鈴木自転車店 - Fujisawa

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 鈴木自転車店

住所 :

Fujisawa, 〒251-0052 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 251-0052
街 : Kanagawa

Fujisawa, 〒251-0052 Kanagawa,Japan
K S on Google

Hmmm ... I was charged nearly 3,000 yen for adjusting the brakes ...
Takanori Hirotsu on Google

I became indebted to tire exchange and puncture repair. Professional work is still different.
HIRO on Google

Recently, there are many bicycle shops that can not repair flat tires, but it is a traditional craftsman's bicycle shop ✨
Mnegi0118 on Google

I was very impressed that you could fix it quickly and beautifully!
煮わさび on Google

パンクしてしまい駆け込んだ所優しく早急に対応していただきました。 日にちがかかることを覚悟していましたがあっという間に直していただき手際も早く感動いたしました。ありがとうございました!
When I rushed in because I had a flat tire, I was kind and promptly responded. I was prepared for it to take a long time, but I was impressed by how quickly it was fixed. thank you very much!
NS AUTO on Google

妻が急なパンクで駆け込みましたが親切に対応してくれたようです。 結果パンクではなくムシ不良の空気抜けだったみたいで費用も安く済みました、また困ったらいつでもどうぞ!と優しそうな店主さんに頼もしさを覚えたようでした、昔ながらの自転車店で決して今風の洒落た店ではないながら技術は確かな様子。
My wife rushed in with a sudden puncture, but it seems that she kindly responded. As a result, it seems that it was not a flat tire but a bad air vent, so the cost was low, and if you have any problems, please do it anytime! It seemed that the shopkeeper who seemed to be kind to me was reliable, and although it was an old-fashioned bicycle shop and it was not a fashionable shop, the technology seems to be certain.
koji n on Google

手際良くパンク部分を特定してパッチ修理してくれました。お店によってはチューブ丸ごと交換になってお金も時間もかかったでしょう。助かりました。 追記:何度かパッチ修理後のパンクはチューブ交換になります。すばやく交換していただきました。
He skillfully identified the punctured part and repaired the patch. Depending on the store, it would have taken money and time to replace the entire tube. It was helpful. Postscript: After repairing the patch several times, the puncture will be replaced with a tube. I had you exchange it quickly.
花花 on Google

Thank you for repairing the flat tire. He fixed it in a little time, oiled the bicycle, and the bicycle that was squeaking until just before became quiet (laughs) The technique was certain and he was a very kind shopkeeper.

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