Fiorita - Niigata

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fiorita

住所 :

千歳ビル 2F 7 Bancho-876 Nishiboridori, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 951-8061, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 951-8061
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM

千歳ビル 2F 7 Bancho-876 Nishiboridori, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 951-8061, Japan
なかみ on Google

Is delicious! In addition, the plates are quite stylish. I was looking forward to dessert, but I came to want to see a pretty astringent moss garden, and it was an anniversary, so I was sorry to say `` Shibu ~ '' I liked it
J A on Google

The lunch course was very delicious! Worth the price!
高村朗 on Google

料理も雰囲気も最高でした! ご夫婦(下調べもしていません…)もいい人達でした。またぜひ伺いたい&オススメしたいお店です!!
The food and atmosphere were great! The couple (I haven't even done a homework...) were good people. In addition, it is a shop that I would like to visit and recommend! !!
VIII December on Google

This time it was for lunch. At regular Fiorita lunch, you can choose from 3 types of appetizers and pasta, and you can choose hot or cold drinks, tea or coffee. It also comes with 2 types of bread, which makes it delicious and refills.
yumeyume kyaraneco on Google

目立たないビルの二階にあるイタリア??です。 新潟の野菜をふんだんに使ったサラダはボリューム満点。 カプレーゼは、ミニトマトもあまく、チーズも濃厚で美味。そしてなによりもオリーブオイルをとても質の良いものを使っておられ、香り高い一品。牛肉とルッコラのサラダには、桃が添えられており、ルッコラの苦味との相性も抜群。 パスタは、イカと甘唐辛子のオイルパスタを注文。こちらは、イカのワタの入ったソースが独特の香り。 ペンネアラビアータは、基本に忠実な美味しさ。 思い出卵という新潟のブランド卵を使ったカルボナーラは、濃厚。胡椒がよく効いていた美味しい一品でした。 デザートはメロンソーダのパンナコッタという変わり種。意表を突いた味に驚き 楽しめました。 五人で、ビール、ワインボトル一本を入れて 一人6000円弱。 美味しかったです。
It is an Italian rose on the second floor of a low profile building. The salad which used vegetables of Niigata abundantly is a heart perfect score. Caprese is also full of cherry tomatoes, cheese is also rich and delicious. And above all, olive oil is used with very good quality, and it is a fragrant item. The beef and arugula salad are accompanied by peaches, and they have excellent compatibility with arugula's bitter taste. Pasta ordered oil pasta with squid and sweet pepper. Here is the unique smell of the source of squid cotton. Penne Arabiata is delicious, true to the basics. Carbonara that uses Niigata brand eggs called “memory eggs” is rich. It was a delicious dish that pepper served well. The dessert is a strange kind of panna cotta of melon soda. I am surprised at the taste that struck the mind I enjoyed it. Five people, put a bottle of beer and wine Less than 6000 yen per person. It was delicious.
Takayoshi Hoshi on Google

結論からいうと食事の質や量、スタッフもとてもよい。お勧めです。 これらの野菜を選び、さばき、盛り付け、味付けするまでには、 どれほどの時間を費やし、試行錯誤を繰り返してきたのだろう・・・。 そのようにして、妄想を膨らませて食すると、スタッフすべての人々に対する感謝でした。 恵まれた日本に住んでいるのですから、値段を気にしない食事をたまにはして、新潟の食文化を皆で上げて欲しいと思ういます。
In conclusion, the quality and quantity of food and the staff are very good. It is recommended. By the time you choose, judge, serve, and season these vegetables, I wonder how much time I have spent and repeated trial and error. In that way, when I inflated my delusions and ate, I was grateful to all the staff. Since I live in blessed Japan, I would like everyone to improve the food culture of Niigata by occasionally eating meals that do not care about prices.
Sarah Smallwood on Google

wait complaint quick
tria cielo on Google

One of the best restaurant in Niigata city. The food was fantastic

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