買取屋アップ ふじみ野店

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 買取屋アップ ふじみ野店

住所 :

Fujiminonishi, Fujimi, 〒354-0035 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8979
Webサイト : https://kaitoriyaup.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–8PM
Sunday 11AM–8PM
Monday 11AM–8PM
Tuesday 11AM–8PM
Wednesday 11AM–8PM
Thursday 11AM–8PM
Friday 11AM–8PM
街 : Saitama

Fujiminonishi, Fujimi, 〒354-0035 Saitama,Japan
山本成剛 on Google

他社よりも高い価格で買取頂けました。 また、説明や対応が迅速かつ丁寧でした。 機会があれば、何度も利用させて頂きたいお店様です。有難うございました。
We were able to buy at a higher price than other companies. In addition, explanation and correspondence were quick and polite. If there is an opportunity, I would like to use it again and again. Thank you.
Soushi Mizutani on Google

I bought a SoftBank iPhone or watch that was no longer used because I switched to a new model. It seems that it is not a franchise, and there is no extra margin like other stores, so I am satisfied that I bought it very high. I recommend it because it is a secret store.
立川なな志 on Google

建家の二階に入り口。 さらに階段を昇ります。 図書カードなどの販売機も、 行っています。 酒が並んでいましたが、 買い取りのみだそうで。 (‘・ω・`)
Entrance to the second floor of the building. Further climb the stairs. Vending machines such as book cards, going. Sake was lined up, It seems that it is only purchase. ('・ Ω ・ `)
愛(わさびママ) on Google

他のお店では聞いたことない価格で買い取って頂きました。説明もわかりやすく、また他のバックなど持ち込みのアドバイスもして下さり、嫌な感じが全く無くとても好感の持てる店長さんです。またお世話になるやもしれません、その時は宜しくお願い致します^ - ^
We had you buy at price that we did not hear in other shops. The explanation is easy to understand, and he also gives advice on bringing in other bags, so he has no discomfort at all and he has a good feeling. I may take care of you again, thank you in that case ^-^
矢口敬太郎 on Google

We had you purchase Rolex Datejust this time. Others also assessed the purchase, but this was the highest assessment value and I felt the most professional. The desire to raise the purchase price without spending any money on the inside of the store without being luxurious or elaborate was conveyed. It was good to feel the sincerity and use this.
えん on Google

初めてこういった所を利用しました。(オメガ 貴金属 バッグ) 予想していた金額をはるかに超えていて、速買取りしてもらいました! 私の無駄口にも嫌な顔せずに付き合ってくれましたよ(^_^) またタンスの肥やしになってる物があれば、絶対に来ます♪
I used such a place for the first time. (Omega precious metal bag) It was far more than I expected and I got a quick purchase! He went out with me without a disgusting face (^_^) Also, if there is something that is fertilizing the chest of drawers, I will definitely come ♪
エルザ宏 1129 on Google

お店の方々 レビュー遅れてすみません。 先月、先々月?ダイヤの指輪が 不要になり色々回ったけっか 他店(なん〇"や)さんの高価買取の お値段と同等で出して下さり ありがとうございました! また志木まで戻って売る様な 手間を省き アップさんのご配慮で 近くで高く売れたことは 感謝致します。 また、機会がありましたら 何卒宜しくお願い致します。
I'm sorry for the late review. Last month, the month before last? The diamond ring Did I go around variously because it became unnecessary? Expensive purchase of other stores (Nan 〇 "ya) Please put it out at the same price Thank you very much! It's like going back to Shiki and selling it again With the consideration of Mr. Up, saving time and effort What sold well nearby Thank you. Also, if you have the opportunity I kindly thank you.
K T on Google

初めて利用させて頂きました ブランドバックは予想以上の高価格で買い取って頂き大満足でした スタッフさんの対応も丁寧で色々な事を教えて頂きました また機会がありましたら宜しくお願い致します
I used it for the first time I was very happy to buy the brand bag at a higher price than expected. The staff was polite and taught me various things. If you have another chance, thank you.

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