Flowergarden Izumi - Maebashi

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Flowergarden Izumi

住所 :

165-4 Imaimachi, Maebashi, Gunma 379-2116, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87887
Postal code : 379-2116
Webサイト : http://www.fg-izumi.com/

165-4 Imaimachi, Maebashi, Gunma 379-2116, Japan
Na Na on Google

値段的には安くはないですが、品揃えや見せ方など飽きない工夫がされてる感じがあり 見てて飽きない。 定期的にこれから利用すると思います!
It's not cheap in terms of price, but there is a feeling that the product lineup and how to show it have been devised so that you won't get tired of it. I never get tired of watching it. I think I will use it regularly!
大森喜和 on Google

Anyway, it's a large flower shop. Put in half a day! I bought a very fashionable pot cover. It is 13200 yen including tax.
小雪花 on Google

遠いのであまり行けませんが、多肉好きにはたまりません! 今回は花苗目当てで行きました。満足に買い物ができました。 1つ欲しかったものが見当たらずスタッフさんに聞いてみると、すでに売り切れでした。ですが、今後入荷する苗の事を聞いてもいないのに教えてくれて嬉しかったです(^o^)/ だいぶ長い時間居ましたが飽きませんでした。
I can't go much because it's far away, but it's irresistible for succulent lovers! This time I went for flower seedlings. I was satisfied with my shopping. I couldn't find the one I wanted, and when I asked the staff, it was already sold out. However, I was happy to tell you about the seedlings that will arrive in the future (^ o ^) / I've been there for a long time, but I never got tired of it.
まゆりん on Google

花苗、果樹苗はもちろん、多肉植物の品揃えもなかなかです。 また、安めのプラ鉢があり、買ったミニ多肉苗をお揃いの鉢に植え替えて並べるとオシャレな自分だけの多肉コーナーが作れます。
Not only flower seedlings and fruit tree seedlings, but also succulent plants are quite available. In addition, there are cheap plastic pots, and you can create your own stylish succulent corner by replanting the mini succulent seedlings you bought in matching pots and arranging them.
Meg. N on Google

広い売り場で、品揃えバッチリ。 しっかり管理された良い苗が置いてある。 ホームセンター等と比較すると値段は高いが、それでも質を考えれば妥当。
With a large sales floor, the product lineup is perfect. There are good seedlings that are well managed. The price is high compared to home improvement stores, but it is still reasonable considering the quality.
ケーイチロー on Google

I just passed by as usual, but I stopped by for the first time. There were many plants and the site was larger than I expected, so I didn't have enough time to see all of them. The greetings and customer service of the clerk were also wonderful! I will come back slowly again.
梅澤知治 on Google

母の日のプレゼントを購入する目的で立ち寄り紫陽花他購入。 有料ですがラッピングも丁寧にして貰えました。 花から庭木まで種類豊富なので眺めるだけでも楽しめると思います。
Stop by to buy gifts for Mother's Day and buy hydrangeas and others. There is a charge, but the wrapping was also polite. There is a wide variety of flowers and garden trees, so you can enjoy it just by looking at it.
すずきともこ on Google

品数が豊富で新しい品種などもLINEで情報が入るので良く伺います。 ポイント2倍デイはお得です。 1ポットのお値段が高めですが、サイズが大きいのと苗が丈夫で長持ちします。 店員さんは知識が豊富で分かりやすく説明して下さるので色々有難いです。 日本蜜蜂を飼育しているので蜂が好んでとまる花を選んでいます。
I often ask about new varieties, etc., as they are available on LINE. Double points day is a great deal. The price of one pot is high, but the large size makes the seedlings durable and long-lasting. The clerk is very knowledgeable and will explain in an easy-to-understand manner, so I am grateful for everything. Since I am breeding Japanese honeybees, I choose the flowers that bees like to stop.

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