Food Station Gunma Maebashi - Maebashi

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Food Station Gunma Maebashi

住所 :

674-3 Kamiizumimachi, Maebashi, Gunma 371-0007, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 371-0007
Webサイト :

674-3 Kamiizumimachi, Maebashi, Gunma 371-0007, Japan
村松久美子 on Google

ここは、良く行ってるお店です 実家の父が、辛味大根が、好きなので、他店に売ってない時は、利用しています お彼岸やお盆には、花やおはぎ(ぼたもち)も、購入しています 甘さも、控えめなので、父は喜びます また、野菜なども、新鮮で、安いですね 今日は、お彼岸の、おはぎを購入してきました 辛味大根は、売っていませんでした
This is a shop I often go to My father at home likes spicy radish, so I use it when I don't sell it to other stores. I also buy flowers and botamochi on the equinoctial week and Obon festival. The sweetness is also modest, so my dad is happy Also, vegetables are fresh and cheap. Today, I bought a botamochi on the equinoctial week. Spicy radish was not sold
齋藤明美 on Google

There are many fresh flowers and it is fresh. If you look at the stems and select them, they will last a long time even in hot weather. Most of the vegetables are B grade.
大原淳一 on Google

今日の買い物時1000円を超えた買い物したのですが、通常ここの店は1000円超えるとスタンプを押してくれます。 自分はカードを作って無いので何も言わず精算したのですが精算終わった後カードにスタンプ押していたので新しいのをくれるのかと思ったらそのままレジにしまってしまいました! 普通ならその分のスタンプは発行されないはずなのですが会社の分だか従業員の分でうってしまっているようですね! この人は男だから知らないだろう、子供だから良いだろう位の感覚何でしょうがこれ駄目ですから。 今までそういう風にしてたのであればとても残念ですね。 買い物行くのは控えようかと思います。
I bought more than 1000 yen when I shopped today, but usually the shop here will stamp me if it exceeds 1000 yen. I didn't make a card, so I settled without saying anything, but after the checkout, I stamped the card, so I thought I'd give it a new one, but I just left it at the cash register! Normally, that amount of stamps should not be issued, but it seems that the company's part or the employee's part has been used up! This person doesn't know because he's a man, and it's good because he's a child. It would be very disappointing if I had done that way until now. I think I should refrain from going shopping.
赤尾秀年 on Google

It's fresh and cheap because the producer delivers it directly! ️Recommended is a half-price sale of bento boxes and side dishes from around 5 pm. There are stores all over the prefecture. The bakery will be 100 yen uniform from around 5 o'clock except for some products ?
かにぱん on Google

During the Obon period (August 11th today), the flower shop is crowded with people who purchase cut flowers for visiting graves. I will put more cut flowers than usual, so I don't think there will be any sell-outs. The price of cut flowers is usually around 300-500 yen. If you speak to the cashier, the person in charge of the cut flowers will cut the length right after the cashier. It's convenient because you can also buy offerings and fruit to serve. During the daytime, each cash register is lined up, so it is recommended that you go out with plenty of time.
ᒼᑋan hanpen on Google

A store that sets it apart from supermarkets that sell fruits and vegetables as well as prepared foods. It's okay to have a different taste and lid from Farm Do in the metropolitan area!
チワプーママ on Google

新鮮な野菜やお花、お米などが沢山売っています。 群馬県のお土産にぴったりのお菓子も沢山あります。 私は群馬県民ですが、何時間でもみて回れます? 手作りのお惣菜や、お饅頭なども種類が沢山あって、どれも美味しそうです。
We sell a lot of fresh vegetables, flowers and rice. There are many sweets that are perfect as souvenirs from Gunma prefecture. I'm a Gunma citizen, but I can see it for hours ? There are many types of handmade side dishes and steamed buns, all of which look delicious.
mi gu on Google

There are a lot of fresh local vegetables and it is very cheap.

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