エステイトジャパン(株) - Nagoya

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact エステイトジャパン(株)

住所 :

Fujimori Nishimachi, Meito Ward, Nagoya, 〒465-0022 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87888
Postal code : 465-0022
Webサイト : http://www.estate-japan.co.jp/
街 : Aichi

Fujimori Nishimachi, Meito Ward, Nagoya, 〒465-0022 Aichi,Japan
河村裕平 on Google

I have been dating for 10 years. I am very grateful to President Oumi. Thank you for your continued guidance.
翔磨 on Google

ご親切に対応して頂き知識がなくなにもわからない状態でお伺いさせて頂いたのに1から丁寧にご説明して頂きました。 ご縁もありお会いして担当して頂けたこと 夫婦共々感謝しかない程です。 お話も親身に聞いて頂きどんな質問や要望も迅速に対応して頂いたおかげでスムーズに話も進みました。エステイトジャパンさんでご購入できて良かったと思います。
I kindly responded to you, and even though I visited you without any knowledge and did not understand anything, I explained it carefully from the beginning. I was able to meet and take charge of it because of my relationship Both couples are so grateful. Thanks to the kindness of the story and the prompt response to any questions or requests, the story went smoothly. I'm glad I was able to purchase it at Estate Japan.
大橋悟海 on Google

30ユウタ on Google

Thank you very much. I didn't think we could have a 100% family home. The person in charge should be patient and do it one by one. I am happy to have a house that I never dreamed of. Thank you.
はがくれFAMILY〜やんちゃ坊'S〜 on Google

社長さんがとてもユニークで親切丁寧でした? 中古住宅に魅力を感じてなかったのですが、エステイトジャパンさんはリノベーション住宅に力を入れてるという事で、モデルハウスを見に行ったらとてもオシャレな内外装で即決しちゃいました? 引き渡しの時も丁寧に対応してもらい、その後も長く付き合える不動産屋だと思いました(^^)
The president was very unique and kind. Although I did not feel the charm of a used house, Estate Japan was focusing on renovation houses, so when I went to see a model house, I decided quickly with very stylish interior and exterior ? I had you handle it carefully at the time of delivery, and I thought that it was a real estate agent who could stay with you for a long time (^ ^)
村井健太郎 on Google

営業担当の方に大変お世話になりました。 初めての事でわからないことだらけでしたが一つひとつの質問に丁寧に答えていただき、とても安心しました。 ありがとうございました。
Thank you very much to the sales staff. It was my first time and there were many things I didn't understand, but I was very relieved to have each question answered carefully. Thank you very much.
いいづかりこ on Google

社長さんにお世話になりました。 親身に寄り添っていただいて、とても良い対応をしていただきました。 これからも末長くよろしくお願いいたします!✨
Thank you to the president. We were very close to you and gave us a very good response. Thank you for your continued support! ✨
135 Fujip on Google

He was very kind and gave me a consultation. Thanks to many consultations, I was able to purchase a good property with confidence. The footwork is light, and please tell us the advantages and disadvantages. At other real estate agents, we were talked about the limit of the budget and even added up, but this sales staff is kind to the purchaser's position, so it should be suppressed rather. Thank you for your support. It is a real estate agent who seems to be able to ask for a long relationship.

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