patisserie un peu de(パティスリー アン プー ドゥ)

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact patisserie un peu de(パティスリー アン プー ドゥ)

住所 :

Kamiashiarai, Aoi Ward, 〒420-0841 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト :
街 : Shizuoka

Kamiashiarai, Aoi Ward, 〒420-0841 Shizuoka,Japan
asakoko _premium.b on Google

まちぽスタンプラリーに参加されていたお店でその存在を知り、初めてお伺いしました! ショーケースには丁寧に作られたのが解る可愛いケーキ達♪ 派手さはないけれど素朴で優しいお味がして、美味しく頂きました。 お店の場所も住宅街のアパートの1階にあり、地域に密着したケーキ屋さんという感じで好感が持てました!
I learned about its existence at the shop that participated in the Machipo Stamp Rally and visited it for the first time! Cute cakes that you can see that they were carefully made in the showcase ♪ It wasn't flashy, but it tasted simple and gentle, and it was delicious. The location of the shop is also on the first floor of the apartment in the residential area, and I liked it as a cake shop closely related to the area!
g Swag on Google

Sweetness modest, small, small type, small feeling. I was expecting a good evaluation, but it was disappointing that the peach short cake lost the taste of the fruit to the cream and the taste of the peach was light. Although it is a fine thing, it is hard to know where the film cut attached to the cake is, and when I eat it and eat it, it is beautiful. I thought it would be easier to use cashless.
北嶋豊 on Google

住宅街にあり街道筋ではないので、分かりにくい場所です。 ケーキは少し小さめですが、今時食べ過ぎなくて良いかも。 焼きチーズのを食べてみましたが、ラズベリー?が添えてあって、甘すぎず砂糖入りのコーヒーと良く合いました。 店名がフランス語で「少しばかりの」って意味らしいですが、女性パティシエが一人で切り盛りして、品数も絞ってって事のようです。 控え目な初心を忘れないで続けて下さい。 味の評価が☆☆☆☆★としたいのですが、店内の清潔さ、対応を含めて☆☆☆☆☆とします。 追記します。 先週とは別の友人にも好評でした。 味の評価が☆☆☆☆☆でも良いのですが、 更なる精進を期待して☆☆☆☆★で(笑) ではまた\(^-^)/
Since it is in a residential area and not on the road, it is a difficult place to understand. The cake is a bit small, but maybe you don't overeat this time. I tried to eat grilled cheese, raspberry? Was added, and it goes well with coffee with sugar, not too sweet. The name of the restaurant in French seems to mean "a little", but it seems that the female pastry chef cuts the number of items by himself. Don't forget your humble beginnings and continue. I would like to evaluate the taste as ☆☆☆☆★, but I will give it ☆☆☆☆☆, including the cleanliness of the store and how it is handled. Append. It was well received by a friend other than last week. The taste can be evaluated as ☆☆☆☆☆, but In anticipation of further devotion ☆☆☆☆★ (laughs) See you \(^-^)/
なるなる on Google

Owner, thank you for your reply. It's not the exaggeration, it's definitely the best cake I've ever eaten. I can't say it well, but I thought that what people made so hard was so delicious. You can see the owner working hard early in the morning. I will definitely go shopping again. ️
博俊北條 on Google

On my way to another cake shop, I happened to pass by and came back. I bought a strawberry square cake for my wife's birthday! The cream is not too sweet, it is just right, the sponge is also moist in three layers and the delicious taste is also the original sweetness. Patissier was also friendly and bright, so I was very fond of it.
ちっち(じゃがりこ) on Google

娘の誕生日ケーキはここでお願いしています。 苦手なものやデザインのイメージを伝えると、思っていた以上の物が出来上がるのでいつも楽しみにしています!
I'm asking for my daughter's birthday cake here. I'm always looking forward to telling you what I'm not good at and the image of the design, because it will produce more than I expected!
Chihiro .N on Google

商品の味はさておき、店員さんが少し冷たく感じます。 お土産用にプリンを多数買いましたが、スプーンが入っているか心配になり、箱を開けたら入っておらず。 確認とかしないのかな〜と思いながらお店に戻ったら『有料になりますが』としか言わず。 以前にも利用させていただきましたが、ケーキなど美味しいですが、店員さんの対応が残念でまた行きたい!と心から思えなかったです。
Aside from the taste of the product, the clerk feels a little cold. I bought a lot of pudding for souvenirs, but I was worried if there was a spoon in it, so when I opened the box, it wasn't. When I returned to the store thinking that I wouldn't confirm it, I just said, "There will be a charge." I've used it before, but the cakes are delicious, but the clerk's response is disappointing and I want to go again! I didn't really think.
tempo I on Google

I have a cake here for my birthday. I'm already an adult, so I'm at peace cake. You can still choose around noon. I like it because of its gentle taste. The clerk is also kind and pleasant.

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