Flora - Shizuoka

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Flora

住所 :

洋菓子&パンフローラー 1 Chome-14-13 Heiwa, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, 420-0876, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 420-0876

洋菓子&パンフローラー 1 Chome-14-13 Heiwa, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, 420-0876, Japan
天空もみむ on Google

Even though it is a bakery that feels nostalgic, the taste is new ✨
y on Google

Sold out excuse me! Bread of bread is excellent. In the morning, it was late baking ... It was fluffy and 離 also for baby food.
岩崎裕子 on Google

Do you know? The neighborhood bakery is more delicious than the famous bakery. It's cheap, kind and nostalgic ... I'm sorry that there is no parking. If you see this, please go. I am sorry that there is no picture of bread, but it is not a traditional type of bread but a traditional bakery instead of a type of bread at this time, and after 3 days the taste and fluffy feeling of bread do not change and fresh cream and side dishes The bread is also delicious. The place is next to Shizuoka City Imiya Elementary School. There is no parking lot on Thursday, so there is no parking but parking is on the street. I really want you to go once. I recommend visiting after 11 o'clock.
狩野萌瑠 on Google

懐かしい雰囲気の店内には、おいしそうなパンや洋菓子がいっぱいで、目移りします。ラムレーズン入りバタークリーム?が挟まったパンが、菓子パン以上洋菓子未満みたいな感じでおいしかったです。ピーナッツクリームのパン(かすかに塩気があっておいしい)もですが、端までクリームがきっちり塗られていて嬉しい。 ケーキと食パンも食べてみたいので、また行きます。
The nostalgic atmosphere of the store is full of delicious bread and pastry, and you can't miss it. Butter cream with rum raisins? The bread sandwiched between them was delicious, as if it was more than sweet bread and less than Western confectionery. Peanut cream bread (slightly salty and delicious) is also good, but I'm glad that the cream is applied to the edges. I want to eat cake and bread, so I will go there again.
小林初江 on Google

Cakes and bread that have been around since the 1955's. The best chocolate cake. I go to buy it regularly.
ゴリマッチョ on Google

数々の有名食パンを食べてきましたが、フローラさんの食パンを是非食べてみて欲しい。 一番うまい! おすすめします。
I've eaten a lot of famous bread, but I definitely want you to try Flora's bread. The best! I recommend it.
岩本靖史 on Google

私はここのサバランが大好きです。サバランというケーキは、好きなケーキと苦手なケーキ、それぞれのランキングに入ると言われるほど個性的なケーキだそうです。口に入れて噛んだときに、ブシュッとする食感がクセになっています。 素朴なケーキとパンを作られているお店は貴重です。 まだ食べたことがないケーキやパンもあるため、星4つとしました。また伺います!
I love Savarin here. Savarin cake is said to be a unique cake that is said to be in the ranking of both favorite cakes and weak cakes. When you put it in your mouth and chew it, it has a crunchy texture. Shops that make rustic cakes and bread are valuable. There are some cakes and breads I haven't eaten yet, so I gave it 4 stars. I will visit you again!
静岡ちゃばたけ on Google

あまり早い時間に行くと商品も全然なく、開いてるのかしまってるのかよくわかりません。お昼前に行ったらパンがたくさん並んでいました。 食パンがふわふわでとても美味しいです。二歳前の子供も好きで良くそのまま食べています。 先日初めてイチゴのティラミスを買ってみたら、見た目も可愛いし味も美味しかったです。ただ、容器の上があいているタイプのデザートを紙袋にそのまま入っていて、知らずに自転車で持ち帰ったため見てびっくりしました。 値段は安くはないかなと思いますが、食パンはコスパが良いと感じます。
If you go too early, there will be no products at all, and I'm not sure if it's open or closed. When I went there before noon, there were a lot of breads lined up. The bread is fluffy and very delicious. I also like children two years old and often eat them as they are. When I bought the strawberry tiramisu for the first time the other day, it looked cute and tasted good. However, I was surprised to see that the dessert of the type that the top of the container was open was put in the paper bag as it was and I took it home by bicycle without knowing it. I don't think the price is cheap, but I feel that cospa is good for bread.

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