French Omoto - Hiroshima

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact French Omoto

住所 :

6-27 Motomachi, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 730-0011

6-27 Motomachi, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0011, Japan
平本義貴 on Google

I like the female Garson's skill, and she seems to be the type who never forgets the customers who came once.
山口光明 on Google

そごう広島店の中に有りますので、とても便利です。 アレルギーや調理方法など好みを聞いてもらえるので、助かっています。 コースから選ぶのが基本ですが、ある程度のオーダーにも対応してくれます。
As it is in Sogo Hiroshima store, it is very convenient. It is helpful because you can hear the tastes like allergies and cooking methods. Although it is basic to choose from the course, it also corresponds to some orders.
C S on Google

Healthy French. Reasonable and fashionable lunch is very satisfying
村上昌江 on Google

コロナ禍の中での完全予約制であり、従業員の方も少なかったのか、落ち着かない雰囲気だった。 料理は食材を決めていたので美味ではあったが創造性、遊び心は??? 以前のワクワク感がなかった? Frenchは非日常のワクワク感が楽しみのひとつだと思う   残念です。
It was a complete reservation system in the corona disaster, and it was a restless atmosphere, probably because there were few employees. The food was delicious because the ingredients were decided, but the creativity and playfulness were ??? I didn't feel the excitement before ? I think French is one of the pleasures of extraordinary excitement.
Y K on Google

The satisfying taste of the food and the customer service are very impressive.
ののりり on Google

クリスマスランチに行きました。 評判通り美味しくて、少ないスタッフさんの配慮も完璧です。 ランチで予約できます。 席数は少ないです。 お子さんの入場は年齢制限があるので、静かなフレンチが楽しめます。
I went to Christmas lunch. It is delicious according to its reputation, and the consideration of a small number of staff is perfect. You can make a reservation for lunch. The number of seats is small. There is an age limit for children to enter, so you can enjoy quiet French cuisine.
竹中正照 on Google

今日のランチはここでって❗自宅を出る時から考えていて漸く来る事が出来ました?? 料理の出すタイミング、下げるタイミング中々 、絶妙な時間配分で身体を壊している私にはゆったり、まったりの時間を楽しませて頂きました! 又、オーナー奥様との会話も楽しませて頂きありがとうございます?️ 次回、訪れる事を思い巡らせながら??
Today's lunch was here ❗ I was thinking about it from the time I left home and I was able to come gradually ? ? During the time when the food was served and when it was lowered, I was able to entertain me with a relaxing and relaxing time, with my body being broken down with an exquisite time allocation! Also, thank you for enjoying the conversation with the owner's wife ?️ Next time, while thinking about visiting ??
あや on Google

そごうのレストラン街にあるとは思えないほど落ち着いた雰囲気のお店です。複雑ではない味で食べやすいフレンチなので気軽にいただけます。どれもおいしかったです。メインは鶏のポワレにしました。 紅茶もちゃんとおいしくて、砂糖が手作りのきれいな袋に入っていました。上質なサービスでした。また伺います。
It is a shop in a relaxing atmosphere that I can not imagine it is in Sogo restaurant area. It is easy to eat with a taste that is not complicated so feel free to come. Everything was delicious. The main made Poire of chicken. The tea was also tasty and the sugar was in a handmade, clean bag. It was a fine service. I will come again.

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