
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fujiya

住所 :

Nishigotanda, Shinagawa City, 〒141-0031 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://ge5p511.gorp.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Nishigotanda, Shinagawa City, 〒141-0031 Tokyo,Japan
ウポポピロンチ on Google

しばらく行かない間にだいぶ味が落ちてしまってました。 期待値が大きかっただけに落差が大きく、塩もつ煮が乳臭くて残念でなりません… 今後のご活躍をお祈りしています。
The taste had dropped a lot before I went there for a while. It's a shame that the head is big because the expected value was high, and the salted motsuni smells milky ... I wish you all the best in the future.
オカムラシンヤ on Google

It's a beautiful shop with a lot of seats. The price is reasonable, and it is higher than the nearby grilled restaurant. The recommended menu was a delicious gem.
You M on Google

念願のふじ屋さん、初訪問。 ぶた串を中心に揃えているお店という印象だったがサイドメニューもかなり充実している。串が焼きあがるまでの時間がかかる分、いろんなおつまみが注文できて、あっさりから重めまでをコース的に楽しめる。 メニュー構成から、レバーがオススメのようでひとしきり頼んでみたが、バリエーションが豊富で、食感、味わいが様々な組み合わせで楽しめた。 締めの卵かけごはんは私以外全員頼んだが、締めにふさわしい一品だったようで、参加者全員が満足のお店だった。
Fujiya's desire, first visit. It was an impression that the store was centered around the pigtails, but the side menu is also quite substantial. As it takes time until the salmon is baked, you can order various snacks and enjoy the course from light to heavy. From the menu configuration, I asked for a lever like a recommendation for a while, but the variation was abundant, and the texture and taste were enjoyed in various combinations. I asked for all the eggs for the closing egg, except for me, but it seemed to be a good item for the closing, and all the participants were satisfied shops.
大石馳走 on Google

味もまあまあ、普通旨い。。 店も明るくて、雰囲気良し。。 ただ、オペレーションが悪く、ドリンクも料理もなかなか出て来ないのが残念。。 アルバイトもイケメン揃いでかわいいんだがな〜、、、@¥6000- 202111
The taste is so good, it's usually delicious. .. The store is bright and has a nice atmosphere. .. However, it is a pity that the operation is bad and drinks and food are hard to come out. .. The part-time job is also cute with good-looking guys, but ... @ ¥ 6000- 202111
inubouzu tokyo on Google

とても清潔感に溢れた五反田では珍しい?お店です。女性のお客さんが多いのも分かります。 店員さんは外国人のイケメンが多いの繁盛理由にもあるかも笑笑 先にネガティブなポイントを書くと、キンミヤのお代わりはこの辺りでは少ないかも。。マニュアル通りに計ってる感じです。お得感の醸成はありません? 串焼きのねぎレバはイマイチ、同じレバ系のトロレバ刺しは低温調理なのか安心感と生々しさの闘いを感じましたがー 値段が全然違うものねー 煮込みはなぜか最後に出てきました。古い居酒屋の鳥どうふの様なやさしい味だったので締めの意味だったのかなーー コロナ禍では、安心できる安定的なお店ですね!
It is a rare ? shop in Gotanda, which is very clean. You can also see that there are many female customers. The clerk may be the reason for the prosperity of many good-looking foreigners lol If you write a negative point first, there may be few substitutes for Kinmiya around here. .. It feels like measuring according to the manual. There is no fostering of profitable feeling ? I didn't like the skewered green onion liver, and I felt a sense of security and a struggle for freshness, perhaps because the same liver-based trolley liver sashimi was cooked at low temperature. The price is completely different The stew came out at the end for some reason. It had a gentle taste like a bird in an old izakaya, so I wonder if it meant closing. Corona is a stable shop where you can rest assured!
ゆーすけ on Google

メガサイズのレモンサワーにしたのはいいんだけど、普通の氷とクラッシュした氷がダブルで入っていて、非常に飲み辛い。かさ増しだし、薄まる。ゴクゴク飲めないのでストレスです。 塩煮込みは非常に美味しい。 次回は、ビールがいいなぁ。 再訪 コーヒー酎うまいし、 アボカド焼いたやつうまかった。 塩煮込みは安定!
It's nice to have a mega-sized lemon sour, but it's very hard to drink because it contains double ice cubes and crushed ice. It starts to bulk and fades. It's stressful because I can't drink it. The salt stew is very delicious. Next time, I'd like beer. Revisited Coffee is delicious, The avocado baked was delicious. Stewed in salt is stable!
キラキラゆうき on Google

I tried a light single drink of skewers and kobukuro sashimi with fresh lemon sour and sake for two weeks in a row, and it was very delicious and satisfying. The shop has a clean and calm atmosphere, and it is easy for even one person to enter. Perfect for those who want to enjoy light grilled offal instead of deep.
mi chan on Google


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