my first time to use it, so I was worried, but I think he went very quickly. When I asked when I could do it during the reception, I made an inquiry on the spot and was able to finish it in 2 days (● ︎´ ▽ ︎` ● ︎) He also cleaned the inside of the car. It was good to be able to rent a substitute car, but it was very hard for two days without a car because it was only on the day (; ᯅ;) It went very smoothly and was polite, so I would like to ask if something happens again. I don't know if the price is high or low, so it was the cheaper price I checked online. I will just mention that. Thank you ?‍♀️

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