Fruit Peaks Tsukuba shop - Tsukuba

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fruit Peaks Tsukuba shop

住所 :

2 Chome-20 Kenkyugakuen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0817, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8988
Postal code : 305-0817
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM

2 Chome-20 Kenkyugakuen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0817, Japan
粉川眞理 on Google

郡山が本店のフルールパーラー。 果物屋さんと併設しています。 新宿高野や千疋屋ほど、敷居は高くないけれど、新鮮で美味しい果物が食べれます。 いつも大変混んでいますが、ちょっと待ってでもここで食べたいと言う気持ちになります。 待つときは、40分くらい待ってしまうので、早めに行くか、時間をずらして行くといいと思います。 季節メニューのパフェもあるし、お食事も出来ます。 お茶も出来ます。 私は、やはりフルーツパフェを食べてから、お土産にフルーツたっぷりのケーキを買っていくのが好きです。1個700円~800円くらいしますが、とてもフルーツがたっぷり盛ってあるので、ご贈答にしても喜ばれます。 茨城はつくば店だけですが、東京都内でも店舗があります。 一度東京駅で期間限定でお店が出ていたことがあり、ケーキを買って帰りました。 その時も、若い女性たちに飛ぶように売れていました。
Koriyama is the main store's fleur parlor. It is located next to a fruit shop. The threshold is not as high as Shinjuku Takano and Sembikiya, but you can eat fresh and delicious fruits. It's always very crowded, but even if you wait for a while, you'll want to eat here. When you wait, you will have to wait for about 40 minutes, so I think you should go early or stagger the time. There is also a seasonal parfait, and you can also dine. You can also make tea. After all, I like to eat fruit parfaits and then buy fruity cakes as souvenirs. It costs about 700 to 800 yen per piece, but there are plenty of fruits, so even if you give it as a gift, you will be pleased. Ibaraki has only Tsukuba store, but there are also stores in Tokyo. There was a shop at Tokyo Station for a limited time, so I bought a cake and went home. Even then, it was selling like a fly to young women.
MS 27 on Google

(2022. 2. 26) 奥さんからブランチに行こうと誘われた先がこちらのお店。 フルーツやスイーツに加えて、レストランスペースもあるとの事。 お店の外観も店内も白を基調とした清潔感のある雰囲気でした。今日は快晴だったので、空の色ともマッチしていて良い感じ。 お水やおしぼりはセルフとのことで取りに行くと、早速ウォータージャグの中に色鮮やかなフルーツが。一口飲んでみると、イチゴやパインなどの香りがフワッと爽やかな感じ。 メニューを見るとパスタやサンドイッチなどがメイン。あとはスイーツでした。 今回は食事がメインだったので、パスタでも頼もうかと見てみると、フルーツパルタなるものが…流石にそこまで果物を食べたいとは思わなかったので、自分はオーソドックスにナポリタンを、奥さんはペペロンチーノをチョイス。 店員さんに注文を伝えると、サラダとスープカップが出されます。スープは日向夏とトマトのスープ。何もスープにまで果物仕立てにしなくても…と思いながら一口含んでみると、しっかりとスープでした。具の日向夏もそんなに悪くない。 サラダは葉物の下にイチゴやパイン、キュウイ、マンゴーなどが敷かれている。ドレッシングが爽やか系で果物との相性は良かったです。 そうこうしているうちに、パスタが登場。こちらにはフルーツは入っていなくて良かったと思いながら食べてみると、生パスタとあってモチモチ感あり、味もしっかりしていてなかなかに美味しかった。 一見、量が少ないかなと思いましたが、底の深いお皿であったので、お腹の溜まりもまあまあ。 パスタを食べ終わると、食後のコーヒーとスイーツ。自分はフルーツプリンを頼みましたが、透明三角の容器の下に色とりどりのフルーツとプリン。その上には透明感のあるゼリーが張られていて、とてもキレイな見た目。 食べてみると必要以上に甘くなく、最後まで美味しく頂くことができました。 底の方にはプリンに隠れたバナナが良い風味を醸し出しています。 こちらのお店、男性だけではなかなか入りにくそうな所ではありますが、女性同士のお客さんが多かったのはもちろん、カップルや家族連れも多くおり、人気店なのだなと実感しました。 食後に果物売り場を見てみましたが、高級フルーツがたくさん並べられ、甘い香りが漂っていました。お値段もそこそこしていたので、さぞ美味しいものなのでしょうね。
(2022. 2. 26) This shop is the place where my wife invited me to go to brunch. In addition to fruits and sweets, there is also a restaurant space. The exterior and interior of the store were based on white and had a clean atmosphere. It was fine today, so it feels good to match the color of the sky. When I went to get water and hand towels by myself, I found colorful fruits in the water jug. When you take a sip, the scent of strawberries and pine is fluffy and refreshing. Looking at the menu, pasta and sandwiches are the main dishes. The rest was sweets. This time, the main meal was food, so when I looked at pasta, I found that fruit parta was ... I didn't want to eat that much fruit, so I used Napolitan for orthodox and my wife Peperoncino. Choice. When you tell the clerk your order, you will be served a salad and a soup cup. The soup is Hyuganatsu and tomato soup. I thought that I didn't have to make any fruit into the soup, but when I included a bite, it was a solid soup. Hyuganatsu isn't too bad. Strawberries, pineapples, kiwis, mangoes, etc. are laid under the leaves in the salad. The dressing was refreshing and it went well with fruits. While doing so, pasta appeared. I thought it was good that there was no fruit in it, but when I tried it, it was chewy with fresh pasta, and the taste was solid and quite delicious. At first glance, I thought the amount was small, but since it was a plate with a deep bottom, the amount of stomach was not so good. After eating pasta, coffee and sweets after meals. I ordered fruit pudding, but colorful fruits and pudding under a transparent triangular container. A transparent jelly is stretched on it, and it looks very beautiful. When I tried it, it wasn't sweeter than necessary and I was able to enjoy it until the end. At the bottom, the banana hidden in the pudding creates a good flavor. This shop is a place that is difficult for men to enter, but I realized that it is a popular shop because there were many female customers as well as couples and families. I looked at the fruit counter after eating, and found that many high-quality fruits were lined up and had a sweet scent. The price was reasonable, so it must be delicious.
pink red on Google

到着したら、番号札をとり、混雑時は車などで待てるシステムです。携帯から順番が見れます。番号札を取り20分後くらいに呼ばれました。コロナ対策でドアが開放されており、寒かったです。上着があったほうが良いです。 いちごのパフェとアボカドのサンドイッチを食べました。どちらも美味しかったです。桃のパフェ狙いで行きましたが、7月8月あたりが桃の季節とのこと。その頃また伺います。
When you arrive, you can take the number tag and wait in a car when it is crowded. You can see the order from your mobile phone. I took the number tag and was called about 20 minutes later. The door was open as a measure against corona, and it was cold. You should have a jacket. I ate a strawberry parfait and an avocado sandwich. They were both delicious. I went for a peach parfait, but July and August are the peach season. I will come back around that time.
sama massan on Google

high quality and much healthy,perfect.
Scott Greenwald on Google

Good but expensive for Ibaraki. Didn’t expect to pay Tokyo prices.
marcio shigueo Nakano on Google

Fresh fruits soooo good
kittipob Suphachalasai on Google

A good cafe with a nice and beautiful atmosphere. The desserts are nice with fresh fruits. However, there is a bit more to desire from it as the cakes are a little bit sweet.
Nick Westgate on Google

A little strange to have fruit in every salad, including before the main meal, but the pasta was tasty and the cakes are lovely - if a bit expensive. Note that last orders for food at this store must be in by 7pm!

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