Fujidana - Hachioji

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fujidana

住所 :

1254 Uratakaomachi, Hachioji, Tokyo 193-0841, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8798
Postal code : 193-0841
Webサイト : http://www.mineo-tofu.com/takao/fujidana/index.html

1254 Uratakaomachi, Hachioji, Tokyo 193-0841, Japan
保坂妙子 on Google

駐車場は道を挟んだ向かいに縦列で3台駐車出来ます。最寄りバス停は、裏高尾です。 パンが置いてあることもありますが、すぐに売れてしまいます。 コーヒー豆も希望に合わせて挽いてくれますよ。 ここには個展スペースもあるので、季節毎に展示を見ながらコーヒーが楽しめますよ。 お店前の湧水横にある木彫りフクロウも素敵です。
The parking lot can park 3 cars in parallel across the road. The nearest bus stop is Uratakao. It may have bread on it, but it will sell quickly. Coffee beans will also be ground if desired. There is also a private exhibition space here, so you can enjoy coffee while watching the exhibition every season. The wood carving owl next to the spring water in front of the shop is also wonderful.
katsumi on Google

It was a delicious iced coffee with a good throat. Also, I will bother you.
Hide K on Google

バス停で看板を見て、興味本位で入ってみたのですが、雑味の少ないアイスコーヒーが美味しくて、おかわりしてベリーチーズケーキも頼んでしまいました。 裏高尾は年にそうそう何度も来ることはないですが、次来たときはまた寄りたいです。
I looked at the sign at the bus stop and tried to enter it with interest, but the ice coffee with little miscellaneous taste was delicious and I asked for a berry cheesecake instead. Uratakao doesn't come so often in a year, but I want to come back next time.
housuke sharaku on Google

It is a private house cafe in the mountains on the side of Asakawa and Takao Kaido. It was great to have a delicious coffee that I couldn't imagine from the price if I happened to go in and be alert. It is a shop with a cool, stylish and warm atmosphere where you can spend a relaxing time listening to the voice of birds and the sound of the wind and river.
hirai nana on Google

自家製焙煎珈琲と自家製ケーキのお店。 店内は大人気ですぐに椅子が埋まってしまいます。 テラス席もあるので、爽やかな空気と珈琲の良い匂いが楽しめます。
Homemade roasted coffee and homemade cake shop. The inside of the store is very popular and the chairs will soon be filled up. There are also terrace seats, so you can enjoy the refreshing air and the good smell of coffee.
直子 on Google

高尾の雑穀料理とお蕎麦の美味しいお店で 隣卓にいらした素敵な女性方から ご親切に教えていただき来訪しました。 こちらまでの道のりも素敵な景色で良い運動にもなりました♪ 先客は、2人。アイスコーヒーとケーキをいただきました。注文してすぐご主人は、豆を挽き丁寧にドリップ。淹れたてアイスコーヒー♪香ばしい香りでスッキリとした味…美味しかったです(o^^o)♪ コーヒー豆も購入して帰りました。 店名の通り、藤棚には綺麗な花を見る事も出来ました♪
A nice lady who came to the next table at a delicious shop of Takao's cereal dishes and soba noodles visited me kindly and kindly. The way to here was also a good exercise with a wonderful scenery ♪ Two customers were ahead. I got iced coffee and cake. Immediately after ordering, the master grinds the beans and drips carefully. Freshly brewed iced coffee ♪ Refreshing taste with fragrant aroma ... It was delicious (o ^ ^ o) ♪ I bought coffee beans and went home. As the name suggests, we could see beautiful flowers on the wisteria trellis ♪
魚花 on Google

甲州道中歩きで立ち寄り。自家焙煎。 コーヒー一杯の値段も手頃なのにおいしいコーヒー。 豆も買っちゃいました。
Stop by walking along the Koshu road. Home roasting. A cup of coffee is reasonably priced, but delicious coffee. I also bought beans.
Doris on Google

It is an unexpected coffee spot on a narrow narrow road. Enjoyed the coffee!

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