Fujioka PA (up) - Fujioka

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fujioka PA (up)

住所 :

Naka, Fujioka, Gunma 375-0005, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 375-0005
Webサイト : http://www.driveplaza.com/sapa/1810/1810003/1/

Naka, Fujioka, Gunma 375-0005, Japan
齋藤斉(移動性高血圧) on Google

上信越自動車道の上り方面しか無い珍しいパーキングエリアの“”藤岡PA(上り)“”に入ってみましたぁ~!上信越自動車道の“”横川サービスエリア“”から41Kmで約30分ぐらいの所にありますが 次のサービスエリア“”上里SA(上り)“”まで、たったの5Kmで車で5分ぐらいのところにある“”上里SA“”につい行ってしまい、いつも素通りでした(ごめんなさい?)それにパーキングエリアの案内標識も“”藤岡インターチェンジ“”の案内とごっちゃに見える感じがして、なんとなく敬遠気味でパスしていました。おまけに「パーキングエリアを利用したらインターチェンジを使えない」などの注意事項の案内標識が目に飛び込んで来て、なんとなく入りづらかったのです。(こう考えるのはワタクシめだけだと思いますが 入りづらかったのですよ!)今回は絶対入ってみるぞと勇気を奮ってウインカーを出し減速して いざ“”藤岡パーキングエリア“”へGoです!これがまた パーキングエリアに着くまで走ること走ること!“”藤岡インターチェンジ“”の出口を横目に結構ぐるっと走り、ようやく到着しました!途中の“”藤岡インターチェンジ“”出口へのスロープは めちゃくちゃ“”要注意!!!!“”です!!! ようやくパーキングエリア駐車場に停車して見渡すとトイレしかありません!!! いやいや良く見たらトイレの向こう側にお店がたくさん並んでいました!“”肉の駅“”なんてのもあります。次回はゆっくりと拝見しようかと思います。入るのにドキドキする“”パーキングエリア“”でした!
I entered "" Fujioka PA (up) "", a rare parking area that only goes up the Joshinetsu Expressway! It is about 30 minutes from "" Yokokawa service area "" on the Joshinetsu Expressway, about 30 minutes by car, but it is only about 5 minutes by car to the next service area "" Kamisato SA (up) "". I followed the "" Kamisato SA "" in the place and always passed by (I'm sorry ?) And the guide sign in the parking area seemed to be confused with the guide of "" Fujioka Interchange "", so I was a little shy. I passed it. In addition, a guide sign for precautions such as "If you use the parking area, you cannot use the interchange" came into your eyes, and it was somehow difficult to enter. (I think it's only for me to think this way, but it was difficult to enter!) This time, I'm going to go to "" Fujioka parking area "" with the courage to put out the turn signal and slow down. !! Run until this reaches the parking area again! I ran around the exit of "" Fujioka Interchange "" and finally arrived! The slope to the "" Fujioka Interchange "" exit on the way is messed up "" Be careful! !! !! !! ""is! !! !! Finally, when I stopped at the parking lot and looked around, there was only a toilet! !! !! No, if you look closely, there are many shops on the other side of the toilet! There is also a "meat station". Next time, I'll take a look at it slowly. It was a "" parking area "" that was exciting to enter!
グラタンみかん on Google

The illuminations were very beautiful. There were many shops and a meat specialty store called Meat Station. The croquettes were very good. There is a ferris wheel, etc., so I think it is a service area that can be enjoyed by children and adults. Barrier-free was also solid.
ミヤケン on Google

The cute Ferris wheel and illuminations were beautiful ♫
佐脇恒和 on Google

I heard from a friend who has a house in Shinshu-Nakano that the vegetable section directly from the production area is cheap, so I stopped by on the way back from Myoko Kogen, and I can only enter from the uphill road. Since it's winter, I didn't go to the abundant variety, but I bought local green onions, sweet potatoes, shiitake mushrooms, strawberries, etc. Maybe summer is very busy, isn't it?
takuya kobe on Google

道の駅と併設されています。 駐車スペースは所々に大きな木があり、なんとなくお洒落に感じました。 大型車から乗用車までたくさん停めることが出来ます。 観光案内所、土産物屋、レストラン、コンビニ、小規模遊園地、いろいろな施設があり便利です。 トイレも各地にあり綺麗でした。 イベントスペースもあります。 特産品を買うことができたので満足です。
It is attached to the roadside station. There are big trees in the parking space, and I felt it was fashionable. You can park a lot from large cars to passenger cars. There are tourist information centers, souvenir shops, restaurants, convenience stores, small amusement parks, and various facilities. There were toilets all over the place and it was beautiful. There is also an event space. I am satisfied because I was able to buy a special product.
碩康夫 on Google

お土産、地場野菜、地場お肉、レストラン、コンビニと網羅されている最強PA。 今回はお肉屋さんで群馬県民お薦めとされる登利平さんのお弁当(数量限定)とその場で注文してから揚げてもらえるコロッケを頂きました。最高?あと詰め合わせのパンも買いました。 PAに入ってしまうと高速下りれませんので注意⚠️
The strongest PA that covers souvenirs, local vegetables, local meat, restaurants, and convenience stores. This time, I received a lunch box (limited quantity) by Torihei, who is recommended by Gunma citizens at a butcher shop, and a croquette that can be fried after ordering on the spot. The best ? I also bought an assortment of bread. Please note that you will not be able to descend at high speed once you enter the PA ⚠️
中嶋光 on Google

The trip is ✨ comfortable and warm, and sometimes you will be impressed ? Let's be hikaru, a travel color person ? Yesterday, in early November, I stopped by the Joshinetsu Expressway ? Fujioka parking area ? In the central square, The illuminations were lit up ? The viewers, ? The viewers ? Healed the tiredness of the journey ? ? ?
s 2 on Google

(January 2022) I have been using Joshinetsu Expressway many times, but I used Fujioka PA for the first time. It is for upstream use only. It cannot be used when going down (toward Nagano). It is connected to the roadside station. It's a method called highway oasis. We have a complete set of Gunma souvenirs. The number of items is abundant. There are several restaurants, but I wonder if the business will be shortened due to corona overruns. An event was held in the square. The convenience store has FamilyMart. The route from the main line to the PA and IC exits is a little difficult to understand. Take the route to the left just before the gate and you will reach PA.

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