
3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact セカンドストリートつるせ店

住所 :

Sekizawa, Fujimi, 〒354-0025 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897777
Webサイト : http://www.2ndstreet.jp/shop/details%3FshopsId%3D31053
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM
街 : Saitama

Sekizawa, Fujimi, 〒354-0025 Saitama,Japan
渡邊俊也 on Google

Currently, I'm glad I was able to get (unexpected) products at [50% OFF] at "On Sale" until the 20th (this month) ? However, there are no products I originally planned to purchase (a little) sorry ? Also, clothing Other than that, if there is ?, it's still good, but ...
柳沢誠 on Google

It is a shop that I go to regularly. When you go to a thrift shop, you may come across something you want or a bargain. I went looking for spring clothes, but I couldn't find them today. Are you dissatisfied with the size display being difficult to understand?
モシ on Google

一階は、衣類が多い 二階は、ゲーム・CDが目立つ 携帯電話は、定価からいくら安いかが大きく出ていて、じゃいくらで買えるのは、小さく出ていて買い物がやりにくい。 消費者は、何割り・安いは、どうでもいい!いくらで買えるかが重要。
There are many clothes on the first floor Games and CDs stand out on the second floor Mobile phones are big in terms of how cheap they are from the list price, and how much you can buy is small and difficult to shop. Consumers don't care what percentage or cheap! How much you can buy is important.
Ukyo Koyama on Google

I went to buy the clothes I didn't wear anymore. I'm not dissatisfied with the purchase price, but the clerk felt very bad. The procedure after the assessment was clearly insufficiently explained. Actually, when I bought it at Super Second Street in Omiya, there was a statement slip asking if I needed to discard it, but this time it ended without any sign of being handed over, and when I asked if I could get the statement, it was handed over. I was bluntly told that it was written under a small receipt. Certainly there is a simple notation, but it is obviously absurd if it is troublesome to think that I do not know the schedule that can be issued if I want to issue it. When you're done, just leave it and start chatting right away. I feel sick.
P T on Google

I feel that the price is a little higher. Maybe it's because the nearby thrift shop is gone.
y k on Google

The clothes were displayed neatly, but it was a little disappointing that miscellaneous goods and hobbies were placed in a miscellaneous manner.
k k on Google

Some people have misunderstood, but if you suddenly bring in 100 clothes, it will take time and the assessment will be sweet. If you bring in 100 points, don't complain and don't expect it. When I bring it in, I often bring about 10 points.
s n on Google

査定に過度な期待は禁物。 女性ものの服と小物120点の買取をお願いして全て1円の査定で120円でした。ガソリン代を考えれば赤字なので自宅で捨てた方が良かった。 型番がしっかり分かる物や、よほどブランドで新しいものでない限りは査定価格に期待してはいけない。 店員さんの態度は悪くはなかったが、良いともいえない、というレベル。 査定結果や買取に関してこちらから聞かない限り、詳しく説明してはくれません。
Don't expect too much from the assessment. I asked for the purchase of 120 women's clothes and accessories, and all of them were assessed at 1 yen for 120 yen. Considering the cost of gasoline, it was in the red, so it was better to throw it away at home. Don't expect an appraisal price unless you know the model number or it's brand new. The clerk's attitude was not bad, but it was not good. Unless you ask us about the assessment results and purchases, we will not explain in detail.

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